is iocated a: ou6Z7'Eevernhstreet, Wilmette, will play Saturday in the children's .retical serieu at the Lyon and Healy recital Chicago. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUV4CEP Mr.ý and Mrs. Michael Becker of 2031 Lake avenue, announce the en- gagement of. their daughter,. Clara Barbara, to Marten L. Walton, son of -Mr.and. Mrs.. M arten Walton of Chicago. No date' bas been set: for the wedding., DEMONSTRATIE APPLIANCE Dr. Scholl's Foot Comfort Appliance will be demonstrated, by an. expert at Taylor's store, .1125 Central, avenue, Tuesday, May S. Demonstratioôns, will be given between 8:30 and 3 oclock thaàt day. ewi Masonic teti by the Ordi Mis. Albert avenue. ilaii honeDyý way oxl WEEK-END VISITORS Mrs. Carl Widney, and ber son, Carl Jr., spent the Week-end of April 18' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Scheidenbelm, .804 Forest avenue, while driving to N4ew York wbere they wll make their home. Mr. and Misé. Widniey dtheir .son left Wilmnette several. years. ago to live In New York, then, twoyears ago, Mr. Widney's business took them to Detroit. Mr. Widney left from there for New York. immediate- ly, but Mrs.' Widney and Carl, Jr., came to Wilmette for a brief visit before going east. Mr. a& Mms Willim B. Mont- Post Commander Carl A. Peterson hbas distributed blanks for the contest to the sons of legionnaires who are to compete, while the principals of çom-, munity. elcmentiry schools are giving their support by assisting in the prep- aration of the credentials of candi- dates. Cook County Commander :Sidney Holtzman of the Legion, with Colonel Harry; D. Abeils, Superintendent of Morgan Parke, have organized the project and -both the Amnerican L'égion and the academy. are giving, it- sup-ý port. Stat e Commander J. B. Murphy bas, placed bis stamp of approval, on the comPetition' which will offer un- usual opportunities to these two otnt- standing Cook county boys. AIvad GienTWO The Academy 'bas alre.ady- awarded two ,scholarships, to sons ,of. legiosn- naires. luI 1934. the honor -was won by Cadet John Breidenbach of Lans- ing Illinois, wbile in 1935 the scholar- ship was won by Cadet Robert Wil- .son, whos.e father is a memnber of the Beverly His post. This year the territory covered by the scolarship was increased to cover the wbole Cook county area, and an added award was made. The scbolar- ships include room, board, and tuition. which is equivalent to cover $925 a year. A certain amount of "cadet service'!' is expected of each winner, abtuIvTUce form. W tice' Stat. C.Onditions Conditions of the competition, Ili which many boys of the north shore. may participate include the foIlowing:, 1. Son of an Amnerican Leglon niem- boer- lu good standing. 2. A 1936 graduate ot elther a public or private elementury sehool eigbth grade. 3. Application foradmission witt) full vredentiais on file by May. 9. 4. Mental examination at *Morgan n. ..xta ... - 3. . k. .lit PORTLAND CENENT ASSOCIATION recovering vere case retutn to Shortly. bry from a se- and hopes to at St. Françis Patuoydze Our snMdmes. k CaPsa lu Imm e idE. À