cation muet bear the nmre and aareuu of te uit u, ni qmearily for pubication, biut for our fie@.' Such material muaS readi the edtorlby Tumday noon to hoa tinie for thâe current ue COMPLETING THE CIRCLE, The Illinois Rmergency Relief commission,. organized to adnîinister state and federal,.relief, is slated to be discontifluedl on May 1., Men this is accomplished, the burden of relief is tobe thrown back. upon the state, cut and community. However, local.organizationS are maki ng a- strong effort te haveIE]RC extended to:July 1, in order to give those upon whom will devolve the cluty of solving relie'f problems opportunity to formulate plans and create an organization to. carry them . eut. At this> tue it is. not known whether these, efforts will be successful orflot. thé pointý here is that the problem of -sectiring, the meney for relief' purpOses and its proper spendings now, or sooru wiU .,be, back. where it started in 1933, completing the circle from comniu- nity to state te f ederal governinent and back *again. In a sense this will be a decided impreve- ment over federal administration, with its ineffi- cièncy, incompétence, waste and possible graft.. No one who bas noted the handling of relief meas,- * ures can fail te emit a sigh of satisfaction that it is ne longer to be se poorly admin istered. ' Home folks know home folks. Thçy have a sympathetic * grasp of the needs of the tanfortunate, and a clear -f- tw.l!à. i ali dtn nuiirktv Pro- ou s public; whether it is a case of no work or won't work. The plan should result in a consider- able reduction in relief rolîs. *The unfair thing about the whole relief question is the manner in which the responsibility o-f the community and the federal goverament is divided. The administration bas retain control of ail public works', premising to provide work for al employables, turning back to the tender mercies of state and comrnunity the unemployables. In this mariner, it is apparent, the Washington adniinis- ery state andi every com tration of relief be put î organization that bas dg handie it effectively and cati Red Cross. ts ai -the less responsible mnembers are permitted to embark upon unnecessary and unwise political adventures, such as the incident of the school election. There is need for just such an organizatio'n as. the club, is represented to be. There is. need for the very kind ýof public-spirited young1 men as have inticirested thetnselves in its upbuilding. There is a, crying nleed for the great and import- ant service which they are capable of rendering to the county, state and nation. That is why it is. se vital, to its future that the group's influence be net léssened nor its activities withi n prope r. bounds curtailed. That is also why it should pro- ceed 'with cattion, ichoosing its course only',after mature deliberation >and the best of counsel, in ail its works avoiding thé very appearance of evil. JUVENILE MoTrIs The driving of automobiles by children is pre- sentizig a problem teo.parents. as well as police officiais.. It is one of greater concern to parents, because their natural intereuts are greater. They neot only have a considérable investment in the famuly car, but the personal safety and well being of their children is te theni of utmost importance. Boys and girls aged 13 to 15 have a natural de- sire te drive. They believe themselves te be thor- oughly compétent, and have perfect confidence in their ability to handle the car safely. Parents often yield too easily to the supplications of their u.hutren te bc allowed te drive.' usually begins dey. Se far, se good. But 110w the caun .Wans te progress. He wants to take the car to go some place in the evening, perhaps taking along some boon companiôns. Then is when the troubles of the parents begin. There is delay, and the boy or girl dots nôt return at the tuefl promised. Follows anxiety, and pacing of the floor. If the delay is extended, telephone. calîs are made in an endeavot to locaté the absentý one. It is a nerve-destroying experience for the parents.. The law provides that a boy, or girl aged 11 or These signs are being placed on the parkways in order to inake them as conspicueus as pos- *sible, and they are doubtless necessary. But they are net ia any sense attractive, and add nothing teothe beauty of the streets.. to munitions when he is so earnestly striving to get into the manufacture of everything? Senator James Hamilton Lewis, candidate as a result of last week's primary for reelection, is said by. the papers 'to have voted. for his. lady opponent in a burst of characteristic ýchivalry. Makes a good story, anyway. Once ini a coon's. age or so somnething of interestý is discovered !ini the' nun* rous press releases emaatngfrom the offices fWahngton states- men. Not often, to be sure, but occasionially. One such. arrived this- week. It States that, owing to -the fact thet this is presiderntial election .year, millions upon, millions of speeches wiIl be gronnd ,put in the government print- ing office at taxpayers' ex-, pense, and mailed to sovereign voters everywhere, postage free, at taxpayers' expense. And s0 it was necessary to ' find paper that would absorb jnk re.adily and dry quickly. Somnebody discovered that castor oul mixed with the pulp produces a paper with the desired qualities.. Saved! Hence according to the release,-Congressional speeches, will go forth printed on castor.oil.' And produce about 'the saine results, one can easily imagine- Two 19-year-ol confessed murderers in Chi- cago were sentenced to 199 years in prison. Thàt's a long time in which te think it over, boys. A. long, long time. The.Chicago Daily Tribune, which is credited by no less an authority 'than the Chicago Daily Tribune with being 'the world's greatest newsý- paper, 'caîls the new British steampship, the, "Queen M.ary,-" an extravaganza, a monster, afi economically unYs-ound proposition. -Our contenl- porary of the metropolis states fhat it.has fre-' quently told American ship builders how to build a ship, but they won't take its advice. Ship build- ers, the Tribune should know, are much like voters. You teli thern what 'to do and they go straight ahead and do something else. Both perverse. that's what they are. New York is neot to be permitted te lead Ch i- cago. for long at a tume. The metropplis te the south now has a blonde murderess, tee. THIx PANTom REPORTER