possesion........ , -esý voinL 11re- nominating nme on the Republican Members of the' society,. accom- ticket as a candidate for réelection to panied by a veternarian, iflvestigated the Congress of the United States," the reported conditions at the Schatte_________ place befô re obtaining a warrant for bis arrest. They were shocked, they A CORRECTION said, at the, conditions they fund. in last week's issue, in the .story Several car loads of the society's which itold of the, selection o fa members attended Schatte's erignuniber of the members of thesno ini DesPlaines Wednesday' afternoon. class of, New Trier Township High Mrs. J. B. Hammond of Winnetka' school to the honor society, the nanie, chairman of tbe societan ced of Miss FrancesRapp of Wilmett 'a this week that Dr. G.Brm, of the erroneously IisteasFoncRp. North Shore Animnal hospital, Evans- ton, is serving the society in an ad-. Mr. and'Mrs. P. A,. Nichol, 567 Hill visory way. It had been reported Ter race inta r oigt 2 thc hei n h rd of directors, Central avenue, Wilmette, on Tues- she said, which is. not literally the day. case, but he is givinhg the organiza- tion splendid service asabove stat'ed. The society. enrolled several new~ members during the past week, apdM expects to continue -theI meîbers hipI drive indefinifely. CÇnurch Federaition . Sponsor HoIy Land Tour The second annual Chicago Church Federation . Pilgrimnage to the Holy Land is announced this week by the office of the Fecieration at 77 W. Washington street, Chicago. The tôur, visiting many points of bis- torical and religious interest in the Old World, is arranged particularly foi- Chicago area ministers, church officiais, and lay men and womnen *** e 1 inea dIViterraean r fl.n Local ministers and grou.ps froni neighborhoodf churches wbo may de- sire detailed information about this* tour are inv-ited to comniunicate witb the office of the Chicago Church Federation, Central 0681., A commit- tee cornposed of the Rev. Thomas Anderson, pastor of. the Wellington Avenue Congregational church of Chicago; Dr. Herbert L. Willett, pastor of the Kenilworth Union church: Dr. Joshua Oden.nresident W. cou o fovr 2332 1717 SHMAMNeAVIE ½c to 3/4. per'Galn fuel coflt5 been If so,-we have.c new and improved oil which. occording là Iaborotory tests. wilI work satisfact@rily in bunurs that have heretofore required a much more expeesive fuel oil 0o- Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hulliaa their sons, Bob and Tom, 1325 Mai avenue, Wilmette, visited relatives Cleveland last week. Exqicu SIX PLANTS DIlFullotoa Avou., Phn. Divers.1 27 LOCA TED SERVING THE CHICAGO ARIA