and ~ Washable Nubby Cottons for Comta, Sufte, and Dresses SPECIAL I ld Colony :KnittingË Wor- sted, while suppfly lasts. 4-oz. skein,,.. 50 Hand-knitted garmnents made 'to order - Cleanlnig and Bloekîng of knltted wear. i 10%/0Sovimg on OOD-OYE LOTS.. For Sweaters and Dresses loin Our Hosiery Club HOSIERY 79e and $1 Harriet Shipps KNIT SHOP 417 Fourth St. Wi. 2806ç .DRAPERIES VENETIAN .BLIND$ >ws: ýodos Maty the Wordq, ...... Idelsohn Anthem: Fe Not, O .Iàrael" .............. Max Spicker. Solo " Haltelujah" ............ Hurmmel MisBerenice Taylor Va'Anachnu............Lanidsman Kaih................. ....Landsman Elohenlu.............. ........Stark CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Joanne Barenbrugge, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Jobn A. Barenbrugge, I37Ridge avenue, celebrated ber seventh birtbday Tuesday, April 21P at b er borne with a p;4rty for',ten friends. Joanne is in tbe 'flrst, grade at St.- Josepb's school. Amlong the guests from the scbool were Dorotby Thainiann, Dorothy Pape, Dorothy Jean Kivland, -Shirley Stancoe,, Mari- o n Wallowitz and I.oi'Kie.S also entertainied lier cousin, Jane' Site of Northbroolc, anid Lois and Nancy Rayburn of Nules Cýenter. UPHOLSTERING SLIP COVERS' NEW TRIER SHOP: JAMES B. MACFARLANE 415 FoURTH STREET Interi ors Wil.NEkTTE 2228 the Most /astdtous womant Our many different înetliod-s of permanient waving given by thorougbly trained and ex- perienced operators enable us to give the best permanent., possible. . Perry Orion Crawmford, 1028 Starr road, Winnetkaa-irit-year student 1at the. Massachui(etts. In- stitute of Technology, .a nd a gradu- ate of New Trier, Higrh school, is on the list of, students, of the firsi rank,' recently relea.sed by the demi. M.Crawford is a tieémber o! t/he Quadrangle club' and gf. the .Kapp'a Sigma fraterntity. Fire flestroys Barn in A ire which totally destroyedMao BaaofW e barn at 2007 Wilmette avenue, Wed- nesday of Iast week, was the most important of a number of calis re- c eived by the Wilmette department. iT he amount of damage was not estimated. Other calis camne f rom, 1936 Schiller street, and xrom iu100 Greenwood avenue, because ýof praii- rie fires, also on Saturday, and, on, Monday, from 507 Lake'avenue, bel cause of a defective ôil burner 'JOINS OUTDOQR SCHOOL STAFF Claude E. Hill, forerly of Wilmette, .who for two years was an athletic coach and direçtor in tbe Wilmette i present menibership of fifty and or- ganized a junior society 'with an en- roliment to date of thirty-flve, uqder the direction of Mrs. H. E. Pine, 2314 Beechwood avenue, Wilmette with Eleanore Zeiss, 1194 Westmoorrad Winnetka, as junior chairman, Win cas*ela Court It blas mnailed one thousand cards to owners of dogs ini the four north shiore villages inviting thlemn to at- tend th next meeting oflte.socjey Friday Inorning of this week, àat 10 o'clock, at Community House, and successfully prosecuted a case against Herty 'S*hatte, of' Waukegan road, wh6, on.Wednesday of last week was, fined $5o on a charge -of cruel. and inhuman treatmhent of animais.' Mrs. Dean fIole, 935 Tower road,: Winnetka, bias been added to the So- ciety's board, of directors, a nd 'Mrs. William Chamberlain,: 80 Indian Hill road, Winnetka, lias been appointed membership chairman and will direct the drive for new members whicb is to be continued. indefinitely. Juniors Meet Friday The imembership inithe juniorso - ciety is also increasing rapidly, and the Juniors are tomeet Friday aftei- noon of this week at 3:30 o'clock, at the home of Mr. and H. E. Pine, 2314 Beechwood avenue, Wilmette.1 ý Forty members of the society at- tended the trial of Mr. Schatte, in the court of A. L. Sengstock, at Des Plaines, Iast week. The defendant upon a plea of guilty, was assessed a fine of $50, which the court sus- pended, after adniinistering a scath- *ing lecture on Schatte's method of treating the nineteen head of cattie .and the twenty-three dogs in bis pos- session, and receiving a promise frère the defendant that he would immedi'_- atelY rectify the reported depoal condition on bis,,place. Rescue Abused Dogs Following the trial, the society gave Mr. Schatte $25 and took seven of the dogs which were found to be in the most deplorable condition, (one .... . ...... . . .. . . . . .- firs,- Bateries and Service Miller' &Miler Motos' Servce S16 Fourth St. 50 ý-r-nc ui ne Ltrm, was a wire ~ air terrier,' baif starved and almost Iblind, the affliction having. been caused by punctures from wires in a broken screen through which be was j orced to pass in entering ai-d léav- ing a coop in wbich he was -confined. - - - - - - - - - -