402 Linden Ave. Wilantt, 1l51 Colonial Ginger Aie - Root Be Mild dea d.mend cold drink- wvhy not e.p a stock in fhe refrig- 4 fer 2 New York À&,pi. qSc Chili: nd >refo rakator dessert No c Also fine for cakes and Ice-box des- cis - Brisling Sardines Peckedi in pure *olive oih.. So 'good to keep on 'hand for-appétizers or 1 2 7 coId buffet suoper- I Town rier, Flo'u r 24b 8 7Cb c _______________i a CIov.rnook ,Catsup Serve with Bettling i14-*z. -serdines, also ocbmue Fresm Telepimome Peut Theyr. sweet and tender, of course, end they are a colorful and inviting accompeniment for new, - creamed2Ib.1C à wï1è1 potetoes2 b.1C Maple Syrup-IUS Pue' %or hot cakes, waffles or foasteçi mnuffns- Qmnr73c- 39<e University.Syrup Pure mapie uap end suger-Many prefer if fo the $op. Q, 4c23C 1Lippincoft Chilil Sauce A perfetli sèeasonted and ble-nded condiment. .3 for 4te .1 2.oz. bottie 1 Fresh Pike> Fry in butter. Serve with bak.d benenas-weigh from 2 fo 13 Ibs. lb. 17c' Thursdey' Frid.y oéd Sattrday. 31b.. 17c Green Beans Fine flavored especielly when they are api nd cul in strips, thon cooked in Sboilling water about 20 minutes, quert 12C New Pootoos Creaminq size. Sm, m and quictcly Fresh Chicken Livers A splendid luricheon entree, fresh peas. especielly when sermd > M 143 Calves' Swee*brecds. Bread and fry and serve wiftfresh asparagus. APRi.tL 2,13. lb.45c or Sloet on, the Stret * RLogers w. o.n :193.6