ters Perform Excellent Serv. ice for Children BY Mrs. Marvin Haims, Wiimette, a community that is aiways, "baby- conscious," wil bave itsattention 'directed,,particulàrly tw :Cbicago's futu re citizens durlng Na- tional Baby Week-April 26 to May 2 -by the Infant -Welfare society-. They are very smali citizens, these charges of the Infant Welfare society, but upon their care andi developmcnt mnmentous issues in tbe future may depend. TeInfant Weifare society bas as- sim'ed rcsponsibiiity. for secing that thé right kind of care and a fair chance at -life are made available to babies in' tbe tenement districts of Çhicago whose parents could not pos- iibiy pay for medical ,avc n bealth. instruction. avc Providui Friendly service To this bandicapped, mother the Infant Weifare society stands as the- enibodinient of ail that is helpful, friendly and reassuring. -Tbe doctor in the station is the guardian of ber own .Iealtb duning lier pregnancy and of tbe heaith of ber cbild during bis -'lfrst six years. The Infant Welfare nurse cornes to ber home over and over again to teachliber how, even with meager funds and inadequate equipment. she can manage to keep tbe home sanitary, establisb a heaith- fui routine, and provide nutritious, properiy cooked food for ber chil- dren. Tbe <dangers of maladjusteci personalities are magnified - by pov- erty and overcrowding in the homes of Infant Welfare families but the nurse in her helpful home visits guides the mnother gtntiy through the shoals that niay be incident to ber pregnancy and helps lier to lead hler thildren alonig the. road of self-reliance and Iiappy social contacts. -In e specialiy dithcult, problèms 'of nutrition orj mental hygiene thé nurse bas the as-1 ,sistance of a traineci nut i1 ito 0f the mental hygiene supervisor.1 Last year the Alice H. Wood nurses (te tai utnnnrte'd i-wWilmettei tinue to niake it possible for us *to supply our customers witb Ineeded things. -Mrs. A. L. Grinneil, chairman. Note: Economy Shôp lu conducted by. the Woman'a, Club of ,Wllmette. St. John's -Pia r Offer 4rarce Comiedy This Week The St. John's players will present their last play of the season, "Second Cbhiidhooýd," by Zellah Covington and Jules Simonson,1 this Thursday and Friday evenings at. 8:15 o'clocki the church bail-at thé. cornerý of, Park and Wiimette aVenues. 1This dramatic' club,'bas been organ- ized for several seasons anid under tbe direction of Rex H. Asbdowne bas presented a number of plays of the b iglier, type. 'Tbe ,three-act comedy farce will surPass ail former productions in cle'verness and inaud- ience appeai, it was said. The Cat Professer Relyea...... I!heo Schlorff Mr. elslle...... ... Alice Seifert Sylvria Relyea........... Evelyn Borre Philip Stanton ..... George E. Cramer General Burbeck ....Paul E. Gamron Marcella 'BUtrbek eona Daellenbach Mrs. Vivlvert ......... Elsie Renhardt Mrs. Henderson ..... _Jane Edwards1 Luclle Norton. Geneviev.e Witte Judge Sanderson* .... Robert A. Carln n Sheriff Jhsn....HnnnMeyer Harry Bllott Is Next Townsend Club Speaker Townsend Club No. 1 of Wilmette will hold - its weÉkiy meeting in the Wiimette Village hall on Fniday evening, April 24, at 8 o'clock. Mem- bers anid guests are requested to be on time so that the meeting can be opened promptly. The speaker wilI be.1 Harry, Elliott, a young andi ag- gressive attorney who, it is stateci, presents the, Townsend plan in a forceful and convincing manner. The public, and especially business men and women, is cordially invited to be resent.. Information and literature attempt té elect two independent candidates for trustees. of the School board is béing .generally condemneci, while exception is being taken by some to the, reports as 'given ini WILmMaLiEL ,Reiterations.of salient points are beard, as ýare véhement denials from individuals %that they baci anytbing.to .do with the movement. In a signed staternent submitted to the publisber of tbis paper Charles W. Allen, 1926 Greenwood avenue, disclaims1 