PHIL.11LEVANT end his Orchestre Invite. you to enjoy an evoning dancinq toth rhythmic Stnôotfinëss of his incomparable, music. We know you wiII .ap- plauc1 aur glemorous floor show wth its infec- flous gaiety b in. ebeau- tiful. seffinq of the. Wel- nuf Room. And you wiUf "excuse Our loquence &bout our food, weWre sure. Hem et the. 8s mea r c k. 'Known fer Good Food" becomes thet edd.d fotich in theo rare blending of sav" ydshe. BISMARCK HOTEL CHICAGO Patromize Our Advertisers Wilderness,- Metro-(3uiuLw.yn- my production, which cotmes to the Var- sity theater this Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. So truly American', soô easily iander- standable to everyone, is it. that it will send menories of the audience oldsters back: to -the days just before the great warý.. Those, tôo, whose recollections do flot stretch back that far will share in the enjoyrnent. Froua Puiy The story of the 'picture, which was taken from the stage success of Rugen.e.O'Neil,, '.deals,.with the '~lives of an av- erage, every- day New Eng-, land famnily in the first dec- - ade of the cen- tury. E Iric Linden, playing the son of Lionel Barrynio<re, suffers f ro0M schoolboy love. Aline Maffahon, In a spirit of rebellion, and and to forget a romantic disillusion- ment, he indulges in a night of, high "King of Burlesque," "Tire, Live Ghosts," ",if You Could Oaily Cook" on Week's Bill "Kinig of Burlesque," a clever. knockout show, packed with laugh- ter, dances, and a siiiooth story, cornes to the Valencia theater, Sun-. dayr and Monday,, as one of that pic- ture, house's. topnot ch attractions. The story concerns Warner Baxter, a srniar burlesque1 producer, , who wows the town with, his shows, but who fails with his wite, Mona Bar- rie.- Alice Faye, jack Qakie. and. Gregory Ratoif, in whose hands 'are the. comedy parts, corne to bis res- cue. SÈturday Offftimg "Three Live Ghosts'.' is the Satur- day off ering at the Valencia, with Beryl Mercer, Claud Allister, Dick Arien, and Charles McNaugbton coni- bining to present the, entertaining story of three war veterans Who, re- turn to find themnselves officially dead, but who h ave trouble indeed in keep- ing themselves out of trouble. Dud- ley Digges and Nydia Westrn fur- nish the comedy element. "If You Could Only Cook" is the wistful titie of the Valencia's picture on Friday. It's, a 'charmting 'littie Cinderella tale, with Herbert Mar- shall and jean Arthur as the stars. The story tells of Mr. Marshall's et- ternpt at a short holiday just before; his blue:blood marriage, and his ad- ventures >in the butler's Pantry o .a rackete'ers mansion. p1: 30 to 1:109 p. ZSc Ev.., Sun., Hol. Matiaee Dauly THURSDAY-LAST DAY! Cleuciette Colbert~ Fred Maemurrav the film is turneci in by the actur who always gives a superb characteri-. zation-Lionel Barrymore. An in- spired piece of acting is Linden's of a sensitive youth. Wallace Berry, a shiftless, good-natured relative, is also in the production, and is in love with one of the family's boarders, Aline Mac Mahon. Minor family roles are handlèd by Mickey Rooney, Frank Albertsoni, Cecilia Parker, and Spring Byington. Beatty is acicnowlecgeu mu ube the. great- est wild animal trainer of ail time. There are 400 performers including: the famous Davenport farnily of riders.; the Imperial Harolds aerialists; the Fly- ing Thrillers: Harold Barnes, dancing,, tunibling sornersaulting acrobat of the. tight wire, and 60 internationally cele- brated and beloved clowns. The Colé Bros.-Clyde Beatty horse fair has be- corne a feature axnazing- in its appeal throughout the .North Americanl con- them apart, is the vaIencia's pictiure for Tuesday, and Wednesclay. James Stewart plays the part of a foreiga) corespondent always far away, while' his wif e, Margaiet Sullavan, turns from lonely neglect to a stage career. Today r is the Iast. day of "The Bride Cornes Home" at the Valencia. janie Kuppenheimer -Memorial hall at Skokie school, for the showing of educational pictures. 'Tickets may be Cand~ies, EIICKSON Wih.te4092 I DL LY BOY NUT KTCHEN 519- Davis, St, Evanston Gre. 3006 ,"Ann I ,"Eddie