$ 200.00 Tor any information that wiII lead t0 the prosecu- lion and conviction of the person: who poisoned.thec Great Dane dog known as ""BING." This, dog wau the prop- er ty of residents in west. WilmetteIndian Hlli Estates) B-161,-Box 60' Il A f .1 As 1 have had.- so many cails for arepeat, performance, will you please oublish. these facts in your Public Forum coluznn. We 'also want to, thank youi for your kindness. in publishin g pictures for ujs, for witbout that our perf or- mnance would certainly.flot have been such a success. Mrs.'J. Reagan Chairmnan for the Hiîghcrest P. T. A. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nason of Santa Fe are visiting in Chicago and on the North. Shore this week. 26,Yearà in WUmette ShoosRobuilt The War TleY Sbould Be Uebuflt M05Main St. Thse abovje picture shows Miss Florence Marceil, Girl Scout director, in thse center, Martha Leach at the left, and Nancy Ward-en at the right, as they pfwcd cooldes a:t the. scoutoffce for ddlivgy 4zst w.eek. Thse Scoutsarpe, agan taking orders fordelivery May 6. Thte cômpetition waxes keen as the Brownies and Scouts umork for the troo>p rize for sel/mgf the grea test nunmier. Ie the only "bIot" on the Sescutcheon of Lymnan's Ice Cream. Made especially from Mrs. Lyman's own recipe. Special This Week I~~jjFoursome Package, serves four, 25c Y. will deliver promptly aSt eytime you specijy. Lyman-Renneckar Pharmay Mrs. Sumiier Passes Away After Extended Illness Mrs. Bessie Sumner, 72, of 1416 Elmwooct avenue, died Monday after- noon at ber home after a long illniess. A resident of Wilnette for the past eight years. she hiad lived ini Evans- Carleton at the Scott cnapel on Greenleaf avenue. InterMent will be at Rosehili cemetery. Mrs. Sumner is survived by ber: hushand, Charles John, by three' sons, Harry, William,-and Edward, ail of whom live at the Elmwood avenue residence, and by three daughtey, Mrs. Frank 1Edman of Lansing, Mich., Sand Mrs. Arthur Strerrett and Mrs. IHerbert Prem~ble, both of' Wilmette. Aged ResidentDies' on Visit With Niece Miss Hattie B. Latham, 430 Maple avenue, died Wednesday of last week at Michigan City, Ind., where she 1was visiting a niece, Mrs. W. W. 1Vail. ber residence at' the- samne address until the time of ber death. Miss Latham was an active memý- ber of the Wilmette Parish Meth- odist church, and had been an officer iii the Foreign, Missionary society for more than four decades. Funeral services were held last Sat- urday at Rosehill cemetery chapel. She is survived by a sister, Mns. Lewis B. Springer, also of 43() Maple avenue, and by a brother, Carl Lath- 83W way. Li Open Wednesdisy TAYLORS 1125 Central Avenue hn imte11 i~a by Apprnntmems Evelyn's Beauty Salon 404 Green Bay Road Keuilworth 5m'. Phone Wâmette 1914