Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Apr 1936, p. 85

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no rufine, $. AlsO very fine remoael- ing and dressmaklng. Work done in your horne. Fit guaranteed. Briargate 6447, R. Wysong. 58A-LTN46-itp WEARING ,APPARIEL A Wordl to the Wise HAV'EYOI' SE1EN THE(;OOD 1LOO- ing*clothes for spiring which afre sel!- jng fil a, fraction of their cost? Why not buyhere, dres~ well, wnd saveý thýe Red Flamingo Resale Shop 70 ÈLinden Ave. Wlnnetka 2067 59LTN49-ltc EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Pauline' és Emlpi. Agelncies ýNO CHARGE TO EIMPLOYER Eflivient Servive for Nor-thý Shore lre WE INVESTIGATE RKP~ERENCES. COMPETENT HELE, Wilmette 2171 Davis 7777 Fourth & Linden 634 Davis- Op. -"Terni. Evanston, 111. 6eLTN3-tfc SITÙATION WANrt)-FIËMALt__ XPERIENCE D HELP WE SPECIAUIZE IN HIGH GRADE doliestie help, ail nationalities.- No charge to eniployers.. ReferenceS ln- vestigated. Under. State supervision. * Reilhart Empi. Agrency 68LýTN29-tfC: DO.\ 1ESTIC HELP, RELIABLEEFFICIENT .SH--YEMUPL. AGENCY Establishied 20 Years * Twvo Offices in Chicago M6 N. Michigan 14 W. Washingtonl Superior 6608 Central 9800 68LTN44-tfc Good Help Available Rcfereme, vaeftilly checked. bindgreflEmipi.%AgTency Establishied .25 .Yea rs 07 M9 ElM St. Winn. 104 68LTN23-tfC Carlsonl's Enipi. Agency 818 ELM -STREET .INEKA1328 Help carefullY selected, with special attention. toepr- ence. referencç, _and gen- es posiivv. illing L o other wUFik. Steady. Married. A-1 refs. 'Phone Wil- mette 4854. 69LTN49-2tp SPRING CLEANING Experienced gardener and houseman wishes work.by the day or hour Winnetka 1235. EXPERIFENCED GARDENER WISFHES steady position. Handy with' cars. Ail-round man. Winnetkia references. Phone Winnetka 1813. 69L49-ltp SIT. WT.-MALE AND FEMALE COUPLES,' White and'colored. COMBINATION CHAUFFEURS,:and: HOUSEMEN. MAIDS. with North Shore ref s. EXCELLENT COOKS, NO CHARGE- TO THE EMPLOYER ALL REFERENCES INVESTIGATEI) Shore bine lEmpi. Agency 421 Richmond Road Kenilworth 5221 70LTN49ltc GERMAN, 2 6, exc. n. s. refs. ý FINNISH, 27, 1% Yrs. last plate. DANISH cook. 35, A-1 refs.. GERMAN second, 25, good refs. ROUSEMAN-chauffeur, 30, best refs., GERMAN-E.NGLISH,1 337-31, exc. ref. 748 Elm St. Winnetka 339 9 MOST UNUSUAL OPPORTU7NIT'Y DESPLAINES, NOR- wood Park, Park Ridge, Lake Forest, Highland Park, Winnetka, Glencoe, %V!Ilnette, IEvanston, or Rogers Park lady, age 28 to 45, no experience neces- Fary; good income; hours 9 t. 4, half dJay Saturday; full co-operation; old est. successful corp. Personal intervieW~ iýnly Monday, April 13, froni 10 to 12. Asic for Rose Clarke, Orrlngton Hotel, 1710 Orrington Avenue, Evanston. 71LTN49-ltc White girl for general houseworl<. Experience flot necussary. Children in family. WINNETKA 851. WHI1T E GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Cooking and. serving., No. children. Stay nighits. References ;re- quired. Phone Wilmette 2827. 71 LTN49-ltp) WANTE-D - NEAT; YOUNO GER- Sman, girl for general housewvork. 