eerless players an ail-star east, fastest of table tennis. Make. Américan Debut North shore players wil be espe- ciall.y interested in seeing Arthur EaY"don who1Sis making bis - first -ap- pearance in, America. This English champion, hits everything :in sight, and is classed as one of the most con- sistent drîivers. of the present day. Sandor Glancz, co-holder with Barna of many mJordoubles'titles, famu for bis accurate foreband . driving, complete.s theforeign contingent. TIhose Who have neyer seen Miss Aarons in action have missed one 'of the finest womnan sports, specialists of the. day. Experts declare that she "bas everything, »and it is no, secret tbat she is good enough to beat al American men 'except a few of the very -top ranking stars!1 Her record of winurng the woi'ld che piotnship front the greatest players of Europe in ber first appearance in international com- petition speaks for itself, as does her virtual monopoly of U. S. singles and mixed doubles titles. Colemian Cark to Play The great American exhibition star, Coleman Clark of Glencoe,. will ap- pear with these foreign luminaries. His unusijal control and command of ail strokes will bring out the best in the gaines of Barna, Glancz, and Haydoii. Ja~y Purves, north shore hockey player and member of the west allé star hockey teain, wifl play against' ~4iss Aarons, as she bas in the finals of the U. S. chanipionsbip on two occasions. HoId Annual Meeting of Newberr Avenue Center Tbe annual mee ting for men and women interested in Newberry ave-, nue (formerly Marcy) center, Chica- go, will be held as a dinner affair at 6:45 o'clock Tuesday, April 28, in tbef £. I-C CI15tie nlrasier1, JYA.~ Margaret Munsell is organist and Mrs. Lois Hammitt Steel is pianist. The program follows: Thbe Year's at the, Spring.....,.... Beach lThe Woodu and Every eweetsmelllng T ree .. . .. . .ýe.. . . . . .1. . 's Choir MY Dearest Love -.........Bach Preach Me Not Tour 'Musty Rules ...... ..1..............ÂAre Mr. Kraft 0 Lord Most HOIY....... CeSar Plranck Mr. Kraft and Choir *This number, especially dedicated to Mr. Kraft, ls stili ln manuscript. Mr. and Mrs. John T.- Saîte, for- merly of 235, Dennis 'lane,ý Glencoe' moved April 1 to 132,Winnçtka ave- nue, KenilWorth. me L'aK L r Oru I. yBra8uWy J uu8 Pearl is prepariiig for Dartmouth college. VISITS SISTER Mrs. W. F. Wilson, 315 Essex road, Kenilworth, bas been in Des- Moines, Iowa, for, several weeks' where her sister, Mrs. R. W. Tormy Wis seriousîy the hospitaL Mms Wilson's -return lu Indefiaite Meet the Masked M «rve months atralm ter, have been several weeks. iwIlom playi afn Jviation, to attenid the showing of Ctrysler and Plymouth Automobiles in the newest colors at ou r Spring Selon. APRIL 24-25-26 9 A.M. ta 11 P.M. this win- the past