Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Apr 1936, p. 20

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Thie *nnual Spring Awards cere- ntonies sponsored by théeWiniette Playground and kRecreation board were Reld last night (Wednesday) at thie Howard scbool gymnasiuim. Dan- iel M. Davis, director of recreation, was master of ceremnonies. TRie girls' awards were, presented by Mrs. H A. Finney, memnber of the board of , du- cation and thie boys' awards, were presented ' by-. J. -R. . Harpcr, superin- tendent of schools. Thie prograni in- cluded two 'exhibition basketball games.. One. be tween the Stolp and Howard Peewees and ýtRe other be- tween thie Howard and: Stolp girls. Thie awards were, made as follows: GIRLS' AWARDS àThe one-fourtb of each class--hav-- ing earned tRie )highest.,nutmber of points in the eficiency testprogram for girls are c1ligible, for thie scbool letter and éertificate: for the first se- Fl'orenlce Atman, Ililida Aransôn, Gloria Alexander, Mary Baceon, Dorothy Baron, Joan Bentier, Ainta Blum, Na- dine. Brown, Glbria Browne, Dorothy Butler, Barbara. Burge, Jean Burpee. Olive Carlson, Doris Carlson, Patty Crawford, Edna Cummings, Katherine DeVinhiey, Pèggy Ebert, Shirley Fflft- ma Betty Lou Feiiowfl, Barba'ra F'ret, Marcla Gonzalez. JeanGreen, Cythera Guthridge, Mar- ma r.i P M,.., T ,.ns eanne Scheibel, Jane Selfert, imnn. Gerda Streicher, Jeannf Pan remple. Vi'ginia Todd, Fard, Betty Wfihilns. BOYS' AWARDS Thie following boys baving ia tnajority of thie quarters 2cktthal ixaes re elioible played of the for tRie The Wacker A. C. stepped into third place ini the. Playground and Recreation board "'C' basketball league by defeatin g thie Flashes 36 to 14. Earl Gray was a big belp to the Wackers, scoring 15 points, whicb alone was enough té beat the Fash-ý es, who'. cleanly, wierç flot tip' té standard. BilI Seifert cameý througbi again to lead his team to viétéry over the Epwortb League, 27 to 23. 13i11 scored 12 points for bis teami and earned. the bonor of higb score man for the gaine. The Maple Leafs won the sixtb straight gamte of thie- third round by defeating thie Terriers 27 to 17. Bill ILeary was the star of this game, making .5 baskets and 2 free, tbrows for the Leafs.' Thie Idonos crashed througb witb their second victory of the r ound by taking- the Eagles 25 to 23. This is nôtewotthy bcarise the Eagé târt- ed into thie league with a perfect record in the "D" league, and took their first games in the "C" league. Bud Lingel's 8 points, and tRie 7 made by John Miller Relped to pave the road to vict-ory for the Idonos, though -John Seddon of tbe Eagles was high point man witb Il to bis crédit. The scores of recent games and the Ko ty gA11 Z4 SItiLIP', 3 .1 6 Miller, g O O 0 Scelebel, g 1 O 2 Refêree, Richard Huck Scorer, Roland G ooch Freubuien 27 Epwortli Leagne 2 FG FTTP FG F9!TP Ljechner, f 3 1 7 Carney f 1 0 2 âpecht, f 3 0 6 Smnith, c 2 1 6 Reagan,c 1 0 2 Kolb, c 1 0 2 Seifert, g 4 4 12 Gray, g 2 2 6 Edmons g 0 0 W'rnecke, g 3 1 7 Retoree, Richard Hucl< Scorer, Roland Gooeh sniv.......... gies ..............2 .riers ............ ý2 .2 _ . .. . . . . Worth League. 