The subject of bis address will be: "Literature and Progress: Are We Moving Forward, Backward, or Side- ways?" The lecture will be held at the temple, Lincoln and Vernon ave- nues, Glencoe. Iprofessor Leacock, wbo was borfi in EZngland, and educated in the United States andCanada, -bas been a. member of 'the faculty of .McGill uiversity, Montréal, since10, where he nlow heads the department of political economy. ýHeis the author of more. than 4 books, among whÎchi are "Elements of' Political Science,' "Moonbeams frmthe LargerL u n a cy," "The Mâ Economic Prosperity of- the British street, Empire," "PFurtber Poolisbness," Th Secon Unsolved kiddlé of-Social Justice.",~ In addition, to bis books, he bas writ- ten bun dreds of shorter articles on which economics, biography, education, bis- John's tory , journalismn, literary criticismn, ut the political science, sociology, sport, as dy.a well as a nuzmiber of woT1ts in a wek ligbter vein. -ek Miss Jerrine Fromm, daugbter of MARI. ýMr. and Mrs. E. F. Fromm, 1330 "Fol' Th Maple avenue, bas been ill for the past ten days with a serious infection in ber ear. She is recuperatinig satis- factorily and expects to resume ber ph afi eQnt New ie4r rnhetlv.L:Lmm #'As esenIiW ramslnt Your'beby au your famlly doctor la the imowl- rdg-of a good pharrûacy whloh car- risa füllin'o f Infant need& Mso, there le satisfaction in knowlng that those prescriptions yrour doctor gives you during babybs firs t years are In. capable> bande. Our two stores. are proud Of the tact that through many yeari. we have coopera te« wlt:hdoctors In, keeplng babies strong and boa'ty Know un for your baby's',sake."1 &Evelyn Borre, 2011 Schiller will play the lea4ing role in cd, Childhood" by 1,4e: Si- it and Dellah Covinglom, the Dramatic club of St. Luthern church iili;Presteut church et 8:15 o'clock Thurs- id FPriday evenings PI this JI 1 , SATURDAY and'SUNDAY SPECIAL Chocolaté Fudge dVaU Bvlck-PaImae B"I3X' Weinut Tf ... t 21À Moth Capstais ........ 25o Apex MotL Ci«....... 21 Apex Liqund, plut ..... 9 Mut Quart (z bats free) ...89 DicMaoricide, Punud..... 49C Enoz liquid,Plut ... .. -73c SAUT WEEK SPECIALS wàlh mve Y"u m.uey I yrx ati.......U ~BaylmJ&J ... baby s.ap. JA> ... Chocolat. Vitavo.. .43e infant Suppo.ltooess 19C SpeOlal 4@c SquObL's Doutai Creem ......... 33C I Naive Tender ClovebIoom SeIected B eef H008PIT LO?±w Tooth Pate ......... 17i 50eTek Tooth vBrh :..39e Sec Pr.ýpmy6lac Pinaud Vegetd ..... Y.vdoir'. Shavlug 8w1 . si 6@c Alk Sltusr...4 Mc Rusodol ............47e I I F Brauded