1. E -Braun Bros. take the enire responsibility for the satisfactory operation of your hcating plant. 2.YES-Braun Bros. is..an indepen dent Oil: Company. Every share of stock is owned by your neighbors., mm<YE Braun Bros. own, ail their'fuel. oil delivery, equipment, oper- aing more trucks on the North Shore than any other 0o0 ay 4. YTECS-Bru Bros. have more.-oi storage, on the No rt h Shore: than an te ucmany- five bulk plants. 5. E -Braun Bros. g11ratee the uaity of oul and prompt delivery, service, 6. YE mSm Braun Bros. have recorçIing eters on1 their delivery ucks*, 710Y Brauni Bros. drivers are careful of your shrubbery and *iowers. S. *ES raun Bros. prices are guaranteed as lowv as any competitor. 9.Y ES - Braun Bros. deliver, ail hours,'day or night. 10O. Y ESm- Braun Bros. service is dependable in ail kinds of weather. On 1Iy a Suisil Possible Advance on Fuel 011 PrIoes Next Season Il You Contraet With DwauftBwros;. NOW- Gradé of Oit Present Price Contract Top Prce)RSOILEANGET / No. 1 /~C7!/4c/ze Our ofll<ers are mctiveIy .ngsg.d in directuug the, operatiorn I of the, coinpany. L.ft to rigit: Phil H. Braun,, Robert F. Rigt :, bfle oureBraun Bros. ) Doepel end Cari L. Braun. Rthinng ab e out ( Furnace Oit Blizards. Storms Sub-2.roWeWMr thinkingdaout idste \ N o.,5 43/c51/ This ompny Maintis faeilities ample' t ail tios tc npxt il tmeto, defue onNo *met even the, : tunexp.cted ouIrgeois. The pas (4thi ut trough" and weare prpud tosay tiist n un ply. Tbousandsef North,- Bros.CIItother bas tver been _*11owdt ocldet Shore residents haé nn.Ietivery OCýoi.;.Ot5e .d,ô. i foind t1pt a Braun Iros. oor e v c ,* sl e t, w ith "Qs*r-C o "'Cefreeean r e i ns li dqat oasr e matirmoel, 011 delry hoeWhee81 erudraUod- BruBoivýtes. ake WtRieANentire resporiibulttY for wvatching your fuel supply. Ask about It. APRIL 23, 1936