Yoi wdl projl ut Charls S.Misth omeÉllenc Wood- ra binging ourRall i n your e<itoria Març is he frme Eilen Wod-without first consultlng the oficers ing his naine as Chairmaii of the cock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. d directors of the 1th District Creative Gommittet of the Harmony 0odo0 0 etrlaeuWl Young Men's club to determine what Convention, publishes a gross un- mette.prtifaycosiud ourparticipa- truth by stating that the opposition tion. (Independent Party) imported paid Miss Sara Rossman, 1130 Chestnut avenue,. spent last week-end' at the In fairness to us, I.believe that. >ou iorkers fromi Chicago lait year. and Dunes with Girl Scu edr n bhî f orpblcto hould that suçh a réingeri worked opposite Scotseaersfrl*editorially .,deI h i the .lOth "Chuck" Lundberg and himself at District ,You4t Men's. club was not their precinct voting place. iRRS * .volved in teiho board election. Mr..Dray er, i f .you are the type of yudo Rot care 1tco acknowledge gentleman that 1 thought you *were, 'sGL SS RA Tour error in this manner, then you would admit .that,your statement kmdypublish this lte nttPu-wsutu or publish the namne of NP~ 00.lic Foum. sothat' interested Wil- tht so-cled'r itogether with UNI. ~I3 g ette citizens may: be acquainted a noaie ttmen rm uc oeJas A.. uaaw.with our poslition in the matter. "Iringer" that he was, imported f rom, _______________________E. W. Hintzpeter Chiicago, and paid by the Independent Party. This is your chance to defend your Harniony Party or foreyèr hold your u.r Ilusbaii tir n u s aBy the Independefit candidate whn Bernard S. Bliack it by 10 days of relaxation ATTENTION, IZAAK WLO LEAGUE! In .your article in Wii4-!em 2LirE of French Lick SprnsdsrYubr~o~ltol pr m April 16 speaking of the enemies. that - squirrels. In Burrough's bookç, <Tragedies oi "cute"ý and can flirt that, bsfly ail and run up > a tree in a wink of a-. I'd bate to- sce thein destroyed muy- self but do fo think there can be- any com1rparison as- towhich *is, ni greater value1 to,,us. A squirrel is a rodçnt-m oôther %,vords,' a rat, with a. bushy tail. A. Armstrong. MALLINCKRODTI RINGS MOTEL a visit in Plymouth, Mcelangtoli's mother. Ckvelanà. $ '~ 1.TAI ngtofl ,s, 606 1fromn ~s. A. draws 'a Picturie oi