*Newly _elected officers of the Woman's Club of Winmette will be inducted into office at the an- ixual spring luncheon to be helId at tbe Edgewatey' Beach -botel on Wednesday, April 29, at, 12:30' o'clock.:,To this gala luncheon wxill ,corne t wo outstanding art- ists withtheir program of music and. dramaic sketches to enter- tain the gulèâts. TIhIe, new oficers wbo will be pre-, sented to'the assembled guests are: Mrs. Maurice C. Boothe, second ývice- president;, Mrs. Charles P. Kremer, third vice-president; Mrs. Stanley P., Johnson, corresponding secretary; Mrs. F. L. McGrath, treasurer.; Mrs. Earl B. Graham, chairman of tbe literature dep.artment; Mn. Ralph C. jennings, chairman of the art de- partment; Mrs. John A. Donaldson, chairman of the civics department : Mrs. George B. Williams, program chairinan; Mrs. Edward L. Lange. social chairman; Mrs.. H. C. Toeppen, rentais chairman; Mrs. A. V. Gruhn, chairman of bouse and grounds. Entering upon the second year of their terms of office are Mrs. David J. Davis, president; Mrs. Frank R. Adams, first vice-president; Mrs. W. Whitaker Baer. recording secretary; Mrs. Carl Z. Zippricb, chairman of the homne and education department; Mrs. Glen S. Roberts, chairman of *the mnusic departrnent; Mrs, G. E., Walk, cbairn'an of the philantbropy department; Mrs. *Anker L. Cbristy, Bulletin chairman,; Mrs. George D. Conlee, chairnian of ways and means.; Mrs. Rollo Gullickson. Junior ad-, visOr. William Miller, Chicéago tenor, i5 a young man whois ravidly winning. fame for bis singing. He is said-to have. "voice, temperament, and style." He will be heard ini two groups CarloÉ Photo Daquerre Photo Piétured aboz'e are the incoming and outgoing presidents of thse Junior dusiliary of thée Woman's Club of Wilmette., At the lef t is Mrs. Charles Williamn, .(JatteOwen), t<hê rtires front offielerk a o o-year *rmn. At thse leftt j: the tnew presiding o.J.cer of thse Juniors, Miss Betty Mulford. Since her snarrioge M7s. Williamson luis been living in., Evanston. Miss Mulford': home is in Wilmette. Wilmette Garden Club WiIl Meet on May Day Twopoems' rminding of spring time and gardons are submitted by the Wilmette Garden club, to be quoted witb its announcement tolling ofits May Day meeting. The first This Lov.lin.ss I inust hold close ibhis loveliness, Toda- Wind in tise pines. .A cardinal': quick way. Tise warm, szueet 'ssnell of earth, After a shower, Tise quiiet nearness of01 A garden fiozver. SinctIl sounds among tise grasses, A- blue sea Where white zvinds sing. a high glad Betty Mulford Il Elected President of Junior Auxiliary The Junior auxiliary of the Woman's Club of Wîlrnette hcld an important meeting Thurs-' day' April 16. Dinner, was servcd at 6:45,o'clock and elec- tion of officers followed, M iss Betty Mulford being chosen. president. Other offices filled were tbat of tresurrcorresponding secretary, chairman of tbe membersbip, social, and philanthropy conunittees,, and Spring Luncheon Election of officers, reports of chairmen, a Licher prÔgram on current events,,and a musim- cal p rogram i.by daughters. of, two club, members. will conclude there lamoty meetings of the Woman's Catholic Clubof-, Wilmettc Friday of this week. In order that al of 'the necessary business may.be despatcbed, mem- bers assemble at the club, at 12 o'clock, bringing their own box. lunches. The club se-res thein coffee. ýMrs. Maurice H. Lieber will give ber comments on national îand inter- national affairs, as :well as -those of state. Officers and chairmen will give their annual reports, and officers. wil be elected, that 'of. presidet being among the positions to be filled. Regina Fontham, daugbter of Mrs. Robert R. Fontbam, program chair- man, and Ruth Clohisy, daughter of Mrs. Warren Clohisy, p>ublicity chair- man, will give a musicale. Miss Re- gifla sings. Miss Ruth, a pianist-, will play: The first movement of .the Grieg "Sonata"; "Polichinelle,", by Rachmaninoff; "Courante." f rom't.he Bach "English Suites." The spring luncheon of the Cath- olie club is to be at-Sbawnee Coun- try club on May 6, at 1 o'clock. An ensemble of musicians is pro- viding the program, the group, con-, sisting of the Van Braley trio, Evelyn Amnes, contralto, and. Robert Speak- er, baritone. Higblights regarcling some of the activities of the ensemble include that fact that the trio bas been play-, ing together for five years on a com- mercial program, and has, done con- siderable radio and club work. Mary Van Auken, pianist, bas been active, in Chicago, botb as a soloist and, accompanist, baving played for mnanv of the citv's welî known sinR- ;ian fUa sP the One giz es." By Mny Lay. warden. arn and pod, 1Godi" EG» FULLER. ro servatory, hi .ciety of Mu appear as sol uext season. of the Anierican wvon an American ans contest, and t witb the Apollo