mine DrIGuaauSbrottier-in-law and sis- ter,. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Von Seiiiet,: 812, Ehnwood avenue,. Wîl- mette. The br ide was gowned in a suit of pou-der blue trimmed witb g-ray fox. With it she wore a hat and accessor- ies, of. navy' bine anda shouider spray of white orchids and carried a white prayer book. Mfiss Buetty Mulford, as .maid of honior, wore an ensemble- a. navy 1bitie dress With chamois coat, and..a shouider spray of, purple orchids. 'A bat of navy blue and ac- cessories- to match 'gave contrast.- Powder blue was the color of the inen ' dress worn by. littie "Cappie" Petit of WVinnetka, the junior brides- miaid. Witli it she carried, an -oid- fasliionieci bouquet. MNr. Von Senniet gave the bride in inarriage. ArthurE. Gordeil acted as hest mari for bis brother, and the ushers iwere Gene Çlifford of Chicago, Robert anifJohn Cordeil of Evans- ton, and thie bride's nephew, David J. Von Seninet of Wilmette. [mmiediateiv after tbe wedding ýbreakfast, Nir. Cordell, wbo is the son of Mrs. Arthur N. Cordeli of the. Orrington botel. and his bride left on a motor trip to Asheville and White Suiphutr Springs. expecting to be away tbree we'eks. Their home wili be at 435 .-,Idinie avenue, Chicago. w'ilCh a re of friends i for held. nowers were arranged ini the bouse for the wedding. In the bridai. party.were Miss Mary Florence Koenig, ber sister's maid of honor, and Mrs. Walter W. .K1utten- den of Highland Park and Mrs. Rich-ý ard Bond Marshall of Evanston, ma- trons of bonor. Robert Beall of De-' catur served as best man. for bis brother. Mr. Beail and bis bride sailed, Tues- day on a wedding trip to 'Bermuda. When tbey retùrn- they, will be, in, the city until their. home in. Highlanüd Park is readyi fort tem. Tea for Viitor Mrs. George Paul Grannis is ar-. riving Tbursday of this week frorn Beverly His, Cal., to spend two weeks wih hr sister, Mrs. TPhomas Coye 307 Woodstock avenue, Ken- iIwort, and Mrs. T1. Roswell Coyne. Tuesday of next week Mrs. Coyne and ber daughter-in-law are enter- taining at tea in honor of Mrs. Gran- nis. When Mrs. Grannis returns to California she wiIl be accompanied by Mrs. Thomas Çoyne, who is motor- ing back with bier for a visit. The Country Club of Evanston an- t Aid Mission Worlc nounces un eveninig of bridge, datte. Tbe Robert Ludwig Missionary so- ing, and, bowling Friday, April 24. f ciety , wil1 meet *with Mrs. George H. Gontract bridge' games start at 8 :30 Beaudin, 726 Elmwoocl avenue, Fni- o'clock, dancing to the music of a. day, Mfav 1, at 2 o'ciock. ten-piece orchestra is at 9:30 o'ciock. ntrsted in Qit Port y's Succe*s I commuiter for right are, seati front 1f t tori Johlisoll, wn1. ie >artv andt workers oit te -Mrs. Boyne H. Platt andj t, arc Mrs. C. T. Prykinan. ,rs. J. C. Millet. 70 9 CHUURCH J. il. TIRE $1 7~'~