On Sunday morning, at the il o*clock -ervice, Dr. Allilson continues hie iln- teresting tudies entitied "Obscure Heroos of AIncient Chronicles," which 'bring such timely challenges Qtll, with a mnessage on "Micaiah, a Féarless Truthteller." Miss Koch will present organ_ numbers and. there will be an. approp"riatêj-aathem and vocal solo'. Those havig no church Lomne elsewhere are urged to.worship with us. Tlhis week, most of, t.he "Links of Fnlendship" ln our. Wornan*s Society mieet. e ru of repently rnar- ried young ýwemen was organized on M9onday. Link P, of which Mrs. W. îS. Campbell là leader, meeta today, Thurs- day, -for a luncheon at Green's Coffee. Shop, .644 Green, Bay road, as guests, of Mrs.. H. A Orvis and Vrs. D. D. Shaw. Three groupes meet tomorrow, Friday, for luncheons. *Llnk I, Mrs.. n_ E. Bell, leader, mieets at thue home of Mrs. Paul.Keller, 613 Illinois, road, with Mrs. Glen Gathercoal as Rsslst- Ing liostess. Link, E,,Mrs. A. V. Gruhn, leader, meet.s with, Mrs. 1ailey W. Shearer, 2114 Sherman avenue, ýEvgns-. ton, with Mms. J. H. Kaufman as assit- Ing hostees. Link N. Mrs. A. C.*.Young- berg, leader, meets with Mme. 0. W. -Schmidt, with Mrs. W. K. Yates ass ,Ist- Ing. Also on Friday, Link R, Mrs. E. W. rtoberts, leader, will have a potluck supper at the home of Mrs. Frank Guthridge. Our three choir groupe continue re- béearsaiss as. usuai, the seniors on, Thur I- dey- at 8 o'clock, Juniors- on Saturday at. 9:30 and High echool Saturday at ît1 a. m. Scout groups meet as foliows,ý Girls with Mrs. Alfred Heerens: and' Mrs. Howard Ileaton on Thursdays at' 3:30, Sea Scouts with Mr. Huggins -and Mr. Maas at 7:30 Monday evening. As next Sunday closes our fiscal year, al rnembers are asked te cooperate in the effiient business of the church. The Nominnating Cmmittee consists of W. C. Mathew, E.W. Rbert, M . . & Campbell and Mrs. A. V. Gruhn. 'The Budget Commlttee, A. C. Youngberg chairman, bas passed the halfwny mark ln securing subscriptions for the new year beglnning May 1. The pastor hias appointed Geodge B, Williams, John C_ Blayloek and Mrs. A..E.,Gebert as thé Committee ef Arrangemnents rir the 23rd,Anniversary Clebration on wVed- nesday evening, May 13. AIl organisa. tiens are requested. to hand ln brief reports at once. The Church Scheel mèets Sunda.y merning at 9-:30. The Young Peopl-'s division han an expressional meeting Sunday evenings at 6 o'clock in the Guild R oom. Their topie this week le "'Gambling," a consideration of serne of the forme, and evil .effects of nodý- ern gabiing in our country, an-d ther best ways of counten&ating the harm done. Jurinr ebntr ra.hearsal, Saturday morn- Ing at 10 o'cloek. An hour spent ln the House of the Lord on Sunday will make your weelc more Joyous. First Presb.ytertan Nlnth, street at Greenleaf avenue* James T. Veneklasen, minister The minister will preach At the mor n- Ing, worshipi service at il O'Clock, on the I-h-ýeeTheChurch for Critical Tirnies." We cordially Invite you to worship) wIth us. The Musical trograrn for the morning worship 'sqervice willI be as followe: prelude, 'Murmuring. Zephyre." Jensin; antheni. «Art Thou Weary," Chadwick; sonlo, "Gloria."1 Buzti-Péeca. Edward Otis, soloIt;. postînde, "Triumphal March," Verdi. Miss, Erma Rounds là dIrector. Junior church will care for, the chIu- dren- of parents who. wish to attend the, rnornlng service., Our Sunday school meets ln -ail de- partnients at 9.-30 oelek. The Adult Bible class will meet at 10 -o'clork for the study of. the "La9t. Years of Paul" We invite you te join Us. The Tuxis club, the high school group of young people, will meet at 5:30 o'clock. Tlhe meeting wlll be led byr Charles Moon, and the topic will be, ..The- Suprerne Value of Human, Life.' The Boy Scouts will mneet Monday evening at the church. The Spokes of the Woman's society wil'l niet Tuesday as follows: No. 5 wiîth Mme. J. Angus Steven, 124 Broad- way. avenue for lunch, and prograim.: No. 6 with Mrs.. H. P'ritchar'd,' 1020 Miamni road,' at 1 o'clock; No. 10 with Mme. Helen McCormick, 519 Washington avenue. Our rnidweek service will be held Wednesday' eévening, at 8 o'clcck.. We, willl study frorù the "Prophecy of Isaiah," the themne, "T'ue Servant of the Lord.". We invite you to be with us. The Chicago Preebyterial society -will meet Friday, Maýy 1, at the Austin' Pres-. bytenian church, Waller avenue and F'ulton 8treet, at 10:30 o'clocké. Rese r- vations for the lunch rnay be miade wlth Mrs. R. H. Riee, 1007 Thirteenth street. The choir will rehearse Fnlday eve- ning at thé church.. The Girl. Scouts wUll me et at the' church Saturday afternoon.. Be-thleher churph. Paulina andMne- nold streets, Chicago. Our svn<tdieal ire.