Warner said shle wou Id. .prprii *As casually as this bad the Mason -andri Warners planuned to, leave in April sra *their cbarmfing borne at '154 Church sorile road, Winnetka, and set forth on afo e four-months' tour of the South Sea Islands. Extensive Travelers And welfl may it be casual. tbis trip,, for Mr. Warner bas been abroad *17 times., and Mrs.. Warnier.. tbe for- mer Madelaine Dallas of Shanghai. has spent 11l years in Chin a, a year in Honolulu, and several. vacations ini the Philippines. Mr. Warnier plans to travel in foreign .countries every ~'__ Hie advertising agency lie b carge of theý capable man- agement of hiesôsns. fiHe goes in the spring and returns in tbe faîl. Thus lie leads aný ideal existence. beguiling the time away from the ad- vertisi business ini travel and i wrtng and lecturi 'g. Ano, I recent talks are included. appearances before tbe Adventurers' club and tbe Ohio society, of both of which lie is a member. fie has been writing 'travel articles for the Cbicago Sun- day Tribune during the past year. Human interest stuf is his hobby. He likes to write about the people lie sees. to. tell storitts like the one about the littie five-year-old javan boy wbo interrupted bis môther'is ,j$s tried out the ' maïunscript like it, but they fear the public is not in- tierested in the. Lapps. But Mr. Warner's enthusiasux ought to fine the public. fHe bas made quite a studylof these interestitig Arctic peo- pIe who look like their.landacape. re- fuse to cnt Windows in their dwell- ings because looking ont of the win- dow would bc a pleasure and plea- sure is sinful, and ini general reduce their conimunity life to a leaderless. ant policies of the United far East and the writers thereQt. Mr~. They faiîed to. renew the ap- Warner dismissed "flouse of Exile" tion for mosquito abaterent- with the judgment that the crops i i oné of their worst plagues were too consistently good to be true bhey want to abolish the lepro- to Chinese life.. Pearl Buck knows Tbere are two large, colonies her Chinese, he thinks, andý "Oil' for ers in the Islands.,you knoW, the 'Lamps of China"~ is. a very-good pressive hndsu. In 1894 lie was xnanried to Mary Côstello, of Worthing, S. Dak.. and they had five cbildren: Donald D. Warner, Vivian Warner, Michael M. Wanner, Catherine D. (Mns. Malcolm G. McEachren), and Harry L. XVan- ner., Mrs. Wànner died-in 1932. and last April Mr. Warnier married Miss Dallas in Shaniglai. Started as Priter 'WosWho in Chicago" mentions various items about Masonl Warne.r. He started out -in life as a printer. reporter: was editor and publisher until.1899. For the next six years he was associated with the Theodore F. ýMacManus Advertising Agency.'. ini Toledo, from 1905 on with the Snitz- 1er Advertising Agency. Chicago. .Tln 1920 the name was changed. to Snitz- Ier-WVarnen Comnpany, and in 1924 to Mason-Warner .Company, mc.. Without the l1east- surprise. after learning this mucli, 1 read that he is a member of the American Asisocia- tion of Advertising Agents, of the, American Museum of- Nattira! His-_ tory. of the F1ield Muséum 'of \*a- tural History, of the Chicago Hi- torical sociétv, of the Ohio Societv of Chicago, of the Chicago Fiction Gïîiilcl, of the Writers%' Guild.,the Allied Arts association. andthe ChicagoArt In- stitute. Besides the Adventurers' club lie belongs to the Lake Shore Athletic. club) and the National Travel club,.: Here is a man wbo knows bow to provide leisure for himself and howv to fil1 this leisure to the hrni with interesting diversions. That four. nionths, jaunt tothe South Seas this sumnier, for instance! "How about goinz to Dutch N'ýew Guinea to see the wild men?" queried Mrs. Wannen with a twi,îkle. And. like the tbougbtful hostess she is.* she turned to me and said. "T-IoN would you like us to bring horne a bush man from.Australi.a?" Fine Arts Academy Plans Summer Termi The Evanston Academy of Fine Arts, of whh Carl Scheffler is di- We felI to disctissing t istic policies of nations, the Philippines out fron wmng of the U. S. A. preier the japanese to e Amerii- ir flot1 dha," one of the 1 taste for travel.1 fat and smirking.,I often 'as lie cati. d to supplant Mrs. Helen C. Hepburn and ber tatives with a sisten, Mrs. M. C: Peterson, 417 Mr. Warner Cumnon road, Kenilwortb, arrived Onjce in Eng- home Wednesday of last week f rom e, acquired the the Grove Park Inn at Asheville, lie voyages as N. C., whene fthey spent, several has explon7ed weeks.