U~L DE A rnpU T AKIR this as a challenge if you want to 1 Corne around. and make us provo, it if you like!1 try it. So why not let us bringaround aî- Series 40 Buick Special and let you sec how a good car can make you an even botter driver tban you thinlc you are? t the kini of i8ir-triggr getBws7 7you get, wh. Tou .ed it, in the Daiok Special, Series 40. Ail the speed a sensibe driver <iould ssk for-anid hydravlie brakes to knep 'Your stoPPinà ine s. traight mand soeootb. Bulw'.omi. aroud-tke a denionstrtion-e for yours.If *hy Buiçk's, the B;7. AP RIL 23, 1936.