-Ident, D)r. J. W. Behnlcén, will be the speaker.- We extend Christ's Invitation. to yen: "Cornie unto Me, ail ye that labor and are heavy laden, and 1 Wlill giVe Y'iu St. A ugustine's Dr.* Hubert Carleton, rector Sunday, April 26, will ýbe the second .Qttnday 'atter Easter. -There will be .1-10Y Communion at 8 a. nm., Church .srhoolsand Bible elasses nt 9:15, and Morning Prayer with sermon at 11 a. Yn. Saturday, April 25, wfIl be St. Marks Day.' There will be H110W Commufnun at 8 a. m. The Circles of the Associftted Guilds, will meet Fnriday (tomorrow) noon as follows: North icircle with Mrs.,. L. B. Rugienin, 1319 Ashland. aven.uo,, Mrs. Thornas Hardwick, assistant ho.,;tess.; South circle, with Miss. Laura .Datvy,, 427 Ninth, street; West. circle, Mrs. J. J. Walworth, 159,1 Spencer avenue. The wivônin of flué Gufid realized a' c>nsiderable suin toward their Centenary fund subscription at a large and v'ery successful Dessert Bridge held ztthfle Woman's club Tuesday with Mrs. S. B. Haley in charge. ]JMetIodist Churciz Willrette avenue at Lakce av.,nue Amos Thornburg, m-inister The minister ivill be in the pulpit nt the Il .o'clock worship) srevlce next Suni- day morn-ing. Memnbers and friencis 'are reminded that the service begins with the organ prelude at 10:45 'o'clock. *The music for the .ou¶iuservice next. -unday ill be as' follows: Organ (10 :45): "Solenin Prelitde".Noble "Two Welsh Hymni Tunes: Hlyfrydol Arr. bv Vaughn Willians Rhosynmedre .....Arr. b% Vaughn Williarrns Marie Briel Introit:' "Father, In Thy, Mysterlous Presence".... ýý...... .. ...Mattheyý's Antheni by the Choir: "My, Faith Loriks Up to Thee".... .... ....Schnecker Offertory Solo: "eSheep and Lanubs".. ..... Horer 'orence Farrar Organ Postlude: "Festival Pestinde"l.. ..... .......Demarcet The F'iendly circle will meet Tuesday evening, Apnil 28, at 8 o'clock in the Woman's room. There will be a brief review of current events, and Mrs. C. J. Nylund, will bring a review o)f tle book, "Your'Hall of Famier" by Robert Under- wood ,Johnsoni., Hostesseâ: .Mesdames C J. Nylund, P. Wallace Mitchell, H. Jr. Palrner. and Minnie Wyeth.Ai wornen are invrited. The Girl Scout Leaders' association will meet Tuesday evening, Apnil 28, at 7: ,30 o'clock in the Girl Scout roorn. It Is hoped that ail of our leaders wilf Le in attendanice. Pentecost is: the nextday of unusual importance In, our church year. The date le May 31. Kenilworth Union Pr. Herbert L. Willett, minister In accordance with the custom of the two churches of Kenilworth te exchange services,. t4îe Church of the *Holy,.Comnforter will worship with us Sunday, April. 26.. Dr.. Daniforth will preach, the sermon.; Hie subject iyul be "The SouJ 'and: the Crowd." Tile church' service Is at il o'clock. The Sunida,,y school will meet at 9,:45 a. ni. There are classes for ohildren between the ages o f. the kindeérgarten and the high school. Visitors are wel- corne. The Spring Church dinner ýwI1liLe held at the Kénivorth. club, on Wvcl.. nesday, May 13. Please .réserve the date! First Congregûtional The Rev. John G. Hindley, minister' The ininister at the niorning ehui'ch service uext Sunday inor-ning will preach on "When Prayers Conie Tiu'ue." We- invite you to worship with us, The iusic under thé direction oï Mis-sý En'iiy Roberts, 'organist-directoj., will be a-s follows. Antheîn--Phe ýHeavens Are Teiliiag" Quartette-Te 'Deum .~.... Buiek Postlude-Fanfare ...*....... Shelley, Instead of anl evening meeting at church The Young People's Group ie go- in to Zion City next Sunday afternoon to see "The Passion Play." The East End circîs will n1aet j-n*.ûi C Z yrie sree, ie 'rneighbor along. it wiII be tél ."e --.u r-1 '1Wneka eitIýhseae:Ms-o hse admirable gatiierings for the We nvteye tewoshp ithu~ah harty.......Crnas 31 dames William 'Smythe an-d. A. R. Find- rstseen Sunday mornin.g at il o'cloek. Postlude-March ln. A........ Waring ley. T~he Luthier league will meet on Sun- Sunday's sermon le the first in a sérieses veMay 14 for the May Churlh ayevenlng at 5:30 o'elock. Mr. mmrnest o! four sermons on "*texts frequently The Second Division will meet Fniday, school dinner at the 'church' Parepte an Behaper will present the teplo and Miese lisquote&" the other , three will 'be BMay . 12 Wt the ho enuMr. Luthr W chrl colmmesaeivtdt h Hee Ptrsnwllhvetedeoios bsdon1"mty6:.10; James 2:24;Bno,21,odie vne o-ot rgram and proJect display, as weil au Heln etrso wll ha e t e évtio s. ba ed on T mehyesses: Mrs. Arthur Schwarm and Mrs. the dinner. y Matthew 25:29. .N.:A. BOoz> On Thursday evenlng of ti-lweek we tN..âA. .iBooz.~ wl» bave our Annver'mo,-w. ixni n plviir U PIIUrI*21K