wiII beciHenry A.. Gardner, Uarve Jadgerow, and Mrs. Bernice T. Van der Vries. Mrs. Robert T. Sherman is chair- man of the comrittee planning the event.- Assistingý ber are Mrs. Bruce MacLeish, Mrs. john pF. Manierre, MrTs. Eugene. Howard, Mrs. 'Lois Northrop,, ail of Winnetka; Mrs. James R. D.-.Stevenson, Jr., of Ken-. ilworth,. and Mrs. Alfred Taylor of Glencoe. Mrs. Edward B. Hall, president of the Womnen's Repuibican club, bas, announced that. ail the. candidates endorsed by, the. club won in Win- netka by a substantial majonity. The membership of more than 700 paid members was especîally. gratified with the election of Henry A. Gard- ner ta serve as township committee- man. The club had been. very active in supporting Mr. Gardner. BETR FILMS Key: AJ-Adults,.Y-Yoiffli 13 to 18 ycars Of age; C-C hildreui, 8 to 12 ycars of age; J- tr aiy Wilniette Thieatre April 26-.-"Tough Guy." For A. April- 27, 28, 29-"The Ghost Goes West." For A, and young adults. April 3X May 1, 2--"Ceiling Zero." For A, and young aduits. Teatro idel Lago April 26, 27, 28-"Ah! Wilderness." For A, and young aduits. Apnil 29, 30--"King of the Damiied.," For A. May, 1 2-"'Muss 'Em Up." For A, and young adults. Wiuetlca Community Hoeue MaY 1, 2-"-ýThe Bride Cornes Home." For F. PLAN DESSERT BRIDGE The Alpha. Xi Delta Mothers club of Northwestern university will give a dessert bridge party at the Chapter housie. 710 Emerson street, Evanston, Mrs. Arthur J'. Boynton, 620 Ash street, bas recently returned from a trip to Birmningham, Ala., where she visited several friends. Birmingham was Mrs. Boynton's former home for several years. fi nal. Clearance Of SPRUNGC IValues to $5.50' Now, Drive to Fourth Street and Linden Avenue and visit the .North Shore's newest and finest DRUG STORE You will like the fri endly atmosphere of this neighbor- hood store. . LYMAN P.HARMACY. 400 Linden Avenue Phono Wilmeile 463 *.and ander the saine manpagement LYMAN-RENNECKAR PHARMACY, Central and Wilmeffe Avonues "Waimette Phono WfiImoe 28 D. S.LYMAN, PHARMACIST suite 306-7-8. 636 Church Street, Evanston Phone WiImeite 4488 -son ot