Village Officiais to Be Speakers at Meeting in Shawnee Club Next 'Monday The regular mennthly 1 u n c h e o ni meeting of the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce will be held* Monday, My4, at the Shawnee Country club, at 12:15 o'clock. Owing to the fact that the program1i will be strictly local in its interest and application, the Chamber 'cerdially invites ail resi- dents Of Xilmette, and especially taxpayers, te be present. Rkeserva- tiens should be nmade at the office> of, the. Chamber, the. telephone, nuni- ber being Wilmette 863.. Village President Harry C. Kinne, Village Manager Boyne H. Platt anid Village Trustee George F. Iliff will be guest speakers, and they will cover the general subject, "The Vil- lage Budget."' These speakers wiIl give practically the same program they presented be- fore the Wilmette Civic league 'Iast week, and whicb was se well received bythe menibers of that organization. * Budgeting is essentially a dry sub- ject, but the above named officiais put into it an astonishing amount of vitality, injecting facts, figures and examples that made their talks any- thîng but dry. Hearers went away with a clearer understanding of how the tax dollar is apportioned and spent. Civic league members urge a capacity attendance for the Cham-. ber's meeting, th Peterson Elected-- N. T. Board Head Reorganization of the New Trier High school board of edut-ation wa Pûûl C. Lang, 933 Ashland -ave- nue, proiDtiient In. fVilrnette civic off airs ý o4r seVeral years, wias elected President of the Wilmiette Civic icogue at its luncheon ineeting lost Frida 'y. Mr. Lang, ini addition to his long and active affiliation with the Civic leagute, was a leader in estabiishing the Wilinette Har- mnony convention plan of selecting nommenes for, local public offices. HeI is also interested in school af- loirs in the village. Elected te, serve %vith Mr, Lang are te following: Vice-president - Henry J. Brandt, 316 'Forest avenue... Secretary H -. E. Ringbolm 139 Lake avenue, reel'ected. Treasurer- William D. Leary, 430. fenth. street, reelected. ,- 8 L 'J' iiepsyItwad . 5agley and TR E the Pure,.Oil Products company was T'I'1?ER EA C vn fled in the Circuit court Friday against the- Village of Wilmette. The r action is to- compel the Village of Se'es Of..Meletings SchedW&.dý Wilmette. to issue a permit for,,th*e in - Four Township Villag erection of a gasoline filling stationî 11 at the intersection of 'Main street, uring Comning Week Ashland: avenue and Sixteenth, street, at the north limits of. the village.. Complete schedule of meetings of Mr. Demnpsey is the reputed owner prospective members of next year's Of the* propertv. The. Pure, .Ou fresb man class at New Trier High Prodcts ompny i tebuil th schol ill 'be held throughiout the P rod cts C.O p an is o b ild the tow nship next w eek, itw as an noun 'ëed ' station. Mr. Bagley's interest is net Monday by Wesley L. Brown, diitc- made clear, but supposedly he is to tor .of admissions.. opérate the business if and whien the Miss Elizabeth Packer, dean 0of station s built.girls and Miss Ella Shaw ~ h According. to the Wilmette zoning school faculty will, neet with the girls,, ordinance gasoline filling stations are, while Mr. Brown, Frederick Kahler, permitted eniy in zones classified as deani of boys, and Chester Persing C industrial.* The preperty is located will meet the boys. in a B commercial zone, and for this . 5tari Shedute Monda7 reasen the Village refused to issue On Monday, there will be a meet- a permit, preferring' to defend in ing at the Central school, Glencoe; court its right to e stablish zones and on Tuesday at Skokie school, Win- designate classifications. netka; on Thursday at the Arthur H. Howard school for Wilmette boys Food-Laden Truck ÎS and at theByron C. Stolp school for Pilfered on Street, be a meeting for the Kenilworth chil- Theft of a truck belonging to the dren at the joseph Sears school. Al Erickson Delivery Service, while the. meetings will start at 3 o'clock in the driver was making a. delivery at 1236 afternoon. Forest avenue, wà»- reportedl to the po- On Wednesday afternoon of next lice last Monday, As the delivery man week, private school stuçlents wIll emerged from the bouse. he saw the meet with Mr. Brown at New Trier. truck proceeding clown the street at WiUl Visit S;l6o.i a lively clip. -Aboard were groceries Later in the month, eighth graders to the value of $75 fromn the stores of will visit at :the high school. Glencoe A. S. Van Deusen, 1154 Central ave- and Wilniette children will visit on nue, and George B. Winter Inc. Tuesday, May 12, and the following 1146 Central avenue. Iater a man day those from Winnetka, Keni- namd hritinsn tlehond heworth, and private schools will be Erickson concern -that the truckvsir. was abandoned in front of 4601 W. Drake avenue, Chicago.,The groceriesYeO eTo n Plk had lotbee abndoed.Welcome New Recruits A CORRECTION . Ye Olde Towne Folks of 'Wilmette Through a mechania rror- inInca,4 will -meet for their annual feast and avenue and Uakwoocl avenue cross- ing of the Wilmetté Cbambg ings of the Chicago & North West- Commerce: James D. Crabb, ern railroad, putting them eut of tractor; jack C. Slown, oui commission. Police closed the ap- sales and service; T. H. Alexo proaches to the crossings until, re- the Wilmette Dress Shop; L. pairs could be made. gan Yost, architect.. Real state............ 58 t te ground floor store at 1126 Rosistat.............I Central avenue. The room is buîug RecretiohI............... 20 prepared for the occupancy of these Society Pafes....42-4M Wilmette organi:zations, and the nibve Iwill be, ncde May .L . . . . . . . . . . .......... ... . . . . . . .