This Condi tionS~" PARENTS are so metimes so enthusilastic about the, beneficial effects ofPol & PiperýSTRIDE- RITE SHOBS that occasionally someone gays to us,- *Il have heard you are foot specialïsta." The answer es, "No-we are. sée, specialista." if we have "worked wonders" with- growing féét it lu ,beoause,,we know sholes, - an& how to let them 1 lnu colorful profusi*on, M.W Sprint sud -Sommer SOC KS 3su - !mirsf PODL PIPER, CIIILDIZEN'S SHOE SPECIAIJSTS EVANSTON UNI. 0973 Rabbi Charles EL.hIa, SMUSIC WEIEK Prcpare for Observance of National Musi c Week M4ay 3 te 10 The. Illinois Music Week commit- tee and( the Chicago Music Week committee, ini cooperation with the national conmittee, are organizing for the local celebratioii of National Music \Weekf rom Sunday, May 3, to Sunday, May 10. A proclamation issued by the office of the mayor of Chicago reads: A special service wilI be held on- the morning of May 10 at which Rabbi Harvey E. WesseI of Duluth, Minn., I will deliver the sermon. In the evening there will be a dinner in the auditorium of the.,teimple at which% there wiIl be present many ý notable leaders, in the JeW'ish life. of the country. Dr. Solomhon B.. Freehof of' Pittsburgh, one of the outstanding rabbis in the United States, will, be tbe principal speaker. Other speakers- on the program will be Dr. Solomon Goîdman of the Anshe Emet Congregation, Chicago, Who will' spçak on behaif. of the Chicago Rab- binical association; Dr. Feix A.. Levy of Temple Emanuel,, Chicago, Who is president of the Central Conference of American' Rabbis; Dr. Gerson B. l.evi Of Temple Isaiah Israel, a former siirittlal advriser, of the Congregation. and Alfred S.. Alschuler, president -of -the- Congregation.* *The cèlèhratioin also marks the, tenth atniiversçary of the founding of the Sis- terhocod of the Congiregation andi the completion of five years' service of Rabbi Charles E Shulman, spilrituial leader. In its fifteen years of life the.,Xorth . Shore Congregation Israel bas.,exerted an important influee uponi theco- munity. It is the only Jewish buildingî between Chicago and Waukegan and serves the Jewish people living in Ev- anston. Wilmette, Winnetka, Glencoe,- Ravinia, Highland Park, and Lake Forest. The membership bas grown * Icresesourconfidence in life. and in our fellow man. Musicle 8an inspiration to the soul and brings out the best there is in each of us. 4Now, therefore, 1, FEdward .1. Kelly, mayor of the clty of Chicago, do hereby designate the week of M-%ay -rd to I th Inclusive, as Muic Week and, most re- spectfully eall upon the civic clubs, the patriotie clubs and our people in general, to take an active part in is observ\ance." Every chorus, and singing group,1 every band, orchestra and musical ,IO'cok CtUKULin41 1.1 Central avenue. Sun, venes at 9:45 o'clock. sThe. temple is known on the northi shore for its beauty of architecture' as well as for the cultural -stimu4lus, it offers to the community. Visitors are frequently attracted to the -bulding, from al parts of the Chicagoarea. The committee in charge'of the an- niversary celebration is: B. Leo Steif, chairnian; Rabbi Charles e. Shulman. Mrs. Hugo Hartmann, Mrs. Herbert Levy, Mr. Irvin 1. Livingston, James I. Loeh. joseph K. Arnold, and Milton Stern. env %a aLOIburn of r.vanston, or Mrs. Albert ýnt" will be G. Ackermann, 811 Park avenue, ces in First Wilmette. Frida'y evening their an- ist, ini Wil- nual bridge party was given at the Lay 3, at 11 chapter house. Mrs. B. H. Matson fic at 1003 of Chicago is the social'chairman and school con- Mrs. ,Ackerinann is, president of the -Mothers' club. 1608