ti W Davis 233 FLINCOLN WOOD LOTi WILL TRADE F'OR A SMALL HOUSE. A beautiful homesite lot fiOxiSO. 1n flnest Lincoiflw-lOd iection. WMO H. WRIGHT & Co. 921 Main Street. Evanston GRE. '4880 94 T. LOT, OVEIRLOOKING, SKOKIE Golf Clulb grounds. reduped tg $65 per lfoot. SMART & GOLEE, Ic. Wil. 28 Evanston Ujni. 0283 114LTN51-ltc CHOICE RESIDENTIAL LOT. 60x180 ft., on Cherry St. between. Hlbbard Rd., and Berkeley ,<Winnetka Panor sub- dl*.). AUil lrovements ln and paid for. Only $70'per t . Winnetka _ 3309. 114LTNSO-2tc WANTED O Iro Yi-VACANT. WANTÈ6 FOR CASH Wellloctedresdeniallot ln Kenil- worth oer Winnetka. 50 foot. Write B-1719 Box.60,,Wilmette, 111. 115LTN51-1tp STURGEON BAY, WTS. NErW MOD. with bath, accom. 6, 850' priv. aand beach on G)reen Bay. Best fishlng, golf near. H. L. Lewis, 2027 Bradley Pi., Chcato. 111. 116A-LTN64..4tp SUMMER CAMPS BEYE AND BEYE CAMP MARCELLUS, MICHIGAN Boys - Girls, 3 to 15. $35 month Ail outdoor sports. Write for lnf. Mary fleyé. Regjimtrar. 118RLTN49-4tp ___ACREAGE ANO ESTATEr ___ WEST L~AKEFORES1T Surrounded by estates, 30 acres.lin- proved with remodeled.home contain-. ing 4 ffaster bedrms., .4 battis, servant's rnu and bath. Sleeping porches, natural fireplace.. E Air 011 hit. Landscaped. lawn, large shade trees. 4-car gar., dog kennels, excellent barn, witim 7 box stalis, harness r&om. 12 cow stanchions.1 'THlE PRICE IS $35,000. WYATT& COONS Waukegan Rd., Glenvlew Glenview .81 124LTNS-.tp S mnail Country Estate CLOSE TO '1RANS., SCHLS., west of Winntka; nr. 40 miles of -bridie paths. English- brk. Wil. 922 Central 1819 127A-LTN49tfr .Construction Loans. WB ARE IN- THE MARKEiT FOR D1) sttable building loans on well-located North--Shore property. $5OOAND UP 6% Interest if security Warrants. W. alio.have special fundoavailable for Immediate commitment on new or reý- ftnancing bans. $2,c#)OO TO $2090WO 4% TO 5%~% INTEREST MCGUIRE &.,ORR, mc. Over 40 Yearse ofDependable, Servie. !)0'avis Si., Evanston, Gre. >lo08 127A-LTN5-itc NEGOTIATED' FOR YOU BY SPF- ctalist. Repald 1k .j#nt, 4ncluding taxes and Insuranco. Prompt and corn- plete service. Consuit us now! W. G. RUOGLES & CO.1 517 DAVIS ST. Wil. 1660 43/2%-5%-5y2% MORTOAGE MONEY AVAJYABLE FPO0fR REBIDENCES a.partments, and business building; Personai service assures best terme. W.- R. MITCHELL Glenco. 309 Central 111 127A-LTN48-4tr FI RST MORTOAGES WE HAVE FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR cortservattve loanh on restdences and income property. 4%~4% te 6% Intereet. 6 te 10 years. Prompt service and mbd- .rate charges. joseph C. Cormiack & Co. 1569 Sherman Avenue University 3353 127A-LTN26-tfe ctanrode, $1 each; a 'lectroluxite box <colt $213). $50. For, apptI.-cl Winn.3067.129LTN61-lié ENTI]RE FURNISHTNGS DF 6 RM. house, including Grand piano, Kel- vinator, and kitchenî stove. Everything, A-1 cond. No dealers. 2505 Jackson Ave. near Central Sti, Evanston, II I129LTN51-litp ANTIQUE ORIENTALS Large and amal. Perfect condition. BABY GRAND PIANO 011' panting-,;6 prs. al , s1k, Itaian brocado drapes , etc. Shown evenlngs and ail day Sunday. Cal lencoo 1538. 129LTN51-ltp MUST SÉLL IMMEI)IATPL? New 4iold-Spot porcelain refrlg. $100; termns. Double bcd, box spring, and mattroos $15i; 3/4bed, box sprlng, and mattroas $7; drop leat table $5; Magie. Chef gas steve neariy new $20. Cmii Glencoe 1590.. 129L51-ltp 75-LB. ICE BOX 2% YRS. OLD. $7. IN VERY GOQU condition. Phono Wilmette 4573. 129LTN51-ltP General Electric Refrig., 2-DR., Il CU. PT. IN GOOD CONJ3; also Clàrk-Jewel gas range. Wilmette 2030y. 19T5- GMINERAL Hotusthold Furnishings 416 E. Railroad Ave. Wilmette 4866 129LTN51-ltp FOR SALE CHEAP - 2 HIGH BACTC hall chairs, 3 Oriental rugs, Venetian blinds. Art objects, oil palntingfi, 1 large garden vase and gardon fountain. Ph._Wilmette_4968. 129LTNr5-ltc ebIX MA ST E, -T R I P L; EýM IR O, mabogaRiy dressing table and chair, quarter h. p. electrie motor, Eroctôr set, satîboat. 1324 Isabella St.. Wil-, mette .3637. l29LTN51-ltp autý.. 1114 Davis Ut. UnivewItr 099. FOR SALE REASONABLEn Overstuf'fed velour davenport and rock- er In good cond. Aleo tw9 wlig chairs MAIL. TW IN :BÉDS. MBIO PING& dresser and chiff ooxwell char desk, muâie cftb., wfoer chaise auJ pad. Rome studio couch, large Orienta ruag. uni., 63281-oes.. 139TNIl> GEN. E L E C T., REMRGERATOZ- paid $400, will scriice for '997.50. Lrelibrary table. Oreen bedrooni suite. Antique. couch. Winnetka !30.. ___________________12LTN5-t» ELECTROLUX VACÛUUMCLrE R NEW IN DECEMBER $50 CASHE Wlnnetka 3030 I39LTN5i4tp MOVING - COUCI!, BEI), DRESSING table, chiid'R large roll top desk, Junilor chair, doll cs.tlaÉe, mirror,, mise. h.ehld. articles. 271 Hawthiorne Avenue. <leneoe 1157. 129LT1T1-tp DINING TABLE, CH~AIRS, BU"ÉT;ri wicker chairs; breakfast table, chairs. twin bed sets. and other furniture. For appt. phono Wilmette 5055. 129LTl.tp FURNITURE FOR SALE 1117 GREENLEAF AVE, WILMETTE Phono Wilmette 3918. 129LTN5I-1te 6-Burner Relable GA$ RANGE In good condition and reasonabie. Wlpnetka 8666. 129LTN51-1lte CLfi8SIFIED ADS Continued on Page SI IWITNESSES Witnesse to an auto accidente on April 13, 1936, i front of, 3649 Touhy Avé., Nil.. Cen- ter,-Iim., please conimunicate iLmErI 32 UN1YSRSTy 7317 63 turu. ,A-LTN22tfc rug- *Wiinette. Central Av irbg%-Q> 4 ;ÀýVUMýmemw ý 1