I-I da. Try e. do.m, udpS en' &0. ha.k ofeh. WôMANý Who wants *he lEST, MILI( for ber faMily You souldinvestigate the dIfferenoe Iln eilk from diffèrent dairles. Itou nee~d flt tait. ou? woetl 1< It tatý M&eflody Farms Dairy Grade "' "Mulk l euperior. TUT IT YOUR8ULY. Oel et your local " Health Department and ask for thefr rating card. You'Il I ld that M&ellody Farmn Dairy gives you a milk, that 11 exceptionally hi gh ln butterfat and eKoeptIonally 10w ln bacterla count. Greuleuf 0677 and give this milt a triai. Q>urt Brick "w' Lines, who ftues a Douglas betwVC'I Miami and Chicago; lie vouches for its veractty. 1A little old lady boarded bis plane at Miami for Chicago. As duskc deepened into nigbt Joe turned on the running, ights of the ship, notic-, .ing -as. be did so. that the lady seemed fascinated witb the red and green ligbts glimmering on the wing tips. CatcbinigJoe's eye ,as-lie ghanced tbrougb the cabin She beckoned to 'hini. Leavîng tbe navigaeting to bis c o-pilot- for a few minutes h e walked' back to ber seat. "Wby," sbe asked, "Do you bhave those réed and green ligbts out tbere?" "dAIl planes flyit.g at, nigbt mustbe. equipped witb tbose ligbhts," be said. "As you can see, we b ave -a red ligbt on the leËft side, a green one on the right,. and onthe tail of tbe plane, we, bave. a 1While light." " 4Oh," she replied, "I understand now-antd the tbing 'that you you 1ng 'mren must do- is to, fly your airplane between those, AERIAL JOTTING5 Happy landings to the newest fly- ing duo on the nortb shore-Dean Owsley and Marion Macki, both of Wilmette. Dean keeps bis fleet of five planes at Curtiss-Reynolds, and Marion is taking fligbt instruction from Dwight Morrow, chief instruc- tor at the field . . . Officiais and birdmen at Pal-Waukee are elatedl ofIu naa 35c &METTE now an ApXrowed Airport. tt also boasts ir o'(red runways "which areor" says Bill Turgeo smooth as glass." AI Sprigue, Jr,. flew to Mit- waukee early StTndaY morning in 4i§ Stinson and,,dtrrfk .tomnato juýic.. Why? .....Dr. jad*ion, who prac5- tice.s at Passavant hopta!,coin'- mutes regularly by air betWeefll Pal-Waukee and, Madisoff,, Wiscon-. sin.. Pete 'Anderso' l k off from Pal-Waukee for, CTe'vdm~d the, other day in isi Cessna. ,'aii1 weath- er stopped hum at Goshen,; but in- stead of 'remaining there fie re- turned to the aviation.count"-,club and was in .turneý for the weekfr Sat- ura= fternoon cocktail party. The- cokalparty's program runs. some- thing lik this: If, the weather is; bad and it 1Iooks as tbougb there wil 'be no- more flying that: afternoon- tftey start early. But if the weatIier is 'good cocktails begin after the lastV flight of -the day when the. planes- are safely tucked into their hangars, and ail pilos are firnily on the ..un..... June Kraft, ofý Evan- ston, who flies "Hamn" Kunathis Piedgling at Sky Harbor, is now :.a. member of the 99ers, national or- ganization of licensed women pilots., Another 99er is Mabel Wilson, owner of the Wilson Airport, and the only woman conducting ber -own field' around Chicago. She bas just re- ce dher 'L. C. (Limited Commer- takinginstruction in iii rom Billi ur- geon. ]Befere ownig >bisý own ship Mr. WolIet, wbo is in the lumber business, would go to Memphis, charter a plane, and fly over the sawmills, judging. the quality and~ whiteness of the. wood from.the.air . Upon the completion of bis aerial inm spection be would return to the ones that he bad selected and buy the, lumber.,~ . Lloyd Laflin, of Lake For Born. in Honolulu 38 yeaits ago,. Mr. Patterso« came to San Francisco. and entered #he banking industry. Realizing the frémeffdoit8 future in aviation he leit the fbanking business and became. assisUfit tu' the president of the Boeing Airplàene tompa1ny and Boeing, Air Transpoýrf, which later becanhe a unit of UIYMW& 'd r Unes. When United Air .i ânies was or- garnied with headquareurs. i'W Chicago 1r. Patterson moved frbml %-attle té Chfrgobecoming assisf;wn'ft, to the P'reidet, and later pn-siiwient of Uuitd Air lines, oneè of t1ie Iargest .aW rýiaptSy.Stemsiitew.d Unifed~ Air UÀnes recently obg-trved fft teuUf antfiersary of op~tim Begmwwua, mail. plane of *aà, pre- decessîr, conwarry of United pibu*mr- ed tlW freicounercial air mail1 eevv_ ou April 6 19M3. SPIMO 9AND CONFORT. rit waSs miii! »nmny years ago' V1is* tile~ aùîllims advertiàed, "We sacvificé- nomtin-rspur7Passe ngers paiidi a. plfimmùm i sitii n an open ship,. possibiMy periloauf balanced on mail! sank,%, auitUattirad mi fiying suit, hl- mnet and! goggles. This was cross- coumtmy' flyi ià i years ago. It wasu wlistling past yuý. as you cruisedi alonW ait the lfrni mvelous speed of, 120 m-.pà h.. Buet tib- Mftxmr Mlay LChkicago and Southernt Airliines, will have all metal Lockheedi Electras fring bettwern . Chicago, SL Lois anmd 1Nefw leans, that cruise Iufly eqiEipJim. Th& interier fiitiev. bave cbromumr framed reclinsng chairs, Morocco blue leatheir ami restsamn the side waIls, are finiadiadi ùmi a tiful soft shade, of Sixatosphere Grey broadclotb. The- windowsmare euriiaized with silk, and. passengairs ulii UEd individual ,air- ventflaiers, asb trays, reading -launps and. cal bu±toe to suminon the co- pilot for any desired special servie.- Quitt ie a mange, isu't it? Andl to. continue, the new, giant l c - S . r l m ,I a s s . o , h k r n o w n a s ',li Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and all other authorized Chistian Sciecoe Literature rnay bic read, borrowed or purcdiased at the Reading Roomn. TUS PUgLIC U8 CORIALLT INYITID TO ATTtNID TUX CICU SRVICE8 AND VUT iii READlU.G ROOM Ou.displey nt 336 Warwick Rd. Miss Katherine Stolp Kenilworth 59 of Wilmnetté, presei tChopin preludes. or recital îast ,on and 1Eealy ries in Chicago. ie Kober Stade, d a, group of,