W. .,.Pet. Âvg. 1. Behofrs .....8 22 .706 735 8. S'woda's .....42 33 .560 714 3. Duster'. .....30 45' .400 689 4. Beecher's ...25 50 .33 81 .Htigh-three games--Swoda's .... 2,412 Ind hgh-three gaînes-Swodaes., .2,384 Htgh-st-angle gam--Swoda's .......877 ond h4r-.tdngIe game-Duster'a . 857 Indiadual Honore afgh-threoe gaines-Duster........ 601 tnd hlgh-toffe ..e..B..ff.58 Hlgh-aýingle game--Behôff.........2R46 Snd idhgh-etangle game-Beecher..232 UNION-BOWLING LEAGUE (W~Imette Bowling Aile y'> Last week, Monday, the. Baptist team won three.gaines from the Con- gregational teain and the MÀethodist took. two. froin St. John's. The last uàight for the season being April 20, the .final resuits will be published next week. Team. Standings W. L. Pet. Avg. Z. Babtist........ 55 23 .705 835 2. St. .John'sa .46 28 .622 835 S. Congregationa1 26 48 3651 823 High-tbr.e gae- Congregational................ 2,735 laid high-three gaies- Baptiat and Methodist .......... 2,714 Hlgh-slngle irane--Congregatlonal 982 laid hlgh--single gam-Methodit .. 978 Individual Honore HIgh--three gamnes-Anderson ...... 615 laid htgh-thrèe games-Cook ....6111 resi Player 1 2 3 Cok ...... 212 206 166 Ditma, .....210 158 148 Reardon .. .. .. .159 168 155 Silie?, XK...135 159, 154 fartnett..... .220 1$0 165 Net Total .. .. 936 870 808, Handicap .. 77 77 77 Groas Total 1,013 947 885 >Iethodlst Player :1 2 8 villiesse.. ..... 149 149 148 Martin....... 155 2 12 198 Beg...... 150 212 123 Ugoit.......177 167 25 Utndberg......1A74 ý204 162 Net Total . . ..805 944 887 Handicap ..... 6 60 60 Grose -Total . ,.865 1.004 947 Total 44i 565 00 540 180 2,16 K. 0F C. LEAGUE (Bleser Alieys) I the, Roeults Intefinal night of the regular saoini the OuiIoeette CouneiK. of C. Bowling league, last Thursday, at Bleser's bowling acadeniy, the ~White Grocers. took three gaines froin the Wilmette Tailors, Teatro del Lago won a couple from the Krier Buffet, Meier's Tavern dropped two to Blesers, while the Wilmette Ice team dropped into last place by losing An asterlsk (*)' Indicates standingi frst balf of season. ysars Statisties EJtgh teaMi sertes Krtor's Buffet.,(2,603) Second bigla team sertes. >......... Htghïea Wbte's Grocerles.,(2,573) ffighteamsingle gane ..... ... Second, ih emgm. ....... R ig ndlividual sertes Phil Besser (649) Second bigla Individual .... Hýigh.ndiviual>g me. Phl lser (845)- Second high, gaie.P4t4iBlé%ser (242>ý Blesereis Academy, winners of the irst haîf of the season's schedule, and White's Grocers, winners of the second haîf, will: roll, off- the chatn- pionship in a three-game series, this week, ýat the Bleser's Bowling alleys. Annual sweepstakes, to finish the year, will be held this evening.: The annual banquet, at which prizes will be proeted~, and the .oicer#& for the. year chosen, will be held next Tues- day at Krier's Buffet in Niles Center. AMERICAN LEGION' (Wilmette Bowling Alleys) Lindberg's and Bassler's teains are now tied for first place, Bassler's team winning two out of three iast Judividnal Jloiors igh-three games--Ltndberg ...... 644 laid htgh-three gaaes-Walther .... 627 High-single gaine-Lippen...... «..247 tnd htgh-idnglOam-Lal 244 Number of Minoir Cails Keep Local Firemen Busy A nuzuber of small lires were al that .required ,the,,'attention, .durin9 the past week, of the Wilmette fire depgrtment. On Tuesday of last week there was .a sinal l fire ini a garage at 1730 Wal-' nut avenue,. and a prairie fire at 416 East Railroad avenue. On last Thurs- day there was a prairie ire in 'a vacant lot in the rear of thie Lloyd Hollister Inc., plant, 1236 Central. avenue. On Friday there was, a fenice ire ai 841' Oakwood avenue, and a prairie fire on~ Ashland circle. On Sunday there was a blaze in the roof of a garage at 823 Central ave- nue as weIl as a prairie ire at 427 Central avenue. On Monday there. was a cali froni 2006 Thornwood ave- nue because of.a défective oil burner, and fence'fires at 936 Sheridan road and 1428 Gregory avenue. SSILYICE UTATIONS Do