3. aduits. Write B-147, Box 60, Wilrnette, Illinois-. :'71LTN49-Ilp Cook, doWnstairs work and laundry. References. KENILWORTH 59 PR1VI * luneratlon wiii be commission accord- lng to the regular board rates and a bonus. Good office with plenty of pros- pects and a minimumn of competition within the office. Prefer someone now eniployed who knows prévaillng condi- tions and. desires to better his present status as to.working arrangements and possible earnings. Write B-150, Box 60, Wilmetté, Iii. 72LTN49-ltc 2 SALESMEN. TO-SELL LAFAYETTE AND NASH- automobiles. _FuIlicooperation of dealer. Liberal floor time. Drawing.ac- count to tuose qualified. \Vfinnetka Nash-Lafayette 666 Center Street Winnetka 540 724,TN49-Ite PERM.%ANeNTr POSITION, MUST BE dependable, conscientious and of neat apPearance. The position is a re- liable one with good pay. 'Reply by letter P. O. Box Winnetka 32. 72LTN49-ltç- 2 MEN-WITH i CARS. TO WORK 'FOR LOCAL STOR E. PHONE G1REENLEAP 6424, ____________72LTN49-ltc WANTED YOUNG-MAN FOR GEN- eral housework and cooking. Win- 60, Wllrnett. Illinois. 72LTN49-ltp HKLP WTO.-MALE AND FEMALE REGISTER NOW! MOTHER'S HELPERS G' .E N E TR At, maids, second mlaids, couples, 'white and colored. Must have A-1 North Shore References. Shore bine Empi. Agency. 421 Richmond -Road Kenilwortlh 5221 73LTN49-Ite Experienced Couple NYHITE. GOOfl COOK. HOUSEMAN COUPLES... MAIDS . .. COOKS wanted immediately - positions open. Reinhart Empi. Agency 748 Elnu St. Winnetka 3399 73LTN45-tfc î FOR SALE-ýAUTOS FOR SALE, - $160 FORD CR-EDIT at responsible' north side dealer. Wil discount. ,Telephone :State 79 19. 77LTN49-ltp -USHO CAR MARGAINS THE SMART BUYER GOES, TO '34 Çadillac 5 sd. ser. .101 '34 Cad. twii. cp. sr. 101 '32 Cadillac 5 sed,. V-8. '31 Cadillac twn. sd. V-8 '30 Cadillac 5 sed. Del. '35 Laalour. sed.. '34 LaSalle .5 sed..Fit.. '31 LaSalle 2-4 cpe. Del., ýRadio, htr ....... '31 LaSalle.,5 sed. Del., '3 LaSalIle twn. ..d..~. '35 Buick tour. sed. 41 '33 Buick 5- cpe..... '35 Pontiac 2 dr.1 tr'. cpe., 8 cyl....... '34 Stud. brghmn 6 cyl. '34 Ford Del. 'cpe., -(like new) ........ '29 Packard club sed. Del. (626)....... '29 Packard Del. 7 sed. (6-40) '34 Plymouth (C.J.) cp.. '35 Oldsrnobile tr; sed. '29 Lincoln conv. 5 cpe. '3,4,Chevrolet coupe r% A r-l.T- T À r- 2385 8195 385 385 245 565 7.35 485 385 165 1251 445 845 225 445 lette 956 BUY FROM A RELIABLE DEALER 1931 flulck Victoria coupe ....... $195 1931 Bulck se'dan......... ... .... ý285 1933 Buick sedan ................. 545 '1934,Bulck sedan..........735, 1934 Studebaker broug*LaM-......40 1934 Ford deluxe coupe........... 395 This Is Not Al of Our' Stock North Shore Buick Co. JENCED YOUNG W nIwshes day work. No. il ftr 6:3. Phone after 68L j ~ r wi LUIIULry. [9-ltp PE, FAST BECOMING A A automobile. At a top-notch cour 135. Brkf 135. Glen ,ER MOT'ORS, Inc. ROCî >N-TERRAPLANE DIST. 'ho go Ave., Evanston Wil, 4474 Refe 17A-LTN49-ltc 143e refs. 512. moes rot me Wl OZLTN 70LTN49-ltc

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