Getman, a junior. Purposes of tbe test, according to ______________Mr. Griinell, wvas to arouse interest ini traffic safety Sproblems. to test I actual kliowlelgc,, to disc'wver .the particular phases of safe driving in vwhch tiiere is fthe greatest - igilor-. I ance,' to provi(IC discussion mater- il, to 'encourage Sstudy 1W students. In Ailclasses x.1- Grinnel 'except frcshmnen, it as founid, tie boys ktnow more tiot safe -driviing than the girls. and the seinior Iios scored tlhe' hig!hcs Mark s. StaTitf~sby classe,,: ~ciiir Boy ...74.2> Junior Boy7s.... 6e.4 SoI)hotiore Boys ......9 $.qilr Gils .66.7 .JufflirGils ..6 FreshiînailGirls . 58 *6 1-rt-shim:n Boyýs . 56.6 Rene Lavenant Again Headls Art Leaguers *RieLavenant of Evanston was re- clected, President of the North Shore A\rt league at the animualimeetingl held last Friday night at Commnunity, flouse in WVinncitka. *Other officers re-elected at the sanie tiie- are: Grace P. Brion, first vice-president; Dludley Crafts Wat- son, second vice-president; Nancy *Cocinsmiaii Hahn. recording secre- tary; Charlotte W. Becker, cor- respiîîltg secretary,, and Leola Spafford, tr.easurer. * Those elected to the board of di- reitors for -the. coming year iincludeý: .\.ax> Gumdlach, H-azel Crow. Ewell. Howard Taylor. Mrs. P- J. Kinder. Eliz.abeth Engeihard,, Mrs. Perry Crawford. and C. F. Pearce. Illinois Country Club by Western Union messenqers s cierw.oged '~~by the. WILMETTE DRESS SHOP. An, attractive collection of dresse$ for MOTHER'S DAY GIFTS hasbeen ass.mbled and. a varety of fabrics aod sykigs are, shown. AFTERNOÔN DRESSES STREET DRESE GARDEN DRESSES SPORTS DRESSES HOUSE DRESSES THE FAMO US "DORI$A GORDON" WASHABLE COTTONS 'FEATURED EXCLUSIVELY UN. OUR. STORES. Sheer,-Chiffon Prints Carlos Photo 11oward S. Datidsot, 1605 High- l.daveime, Wiimet1e, wuiI >bc One of thue , speakers, in the vocational guidance series of conferences at New Trier High school ditring the comingl fezc weeks. Mr'f. Davidsouu is- aù idverlîsîng executive. Bolton, Showley Named Sports Assn. Officiais MIlss Iris Bolton, head of the girls' physical education' deparMtiunt at at St. Louis, Mo..- At the convention, DeForest Show- ley presented a paper on "An Intra- mural Program for a High School." Mr. Showley is a member of the b),oys' physical education department, and wvas elected chairman of the men's athletic section of the Mid- west Physical Education association, succeeding T. Nelson Metcalf, ath- Ietic director of the University of $398and $6.98 Fr.ench Crepefrcks Coftonsi. Unens, for affernoon and stee e Chambroys, Novettes Sillks, BmeI.rgs, and Acetes $3.98 and $6.98 $1.98, $2.98& $3.98, TheWlmette Dress, Shop WlmettTheatre DulIdnq rw iwodframe, 1120 Central Avenue BABY WIIK SPICIALS ivory finish. witti spring. SpeciaIIy price<i. a throat ailment. He is n 15 q - maan year at New Trier. -- Mrs. Beatrice Harding Arcus, 726 Wahington avenue, entertained ten guests for dinner at the Monte Carlo party at Shawnee:CoufltrY club Satur- day. ITHE RIDGE VIE W Maple Ave. at Main St. EVANSTON Phne WiInette 724--