4 UD LEAQUE Thie White -Streaks tnaintained their.bold on first place in tbe Play- ground -and Recreation Board "D". baslcetball league by trouncing thie Tigers 39 to 7. The Gray brothers were higRi-scorers for the game, Earl making 17 points and Jack 12 for thie WRite Streaks., Th e Wiflies, co-h olders of first .plac e'witb 1tRie White Streaks, won from tbe St. Johin's. five. 38 to 18. - Fred Ascbbacker of the Nit Wits led bis team te an easy victory over the ýPaithers. Fred made ten bas- kets. for 20 of bis team'"s 33 points, to 10 for thé- Panthers. The little Pantbers seemed to bave. lost. tbeir lire and, pep, for. tbey were only« sbadows of tbemselves. In formier. games. The scores'of recent gaines an d team standing foltows: Nit WIts la Panthers 10 PGFTTP FiG FT TP Anderson, f 1 0 2 Kuip, f 2 0. 4 Koib, f 1 0 2 Heinrick, f 2 ù 4 Ahb'k'r, c 10 o 2o Huck, c ô O O Beringer, g 1 i1 3 Y'ngberg,O 2 2 V'lentlno, g 3 0 6 Hutchins, g 0 O O Referee, Richard Huck Scorer, Roland Gooch Wilies 38 F P FT TP ert, f 1 0 2 ,ory, f il 1 23 si. Jolînes 19 FGFT TP sper, f 5 1 il LrIson f 1 1 3 rrman, c 2 O 4 ?Lthews, g'0 00' ick..g 0' 0 0 white Streals 39 TIgers FG FTTP Fl ' TP J. Gray, f 6 0 12 Cordts,lf 0 1 1 Moe, f 3 O 6 Moore,f I 1 3 E. Gray, e 8 1 17 Cast'line, c 1 0 2 Bowen, g 1 1 .3 Kolb, g 0 -1 1 Craig, g 1 0 2 Molter, g 0 0 Referee, Richard' luck Scorer, Ro9land Gooch Team standings, AprIl 23 Tream 'Won L", f 'bhite Streaks 4 0 Fillîes 0 . Jonhn's.......2 2 igers ...............-j 3 ýanther.s...........3 Plan J-fandcrajl Exhibit The children ini the handcraft class are now very inuch interested in an unique and unusual doil made en- tirely of crepe paper. The best ar- ticle made eacb week will be kept for a bandcraft exhibit. The bandcraft classes meet on, Monday afternoons, from 4-:30 to 5:30 for the cbildren of ail 'ages. Table, Teoin s P opular> Table tennis' is still going- strong at the Center. Last. week 493 people played' this game, alone. Tbe girls who are entered in the Table Tennis tournam ent -have îbad some* bot matches th 1e past week. Doris Wbite who was on the fiftb rung basfought ber way. to the top rung. Marge Kneip, bas mnanaged to held on to the second rung wbile Lorraine. Steffens bas* dropped from firsit t third place. Katherine. Hoffman is on the fourtb rung. Three cf tbe girls mentioned' bad not- played. Table. Tennis, before the Commnunity Center opened. Witb instructions in thé game twice a week the girls have advanced very rapidly. Olive Carlson in tbe tournament for girls over 16 years still bolds first place, Harriette Armstrong, sec- ond, and Merle Carlson, third. Marge Hill who started quite a way down the Iadcler bas worked ber way up to fourtb position. The Community Center Table Ten- nis team defeated the Boltwood Park teai of Evanston last Monday night at Community Center 19 to 18. The most exciting gaine was played after each team bail won 18 matches. The deciding game was. played between the star player froni the Center and the star of Boltwood. Bob Miller representing the Center and Stan Bieda of Boltwood. The game scores were 21 to 12, 15 to7 21, 21 to 17. The lead cbanged bands several times in the final gamne. The scores at. dif- ferent stages of the game were Il to 9, 14 to 16, Bob took'the leadat 18, to 17 and went on to win U1 to'17. The Wilmette tearn players were- Bob Miller, Bill Ternîtl, John Scbaef-: gen, Bud Kneip, Marcel Kneip and' Wi bl b* ponsorcd Iayground and Re crfg to:Daniel director 1coal, ice Nygaard or G thie recreation sta li nave an experïenceu întsructor and ,e it. is boped 'more .women wîil take REPORT CONTAiGIONS - advantage of these classes than bave The Wihnette HealtRi department :e in the past. . reports thie following 'cases of com- h municable diseases for tRie week, end- - An1 amateur night will be Reld at ing April'.24: Mumps, 7; cbicken- tRie: Community Center M o n de. y poxk, 7. i I

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