Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Apr 1936, p. 52

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at MISSION HILLSý W. are prOud to proeut a thorougbly conditioned golf :course;ý formerly oe of the. outstandiug, private clubs of, the. district, now open to the public., Desigaed by a premier Golf Archi- toct on Leautifully roiling topograpliy, Mission Huis is the. preferrod, course of the. golfer -who takes kecn intorost irn mastening.on each hole the dileér- Mut probloma of traps, *ater and other - auards. There cau, ho no question that what ever oue's akilI, a gante of golf viii be more ,enjoyable. ini uch delightful surroundings and at prices that pleas, as woln. MISSION IIILLS GOLFCLUB So.d.rs and Tech.y Rds. IJOMESTEA), Ine,.« The o.*ly place ot us kind for f amily ga:hering on MJe North Shore NOWý OPEN For Spring and Summer Seasons AIC 4i nserme w be un F111U tie district o$fcials and will include ac- tivities and contests based upon the khowledge gathered by a, scout ini becoming second class. SCOUTMÂSTERS TO' TRAIN » The scoutmnasters of tbe council who have not yet hbad, the elements of' scoutmastership training course are going to camp together on Satur- day, and. Su nday,:May 2.and 3, when the .information contained, inu that training' course will be disclosed by some of, the veterans in scoutmfaster- ship who will act as Instructor .s., the course will be conducted ex- actly like a scout troop with ail of the officers -of the troop represented and fulfilling similar functions in the course as they,'would in the troop. .$ILVER JUBILEE Speciai emblems have beeri pre- pared for the troopa which came i to being during the year 1935, the Silver Jubilee year of the Boy Scouts of America. The troops in the North Shore Area Council which will be awarded the emblems, one for the troop flag and the other one,' much smaller, for the troop charter, are the foIIowing: Troop 25 of Glencoe, Troop 67 of Fort Sheridan, Troop 114 of. Waukegan, Troop 167 of Waukegan, Pack 31 of Highwood, Pack 69 of Diamond Lake, Pack 58 of Libertyville, Pack 242 of Lake i Bluff, and Pack 233 of Great Lakes. APTERNOON PROGRAM *The prograni iu the afternoons at Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan this year is1 taking on a littie different siant froml the last two or tbree years. Thei program Wiil be set up as an-optionait time for scouts and trooips in which to engage in activities enieyo1 their own choice. yo AIl of the camp. staff* will be on haud each day to help i n the plan-r ning of these activities and assistiniz . SCOUTER SEMINAR About 260 scouters froi ouncils in the northern part of Ilinois and the sotithern part of Wisconsin met in the North Shore bote! in Evanston, last Sunday, to hear and to discuss with repr esentatives1 of the national office the programn of the Boy Scouts of America an& how to make that Program avrailable to the boys *of their communities and to make. the pro- gram more effective throughout their counicils. The North 'Shore delègation was made up of 12 Scouters feom ail the parts of the area from Wilmette to Waukegan and out as far as Liberty- ville.. The. discussion sessio~ns1 were led:by TomKeane,, national director of seniior scouting whose session at- .tracted the largest group, the sub'ect being senior program in, the troop;, Lornie Barclay, national- director of the activities, ser-vice Who discussed camporees, circuses, and menit badge shows; L.- L. McDonald, -national camp dîrector, .Who talkled on troop camping, and Charles N. Miller, as- sistant director of the division of operations, who led the group in the discussion of council administration and finance. ELGIN TEAM WINS The first aid team representing the Elgin counc~i in the divisional first aid tournament last Friday nigiht at Oak Park placed first in the contest, allowing them to conipete next Sat- urday night at the Lake Forest High school against four other eeapms in a meet to pick, the best 'irst aid team in region seven. Four other Divisional meets were held over the week-end. The teams that were competing in the divisional meet besides the Elgin team were the teams fromn East, Chicago, Villa Park,, Chicago, and. Libert yville, the latter: representing the North. Shore Area, council. The Libertyville lads-won a second place being only 13 points behind the winning team in a difficuit contest. The scores in five problems for the 2ZBlocks Norths of GIesview Village For Reservatious cal Glenview 550 hibiion all n te baemen, wee-FalU's father, C. I_ von Gunten. On aliboiti hal the bsemàent wr their way home they stopped at Jack ail ove edby he eleate. * Miuor's at Kingsville, Ontario, to see On Friday evening, the close of the the thousands of wild geesé that are convention, Dr. Gordon J. Laing, there on his estate, a noted bird pre- professor at the University of Chii- serve.

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