re: Bill Normoyle w~ Potter, 21-16, 17.2l, 21- GIRDLIES $2.50Oup BRASSIERES ' as loir as $1.0, . CORSE-IERES $500 and up Made to Order ' $19.0and up ** Our sucesfu coret h.pfor tr e e ueva-f dioua muet b. the. resuit of umost confidence i what we seil. You ma" have theame confidence ina what jeu buy e v a hep. Le fFalt Corsais Sylvia Newman MS North Michaiga Avenu. Chicago Est. 18« TeL D.L 1394 Celebrate Music Week ini Your Home with'a National Music Week MAY Znd to 9thi * reshman, Bill Joyce win froni Bill Coale, 18-21, 21-19, 21-14. In the inter-class stries, includitig aIl class champions and runners-up, Dan Kreer won from Abbott Nelson, 21-17, 21-12, for the school champion- shipi. là-a previous tournamnent, Nel- son defeated Kreer for junior class champiçýonship 21-18, 20-22j, 21-19,9 17- 21L 21-18. Doubles: DIanKreer and Alan Got- tlei'b defeated Wayne Cochran, and' Bob Clark in the finals, 21-9, 22-ý24, 21-18, 21-12. Opening, of the outdoor intra- mural. programn at the school, this week, saw .34, playground bail teamsà .entered for, competition in four leagues to determine class champion- ships and runners up. Ten teams will play every, afternoon, weatber, per- mitting, for the next, four weeks. Almost haîf the boys in the scbool wiil compete in playground ball, it 'was esimated.~ In the tennis singles, 102 boys have entered, with 60 in the doubles, 33 in horseshoe singles, and 14 in doubles, as well as 55 in intra-mural golf. These boys are in addition to those who have entered in varsity and freshman-sophomore baseball, spring football, tennis, and' golf competition. HONDRED AT U. 0V I. Miss Grace Ellis., datighter of Mr. ti *University of Illinoi§.' Miss iillis was ni Evanston with bier family, during her vacation f rom the.univ-. versity. Mr. andý Mrs. Hlorace E. 'Pritschlel and Marie and 'Hef,'619 Central ave-, -nue, returned Suniday f rom- a week's T'visit to Detroit. Demnie Photo An imhitaftion teo visit Field Mar-, shaih Viscount Ldtmmid Allenby of *Megioik, 4se British war lime mili- fary leader zeho ccptured Jertisa hem, Was rece:ved titis week by Donald Prisbie, (aboie) mnember of the fac- ulty of the social science de partment of New Trier High school who nil condutct a tour of Europe this jurn- nier zvith a swiall .qroup of studentis. Thé tc which will incl ude many, of spots of western Europe il ont week later, f rom* where, they wil set out by rail, water, and m totor, through tbe Trossachs and the English lake and Shakespeare countries. After a few days in London, the party will pro- ceed to Paris, and from there to Lu- cerne. Other cities to be vis nich, Nuremnberg, Maij Berlin, visiting the-Ok! d include Mu- .Cobleiiz, and ics at the lat- ig, and ineet- year in atnietïs, received aWards iast week, at an honor assembly, by the Girls' Athletic association. Senior girls winning nunierals for the first titue included: Clogging: Jerrine Froinui, jean Gordon, and Helen Lindstrom; swim- mûing: Rose'Annoreno. junior girls winning numùerals for the first time were. Clogging: Mary Frances. Badger, Louise Coptborne, Betty Dodds, Dor- .thy Georger, Meta Heltz, Pauline Jeromne. Marjorie M.cMVillanl,. Nancy Nigleson, Annette Williamis;,riflery: Eleanor Lewis, Nancy, Pickar.d, Phyl-ý lis Sheriffs. Doris -Thonîpson, Nir- ginia Yerkes. Sophomore girls winning nurnerals were: Riflery: Jane Bignell, Audrey Bradford, Ruth Clark, Eleanor HobI-, felder, Patricia. McElroy, Mary Vogel, Alice White;i swimmingý: Lucy Huck, Margaret ,Boozer, Virginia 'Summers, Marion Goode. Freshman girls winning numerals: Riflery: Nancy Bercaw, Janet Hill, Mary Macalister, Nancy O'Hara, Fiora Pagliarulo, Lois Peterson, Ann .Coulter; swimming: Ann Haerne, Frances Bickham, Jean Levy, Jannan -Fleming, Ruth Scheikel; basketball: Adelaide Koenen. Girls who received the "300 point" awards were: Helen Lindstrom, Jer- rine Fronun, Shirley McCoy, Ruth Hipp, seniors; Mary Barrett, Bar- bara flonhajo, Nancy Brown, Betty Dodds, Joan Halliwell, Judith Hayes, Eleanor Lewis, Jeanne MacDonald, Betty McDermott, Ann Mgsson, Peg Stein, Priscilia Pallock, juiniors-, Alice jean IJeinson, Lucy Huck, Muriel Janichi, Carolyn Nelson, Pauline. Shank, Patsy, Walsh, Vir-ý giniïa Nickel, Barbara Huntsmaii, sophomores. Officiali awards, for work 'Ini ref- ereeing games,. Jean Gordon,D ette Ormsbee. nt to Joani Brown, Lcy Moultoni Bab-, leen Russell, and as "500 TO' VISIT SCHOOL C. Scott Porter,' dean of Amherst college, will visit' Néw Trier High school on 'Tuesday, May 12, it wis announced this week. Glover and Roberts. The latter, whio bas caught in ail three games, has been on base' more times than any other New Trier man. His batting average is .333. New Trier willplay Evanston'and Mforion this week. 1 qm3