f feeling more tnan By the way, he uses 4x5 camera for al paper photographers in the- United, States as weli as ini Chicago.. luj : bis 40 years hee bas covered everytbting of miajor importaniCe in-the nation and- Chicago,' the Demotratic and, Republican conventions, the inaugurations, crimes, sports events, local happenings. Two -earthquakes éan, be thrown in for good méure, the San t Francisco disaster, called a fire. by. the Californians, and an up- h<eaval in Jamaica. This Jaraica excursion was the fartbe&t point from home which Mr. Brown lias ever reached. To get t o the scene hie went to New York and took a five-day boat trip. When lie arrivred,' he found that. a return. boat was saiîing ini two hours. "Portu- nately 1 was able to take some pic- tures *ighit a1way," recollects Mr'. Brown, "and sent back a batch by this boat." Thus service between Jamaica and Chicago was liandled in tbe old days. 1Everything lias changed since Mn. Brown began bis photographic career. It was customan.y to send a Daily News photographer to New York just to get a couple of pictures of the New York Giants and Chicago Cubs. Now a picture syndicate talces ba8ebalIý And the photogravure section of the Néws duly carnied 'some of these New -Orleans pictures, featuring a whole page of the "Evangeline" coun- try with bits of appropriate verse. A delightful happenstance of *this trip was the mnaking of the acquainte- ance of, Louis,. the Singing iCabby, who had been assigned by theI.,C. So there were. b be. seen a few Photogravure sections, some etchings, and photographs.ý One, of the mnost remarkable reproductions was that showing a corn field. at harvest time. There is a superblyluinous quality in tis simplepicture oif a'cobrn shock, .tbbein the rows, and te farmer wih his liorse. Another, lovely also for' the quality of -light, showed an Pehaps one ofth mstpen factors ini the Brown, success is the coopération of the family. MrnS. Brown and the boys have, always been Winl- ing to drive the car while Mr. Brown surveys the scenery. On- a transcon- tinental trip they witl stop and wait while he poses. cows undenneath the roadway elm; on a week-end jaunt they do *flotý become profane when he waits..two hours for the sun: t.- sinik over a pool of water.. Tomt the older son, is selling night club advertising for. the News. He mwas recently married. Kimiball, agved 15, is a studenit at New, Trier Town- ship. Higli. school. The 'tWinkling character of, Mr. Brown should be Irish in source, but no, it is English-Stotch, believe it or not. Mr. Brown says, "I always. get along well with people because they think I'm Irish." So here is the bouquet, if the Irish want to take it. And the proof of the getting along is the 40 yeans with the samne news- paper. You can dîvide the. merit between the twinkle and the photog- raphy. Devise. Iproveuu With the improvement ïn transpor- tation and communication lias corne improved technique. for the taking of pictures, the haif-tone process, the flash bulb as a substitute for flash powder.Mr.Bnown hia$ hirnslf d*-, -vised Som iprovements in the cam- era which are stili being us.ed. At the turn of the century Frederic Ives discôvered the baîf-tone process which bas made photography really popular iq- newspaper circles.. This Indiana, and Illinois wlio have em- ployed graduates of the National Col-. lege of Education in their schools, will convene at'the college in Evans-, ton Priday, April 24. At this year's meeting the school "and college executives will discuss re- cent developmnents in child education, and ways ini whicli the National Col- leget of Education can beiter train prospective teachers to take advan- tage of educational progress. lOue -thsecmmssos sent Mim, 1 The artists are perpetual to Quiebçc. to photograpli its historic 1 surprised at the artistic coni ijri JIVU IIAiumnist, Uana . . art critic, but also from, t, scholarship îs for t w *of thé college yean. 1 y