'Graham Cracke "'Feuoui for FIvor". ilncflCofl onciay. Mrs. Jxuguenina recently returned from Florida where she and ber daughter, Mrs., O. W. Lowry of Holland, Mich,. visited her son and dau«hter-in-law, Mr.- and Mrs. -Philip Huguenin, Jr., at Punta Gorda for, a nonth.: $$WANTED$$ OLD CLOTHES Suite - Shoes - Overcoats - Fur Coats We Calil Everywhere Best Prices - Egt. 1905- Prompt Service MARTINS CLOTHING STO RF 742 Cnoter, Evaffton ia. 802. j MEAT at Your AÀ& P Food Store D r, Winfred .&'n est Garrison ofPi the University' of Chica go toiI oc- *uythe pulpit in North Shore Congregation Israel temple in Cien- coe Sunday moriing, April 26, ut the regular service which starts at il o'clock. Dr. Garrison is well known in reli- gious circles in America. He is as- sociate prof essor of cburch history at the Divinity school of the Univer- ,sitv of Chicageo and literary editor of a t the non-partisan mock convention; to be held Friday and Saturday, April 24-25. at Patten gymnasium. Not even a football victory cotiki create the interest and enthusiasm which lias gripped the campus. as parades and stm pehes, are beiiý held by supporters of -the, vari1ous candidates. Se. As Accurate 'Eprçssioà The only event of its kind, North- western's mock convention hlas aI- ready' attracted the interest of na- tional political leaders Wh.t see in it an accurate expression of the college stûdents' attitude towards the coming campaign. Pattenl gymnasium, where .he two- day session wiII be held will be trar.s- formed into a typical convention hall, replete with flags, butlng andi posters. Robert Coughlan ,of Evanlston. -is national chairman of .the executi've conirnittee. Over 600 students are m-rembers of a large number of corn- mittees modeled after those of the major political conventions. Frateirni- ties an d sororities wiIl represent states ai-d territ.ories with the regulation nuniher of, delegates. Hear Party Lea&rs' The convention will open Friday evening with keynote addresses frorn leaders of the Republican, Demnocra- tic, and Socialist parti 'es. The Demo- cratic case will be presented by Gov. CKEN a . 21/1 fo 3 lb.'average SWIFTS SELECT itI3RO.AST." 1v wno have corne. nto.contact witn nim. Music at the services this Sunday will be as follows: Ma Tovu............. .... Godfarb florchu ...................Binder Shema ................Binder Michomocho...............Thatcher Tzuir Yisroel..... .......Landsman Kedusha ..... ............... Binder May the Words........ ....... Binider Antheni: Thou Wilt Keep ln Perfect Peace" .......... ýOleY Speak!. Duet: "flejoice ln the T.ad"-- -P A. Sehneüketrl speasc for the bocialstmparty. On Saturday night the fireworks will really begin with the adoption of a platform and nominating sheets, and balloting, for president. Honlor of delivering th.. nomination speeches will go to students of the School of Speech who -were selected: in. a series of tryous Meanwhile the battie f or delegates in support of the various ca ndidates is in. full swing. A.vigorotus pre-con-' I . - 6 1003 con- ajCentral avenue. Sund.- venes at 9:45 o'clock., t rienci.