e Ih el nlarged' bousch014, appliane' ......... ýsection on'the Fifth Fl'oor bas, the, Iargest ,assortmecnt of established favorites that, vouiý find in Evanston. koÉ'iers, washer's. refrigerators., stoves- the 'leaders in every field assem bled here for yvour: comparison and selection. (Liberail Credit: Termi May Sk Arrongod) ,Tlhé great names of radio. 1 1neet at Field's Evanston store. They challenge eaclî other an~d they challenge you. Compare themt - select the. one that best fils vour re- quirements without Ieaving the section. R1AIOS FOM $1 350 to $6OO THE MAGIC CH EF, $79*50 *ClckLigt and Condi- oRemovable Burneri. Reade a Lorain Oivin II.atRku- lator *Oe «ervoirGrid Pan, * voyWhite or Iory and Green a Oven Racks in Smooth. Eagily-Cleaned Sots WISTINCHOUSE WASIR$5950 *Fuai Family Ca- pacity. eSafety Wiringer SRelease. *Enclosed,, Non-- Splash Drain. * Efficient Washing Action. *eAutomatic Ad- .'UsBtab-le Ten4ion. Also In Oun" Chicgo Store APRIL 239 1936'