Welfare society. Sio realistic was thé illusion of the sea créated in the first number of this year's recital, pi-e- sented last Sunday at the Glencoe Central school auditorium, that, with the raising ofthe curtaýin,, the audi- ence was moved to imm~ediate ap- plause great enough to hold up the performance for a time. Offer Veried.Program Appreciation of the' antics of the smallest of *the dancers as oysters, sailors, andlarlem boneys"l. wa .s as great as that of'the technique and beauty of the work of the most ad- vanced pupils in their "Cathedral Wiixdow" .Bas .Relief,". and other' impressive concert numbers. One of the most charming of, thià group was based on Strauss' -Tales f rom the Vi- eniia Woods." In it, four blue-coated soldiers complemented a chorus of giirls. in rose-festooned white -ballet costumes. From her. dolorous "Valse Triste" to thedroîl *Russian Baba". *nuniber, Taia was a favorite of the audience. Clever Costumiug As clever as its staging and chore-_ ography was the costuming of the final part of the program, based on anl Indian' legcnd that, in a prayer to * Gitche* Manitou, the Mighty, an anl- cient tribe invokes the totem spirits as a challenge to war. Between the sea ballet and the con- cert group were several taps numbers of patriotic, Dark TIown, and H-olly- wood inspiration. Thé four youg men whà assisted ini the "Tales from, the Vienna * Wod4s" nurnber were jîm Lightbody, Rolland Carson, Eric Samuelson, and Dick Wagner. Miss Pratt's dancers included: Mary Lou Adler,, Donna and Mary AeheLibby and Patty Austin, Joan Bachmen, Barbara, Baker, Kathleen. Bal,' Joanne Benjamnin, Betty' Bennett, Paty BatBetty Biýum,.Saly and Bar- bar aBogan, Betty Bond, Peggy Brooks, Grace a.nd Helen Bull, Nancy de Beera, Peggy Boyd, Barbara Burnham, Judith Camir)belliJean Carnien Marzaret Car-] Toloff Photo Mr.ç. RalPh E, Stoct.'xl, '245 Park avenIue, Glençoe, w/to, fast Priday, (.Va~s elected.direcfor of the< Ilinois Coiigress of Parenits and Teachers fromn the 21st district which includes thse north. shore cities and villages froisi E7a;isâ'oii to iaukegaii. Veterans of Spanish War to Meet May 7 The next regular meeting of Evans- ton Camp No. 57, Department of Illinois, UJnited Spanish War Veter- ans, will be held ,May 7, at head- quaters, 610 Davis street, Evanston, and will commémorate the 25th anni- versary of the organization of the camp. This camp is'composed of me n liv- inig along the North Shore who served in the,,Army, Navy, and Marine corps between -1898 and 1902, in the War ýwith Spain, Philippines insurrection. ]Boxer upri 'sing, an d China Relief' expeditioni.. The birthday party will be in the MOTlIER'S D4Y-SUNDAY, MAY lOTH, 3. Phofographs $ [ugene L.Ray 1606 CHICAGO AVE., EVANSTON, UNlversïty 2238 er, Mary Par] ne Peterson, Noble, Rouh sterrni son, EloIse Péarce, -n ee.n ai