any re sponsibility. for; the affair, asserting that-he madeý no effort of 'any kind. té bring. about tbe election of the independents. . As- serting.that he bad been approached a couple of weèks before the élection date by a resident of Minmette and asked whai he thought of running candidates for the School board vacancies,' be gave as bis :reply: "It's 0K. with me." Later on, be, avers, be was infoerned: that two men were under consideration 'as candidates, andi was askecl to assist i n their elec- tion.. Replying that he did flot have the time to devote to the matter, be stated that lie would try to vote at the election. Mr. Allen further gives the following account of bis activities on the day of the election: "On Saturday, April 11, 1 left mny home in Wllmette as usual for the clty at about 8:30 a. m. i returned te my home about 1 :45 p. 11,., and left shortlY there- after wlth my wlfe te visit frlends in Rogers Park, at wbose homne 1 remalned until lette afternoon. Upon my return home abnut 5:45 P. m., I was called on the telephone and wfts asked te, go and vote, Whlch I dld, at or about 5:50 p. mi." No explanation has as yet . ben given of the purposes motivating the group responsible for the undercover ",write-mn" campaign, nor the rewards promiscd in, excbange for. votes.1 Probably none will be. Nygaard Named President oM Superinitendent Group E. L. "Nygaard, supen'intendent of the joseph Sears school, Kenilworth,. Township DlP L4orda Conter, t At. its reguiar meeting Tue&ay' t nigb1t the Village board, passëd 1a 1resolution suggesting to, New Trier township officiaIs thàt aprino tb .i8247.15 surplus wbicb. their board* now bas on band ibe appropriat- ed to Minmette Healtb Center, mias- mn.ueli as that institution rendiers aý townsbip-wide medical and denal service, to unfortunate families and individuels, The re.solution 'reais 'as "OWHE»REAS* k ha' come te tiiq at- tention. cf this'board that the Townsblp of. New Trier bas surplus funda over and above those necessary for'the eoný duet of the regu Iar activittes, or the township, and 'WHMEREAS, the Wllmette, Healt# Center ls an Institution whlch provideà tnedical and dental care.te 'mny.pr sonos who are unable te pay for . ucli serviees, a considerable number cf whinh porsona 4do not-remide wlt1thithe Village of Wilmette but ln the Trownship ol New Trier, therefore, "BE IT RESOLVED, that tht. bnaî4 petition the township officiale to ay propriate from their fvndas sub sunis as they msay consider proper tj> 41d lu the mnaintenance of the Wlimett. ùaiH ýCenter." eit Mrs. Van der Vries Leade Ticket in Assembly Race Mrs. Bernice T. Van decr Vries, 968 Pine street, Winnetka, wlio was rç- nominated i the Repuican .priM-. ary, Tuesday, April 14, for a second terni ais a member of the aouse of Representatives in the Illinois gen- eral assembly froni the Seventh seita. tonial district, according to final count received a total of 45,554 votes. This was flot only the bighest vote received by any of the six candidates' on tbe Republica n t icket, but it was two andi one-haîf times' the- number. of votes jreceived- by. Mrs. Van der 'Vries, two yearsg ago. * ' There 'were two, to be nominated. Frank E.>Foster. the second hiheh*.ê charges of reckless dniving. REPORT ON CONTAGIONS Wilmctte Héaltb dcpgrtment re- ports. the folIlowing communicable disease* cases for 'the week ending April 18: -Chickenpox, 3; màumPs, 2; la newa iq8 Jm &wVV r8 , Duncan Jennigs, 126 Broadway avenue, Ws in Tucson, Aniz.,. at the present time doing newspaper work tHc and Bert Moritz ofKenilworth spent tbeW'inter in tbesouthweston two different ranches, one i New Mexico: and another in Arizona.. A short time ago. Bert, frft to jphi bis iees or the necesMriry 1- clos for your purpose. CALL WiLmBTTrB 4M0 To boy or gote suit hm à - yée munittoi# thi.. WILL SEL P&USiOý. PLALY A group of 30 or. 35 youths of .jgh scbool age;* members of the young people's group of the First Congregai, tional _churCli, Wil raelto Zo