YVOdînlg Iirsttin New Winnetka CIurcl, Lupine and Nvhite and pcach colored snapdragons were the, fowers used -in decorating the jiew edifice ôof the Winnetka, Congregational church for the first wedding. ceremnony per- formed there.., The service, read Saturd ay evening by -Dr. Samuel D., Harkness, united in marriage, Miss Elizabeth Babcock, daugh- ter of Mrs. William, F.- Bab- cock Of, Winnetka, and Augu.ste' C. Babize', Jr., son of, Mr. and Mrs. Auguste C. Bahize of Glen- The bride, given in marriage by her brother, Charles W. Babcock of Bev- erly -Hills, wore a sirnply fashioned gown of white satin, made with a high neck, long sleeves, and a long train.. A wreath of orange blossoms held ber tu.lle veil in place. lfhe bride's flowý- ers were liles of the ývalley, and gar- denias. Miss Jane' Babcock, the maid of honior, wore blue lace and carried *a bouquet of African daisies', peach snapdragons, and liles 'of the valley. The three bridesmaids were in peach lace and carried lilies of the valley and, peach snapdragons. Ail of the bride's attendlants wore silk mitts andi little hats of» braided cord and tulle, to miatch their gowns. Mns. Charles Bab- cock, Miss Laurene Tatlow of Denver. and Mrs. Herbent W. Virgin, Jr., of Madison, were the bridesmaids. Thle motliers of the bride and bridegroom were in blue lace and carried "bou- quets of African daisies. Harry C. May of Mansfield,. Ohio, was best mani, and the ushers wene Richard Babcock and Gilbert Barton of Winnetka, Theodone L. Hamer af Woodstock, Robent E. Kenyon, Jr., of Lake Forest, Walter B. Marx of IEvanston, and Arthur B. McÇGire of Toloif Photo Mr$r. Willard T. Grimm of Ken- ilworth is beginning ber second terni as presidet of thee .&anston Alttnnae chapter of Kappa Alpha Thletac. She weill* be the chapter': delegate'at the National conventioitn of thse fratercity at Glacier Na-' tional Park the latter part of lune. Ceni.,' Auxiiary WiII S.. WIIcing, Rehearsals %Tbe regulan nionthly meeting of the North Shore auxiliary of the Chii- cago Maternity center will be beld' Tuesday, April 28, at the home of Mrs. lRoscoe Page, 2424 Lincoln street,, Evanston, at 2:30 o'clock. A walking rebearsal of two one-act plays will lie given, andI tea wil lie served. S"Pirates," by Colvin Campbell Clements, and. "The Flonist Shôp," by Wiiifred Hawkridge are the se- Thte members of the Mary Crane league are 'pleased to annoUnce that Edgar A. Stevens,bInc., of Evanston will hold a fashion show following, the dessert *tea, and preceding the card game, which the, league. is hav- ing.Wednesday, May 13, at the Ev- anston Country club. Mrs. .W. G. Olsen of Kenilworth is-chairman of the card committee and promises an,-intéresting after- noonl with attractive prizes, for each table. The proceeds from this party, an annual affair which the league gives each spring, along with the pro- ceeds from the,,annual bail given i the fanl, help to support, the Nursery school at Huil House, and also setid each child from the scbool to camp at Bowen Country club, Waukegan, Ili., for a two-week vacation. Tickets- for the card party can be purchased from Mrs. Ernest Cramer (Rogers Park 7845), Mrs. H. J. Banks (University >33), Mrs. R. KCemp~ (Wilrnette 4630), and ýMrs. H1. A. Scribner (Kenilworth 5518).. Reservations can be made by cali-. ing Mrs. George, Stevens (Viiver.sity 8363). St. Xavier Party History seemns to be repeat- ing itself in the buzz of plans and preparations for, the: third annual St. Fr ancis x ,avier par-. ish spring party to be, held Sat- urday, May 23, at 8 .o'clock at Shawnee Country club. Reports of' the committees indi- cated that this year's party w ill in- clude the many delightful features which- ma de the previous spring par- ties- such outstanding successes, andý will incorporate, some'new and novel ideas,' making the,1936 event bigger and better thanever. The Rev. John C. Keenan is general chairman of the affair, and those as- sisting him. are: -Mrs. Frank Kaye, and Mrs. William Krippes. ,co- chai r- ,man of the prize eomnmittee; Mrs. William Dillon, ticket chairnian; Mrs. Howard Hickey, patroness chairman; Mrs. Guy Gladson and Mrs. A. W. Withrow, co-chairmanof the reception committee; Mrs. Thom-, as Molenyeaux,, table chairman,, and Mrs. Marshall V. Kearneyï, puhlicity Mothers, Wives, Plan Party Leo .Hassenaur is programn chair- man. The yo ung people of the. parish. The Phi Kappa Psi Mothers and are working on the various commit- Wives are holding an evening .party ltees, and the school and college at the chapter bouse on the, North- groups are organlzing parties to nep - western university campus Tuesday, resent their respective schools at the May 5. Dr. Franklin Bliss Snyden, dance. dean of the 'graduate school, wiIl There will be another general meet- talk on Mark Twain, and the Phi Psi ing of the men and women of tbe par- fteshmen will provide entertainment. ish at St. Francis Xavier School hall on Monday, April 27, at 7:45 o'clock. The' chairman urges aIl to attend. Momber of Cost A nn ual Meeéting for Womnan's College Board- gram. Hostes& wili be Mrs. C Mrn. Knute A.' the Pro-, fternoon ries and f4 n the m ,oucks of cPage j: her home drive, a te; alumnae of the board.. rth ie ed on