Phono for -Esi ARROW VI phone-U REAL ESTATE LOANS Have funds tà bgan on choice North Shore reà4dential and busi. ness properties at reasonable rates. L G. Pauling & Co. 10 9. La. Salle St. > Chi cago Frau 7740 IRSi t OxRTGAGU L0*NS NO COMMISSION 41/2% INTEREST R<itnfial proertie, restricted areas. Evanston and North Shore. S or 10 year terni. Seimi-annual interest paymnits. * ~ItC., 1 N. La Salle St., Chicagoý * Central 0227 1571 Sherman Ave., Evanston University 2600 Construction Department Lehle Photo Titis very imode,'» kitchen. arrangement is oote of' the featuêres of'the Homte Eoigineerig and Arehi*ecesrai exrhibit cotidicted 1i te First National Bank biiiIdi&g, Wilmiette; under direction of W. C. Husgginis, wel l kown fforth shore genîerai contractor. 7The permanent e.rhibit Lt opene for, inspection throisgh the day and vening. Real Estate Officiais to Meet in Indianapolis Secretaries of ail reai estate boards of the United States and Canada, and secrçtaries of the tbirty-eigbt exist- ing state and provincial. real estate associations are asked to meet 'in, Indian#apolis, Ind., May 28 and 29, in a conference that will have tbe si ngle aim of getting at the best ways for carrying on a local board's work. T1he coming meeting wîll be the first national con ference to be held in several years of, by and for real, estate board executives on the pro- graming of local action for the a&-. vancement and safeguarding of real estate development. The conference is called by the Reator Secretaries Council of tbe National Association Records New Building Activity in Wilmette Building Commissioner William A. Wolff reports the following building permnits issued for the week ending April 21: C. L. Howard, 2500 Kenilwortb ave- nue, re sidence alterations,' $2,000; architect,. C. G. Gursman; mason, D. Pearson. E. C. Howard, 318 Oak Circie, ga- rage alteration, $200; mason, H. John- Soni. J. A. Biutz, 2003 Beechwood avenue, single family residence witb attached garage, $9,000; architect,, F. J. Serpico; plumbing, Commonwealth Piumbing company. B. G. Callaway, 920 Linden avenue, garage alteration, $100. W. B. Paulson, 719 Washington avenue, residence alterations, $350; Complete transformation of the Chicago Coliseum into a community garden setting with a specially con- structed and furnished model bouse as the centerpiece is being planned for the National Home Show of Chi- cago to. be staged. fromn May 16 to 24, according to John A. Servas, man- aging director of the exposition -which, is being held,ûndèrý the aus pices of The Chicago ,ReaI Estate board. Both the Federal Housing Admin- istration and the National Associa- tion of Real Estate boards, are co- operating ini the staging of the na- tional home 'show. Attention to Detail. "Every detail of the model bouse, 'Mr. Servas exýpla.ined, ."will be care- fuliy' studied to fulfili the requie ments of an average priced home and stili incorpoôrate ail the comforts and. refinement and beauty of the more costly types. An are.a the size of an. average city. lot will be devoted to this feature.. "*Beyond, this, at each -termin¶al there will also be other bomnes huilt to represent both palatial and cot- tage type homes. Each of these bouses will have its individual type of garden and landscaping.' Everv kind of garden will be shown., "These will include formai, infor- mai, naturaiistic, rock and water gar- dens. FIlA Cooperates "It wiil be - a giamorous picture: that will, permeate the idea of home ownership. Two carloads of déecora- tive equipment furnislied by tbe Fed-, eral Tfousing Administration will add to the decorative spiendor of the scene. déThiis 'equipment will incliyde tbe famous 'taiking towers' that tell in a dramnatic manner the' story. of bet- ter housing. "Surroutidinig the. g a r d e W a n., dd model, homes. there wil be a com- plete exposition of ail materials and accessorles tbat wiIl aid the prospec- tive home owner in tbe sélection and cboice of materials and equipmeint. Leaders. in every brancb of the build- ing industry will bave representa- be of the paint Peel, but to the nmake a good job of it the the bas not peeied should be uzz otherwise the edges of Ltes places wil show. R HANSEN L OLIV