The North Shore Chamber Muisic associationi wilî conclude its 1935-36 season of concerts at tbe Kenilworth Assembly hall at 4. o'clock Sundav afternoon, when it presents. three famous cham- ber music artists in a joint. recital for flute, harp and cello. Georges Barrère, the flutist, Carlos .Salzedo, the, harpist, and Horace Britt, cellist, are expected to bring the current series to a, brilliant close, so outstanding are they-in music circles both i this, country and abroad. These istinguishied artists are being presented- by an association Whicb, in.the thiren er since itsorganizaioôn, has-rendered real service to the cause of- chamber music. This year the success of the undertaking can be attributed to a group ofsponsors hae yMs C. E. jG. Tuthill of, Evanston. the p reeident, an d Mrs.. Walter Marx of 7î Kenilworth, the treasurer. Anexecutive committee also.directs the association, the membership .of which is as follo*s: Mrs. Tuthill and Mrs. Philomon Kohlsaat of Evanston, Mrs.Frnau Akely of Wihnetteî Mrs. Perey1 Eckhart, of Ken ilworth. Mrs. Albert 0. OIson of 'Glencoe, and froin Winnétka Mrs. 'Benjamin F. Affleck, Mrs. Homer E. Cotton, Mr. and Mrs. David Dushkin. Mrs. M. P. Gaffney, Mrs. Evelyn LaSalle and Mrs. Hilde- gard, Marsh. The Sunday concert will be the onlly appearance of the Barrère-Saizedo- Britt trio in Chicago and vicinity this seasoi.- The uniusual combination of instru- ments gives opportunitrv for a unique, style of prograni including solo nium- bers as well as chamber miusic works rarely Iheard, ranlging froni the class- ics of the seventeenth and eighteetith centuries to modern composi tions written for and dedicated to Barrère - Salzedo-Britt. Their program is to be as follows: PIECES B M%~CERT .JëoJea-PlliUppe Rameau, La PaMtomin ?e-La Tfmùde-L' 1,idis- ci,ète-La CupM-Taimboîtrifl8 ADAGIO and. AbLEORO, feont SONATA NO. 6 In A MAJOR. ,Lii. Booohterfni À ile7ro Sosteuto H Horaee Brit <'rIoq Saiazedo of the harp rf~ Q ~ I SaÎnt-Saen5, wrie thaviy Ai rIcliLU8 wfl*fl 4tu the first Chiçago performnance of the C major concerto of Schostakowitsch, with Bertha, Ostrar as slit Also participating are:* Raymond Hanson, Miriai Eollodor. Herbert Horn, Lucillo Schorsch, Luella Kramor,. and Magdalon.Mass- ffann. North Shore Art léagile opened at Communit-y }jouse to league members last Friday evening, and was introchiced to the public. at a tea and recep- tion Sunday afternoon. For the first tinie the huizes. Mrs. Fel x Boldeniweck,,, and Margaret Terfoot,' awarded cash. prizes to the win ner s. By means"of a revolving fund, and gifts froni f riends and. patrons,, the league hopes* to continue thîs pract-ce. Prizes for the -curre..nt, exhibition and for the annual *spring show, which' will take place May 8 to 22, amount to several .~, ~ linndred dollars. i~ ~ This vear the awards to students in the junior classes taught 1w Edna May.johansen, Hope Degenhardt and Nancy Coonsman Hahn wereî the giftof George, C. Getgood. The jun- ors who took prizes, were:: Beatrice Cahn for a mural of Red Riding T-ood. -Marilyn Tuteur for an oul painting of a breakfast table..Edward Smith for a crayon study of a dog. Glavlord Shaw for a figure, of a girl f i a green sweater, Patsv Pettibone for a mural of a> Gypsy caravan, Vir- cnaKemp for a crayon studv of a duck. Marge Gordon and T'riscd1h %J Evans for pieces of sculpture, Joan .-\ndrews for a crayon study of a Scotty, and Nancy Alden for a crayon study of an Easter rabbit. Honorable mention in 'the junior c-rottp was given to Gloria Cairol, David Hale. Peggy Hart, Jane Yust. Billv Mi\asters, Betty Beck, Jerry Ketchani. Diantha Cahn, George- P'isenbrand. Arthur Eisenhrand, and NIancy Alden. In -Nancv Coonsmnan 1-ahn's ad- Bettv Jane Browning, recent wininer of a scholarship to Rockford college for her art W'ork at New Trier High school, took seodPrize for a study entitled "Grandmother." Third prizes were awarded toMrs. Edward Kop- peèr and Mrs. ]Russell C. Lewis. First' prizes for work <lone. inithe various painting* classes taught by Frankl Dillon, ýAllen E. Philbrick, Sy- belle Vennema. and Frances Bowman wlent to Eleanor Ketchani for an oit portrait of a man, and Denison B. H l li for 2an il nnrtrziit of a v ounizl <~O2I vO7'tO will lie of înterest to Amierica, ai and Unique collections, has ga places ini see. ýrt which ler& her rare Thev together the ýi >is Federation of Msic clubs, )se of the' north shore, will cel sic Week Friday afternoon al rs. F. P. Whitmore of Kenilwi district chairman. exan at