The superb showing of the North Shore Art league classes, as re- ported elsewhere in this issue, bas created à cali for summer classes. ,The league will provide these, as de- mand develops. So far, it is certain that there will -be a summer sculpture, çlass two mornings 'a *ieek under Nancy Coonsman, Hahn. The morn- ing will be chosen later, in relation to the' other classes. Reservations, may, ).e. made wi th* the Commnunity House ýdesk. Trhe classes will begin after the close of school and,.will be* open to ail ages, both' beginner.s and ad-, vanced. The final prograni of, the le'ague will be- Friday, May 8, when the ýan-. nual dinner will be held and the awards of prizes for the spr ing salon ii l be announiced. Many.friends of art have making a fund for prizes available., Reservations for members and friends- mav be made at Community' 1-{ousë. The dinner *111' be at 7 o'clock. and a prograni of music and dancing bas been arranged. Mrs., Case to -Speak on. Indian Art, Muasic at Alum,*ae Meeting1 Election of officers and a talk on '.itdiani Art and Music of the South- w 'e.t- by Josephine Altmuan Case of, Evaiiston (Mrs. Leland Case'> will ('oinrise the nroram for the inonth- the sanie proportion of varsilty and freshiman players. The gaine will be a regulation affair ini every respect, Big Ten officiais Will be in charge., A number -of fresbman plavers wlio as sophoniores 1nex .ttfa-il will bè cald upon to fil Positions left va- catit lw graduation~ will play in Satur- dav's game. Four,.freshman will be. in the start- iug lineup.of the White, teamn. Tbey are Fred Flato, halfback of' Corpus Christie, Tex.;- ýDick Wels, -guar(l and Bob Voîghts, tackle, of Evans-i toni, and. .CIeo Diehi, end, of East Chicago, Imd. Among the new men oôn the .Puirple teani who wil see action are jack Majors, haîf'back of Oak Park: Ber- iard, Jefferson, halfback of, Grand Rapids,' Mich.; Iggy Mesec,fubak of 'Vaukegan, and Tom Eby, end, of Evanston. Don Geyer and Steve 'Toth w'ho played biocking quarter on last year's tearn, haveý been slifted to full back this spring and wilI be rivais ini Satur- day's game. Don Heap, star bail carrier last faîl, ivill play Ieft haîf for the WVhites wbile Ollie Adelnian, flect-footed back, ivill be at left half for' the Purple eleven. OPEN NEW QLJARTERS Envart, Van Camp & Feul, Ic., ini- Nvestment deaers and brokers in stocks and bonds, announce the formai open- ing on Wednesd.av. Anril 29. fnf w Mother's Day Mey 1IOth A BERNiE .Photl6creph, The gCift thaf only you :Cen >give. TURF E SILVERTONOS Sp.clal Rate$ on Ail Pboftprophi DERaNIE STUDIOô 1623 Sherman Ave.,' Evonston UNIversify 8998 SE~COND ANNUAL -- 1 ----- .- - u heenrire i<aSalle street front- *Chlicago Saturclav. at 12 :45 at Man- lage of the thirteetnth floor. The firrn de\tea-roonis. Mrs. 0. E. Burns *s a weîl balanced organization, hav- is presi(ient of the club. a a large. trading, business, band- Juliet DowNing. is chairmaln of the Jing ail classes ofoe-the-counter uoniin.Ca atinformmit ee. . yar securities, and aso a comprehensive Mrs Cae hs fr sverl yirsinvestment department deali#g iin been a student of the Pueblo Indiail higi-grade bonds, and stocks., The art,, and crafts and attended the Col-« firm lso.'specializes in bn stocks lege, of Indiani Wisdom ini Santa Fëc. ad tax warrants.: 'N. M N. She is higblv recommiendecl Thie officers of the organization, al bv hv rnest Thonipson Seton for ber of whomn have had many yearsp of unîderstancling and appreciation of lxeinei h akn n rkr Iiidian art and music. She gives ber aeieldsc. arte a nking : Canroer- Antiques,,... Exhibit .and ýSale' relics qji bt. JuGe public veneration. mollies oni May 12 of the Rev. Vinci rector of the Sh: *cent appointnient, t R. e. L ither ig cere- charge superior of Dominican missionaries nel'l, di- and is known throughout the couti- bis re- try as a noted Dominican orat.or and nell, was outstanding preacher. Evanston Spo.vsoed by the Chicago Rochierd Colleg. Club