voters of N'ew lrir twtnsni. Russell F. Locke, 1209 Cherry street, Winnetka. IN RIB FOWLER ET, Ale V. GARDNER ET Ali., A CELE- BRAtED CAUSE BIEINU TRIED BtIPORE THE, REPUBLICAN VOTERS 0OF NEW TRIER TOWN- SHIP, TO BE DECIDED BY THEIR VOTEOS AT -THE- PRI- MARY ON APRIIi 14, 1'936. The advocae$ Lfor Henry. FoWler and witnesses, who have testified iim his be- haif, ail as reported, in WILMIXm LiPE and the other Holister publications, ap- pear. to hâve created false isues, and have' omitted. somne important facts and' misstated others. The voters are en- titlcd to have the issues clarified and to have the benefit ôf thepolitical. facts wiùnowed out of the chaff of irrelevant, mnd immnaterial peronal f acts. Cor- rections might havée been presented byý candidate Fowler in person, but, having walmld for weeks without such correc- tions having appeared, 1 submit the following: Asks Some Questions No onie has attacked the personal life of either candidate. Mr. Fowler's in- valuable works as a, Scout, Commumity Chest and church executive are fully recognized but are politically inimaterial. The issues must be decided upon what hé lbas chosen to do or flot to do in bis naltialnatv Dnnition durinoe the twen- ,Superior Courter lasMr oi en a leader in the. County Central Commit- tee such as New Trier township basÎth *rilght to, expect,. or has lie been a fol- lowver ? In politics, -in order to wini, will he lend himself to the: usual petty deceits and political tactics or will :be insisf upon bis followers playing fai r, sticking 't.o the facts and the truc issues? Cet. Downto Cases" Now let- us get down to. cases. In the Hollister publications for the week of February. 28, 1936, JohnV. Clinnin, signing himself as chairman of the Pub- licity committee, New Trier Republican o 1rganizatio, had an article irnder the titie -"Ickeés Invadýes Republican Politics on North Shore." -In this article hée said, "The regular lRepublican organiza- tien of New Trier townhip lia.s o-> dorsed Mr. Henry W. Fowler for reelection as Republican Commttee- man'. The Snell-Ickes group ha., prevailed upon Mr. H. G. Gardner of Wlnnetka to run as their can- didate." EnJoves Badgerow Statement Mr. R. G. Badgerow, chairman of the Henry Gardner campaign, in bis state- ment under the titie "Red Herring," in WILMm Lipz of March' 5, 1936, referring to this charge or insinuation licatios as sponsorinlgMr. Gardner as a- candidate for District Committeeman that flot a single one of ýthese men bas in the past 8, yéars had any active part with any of the Republicani factionslu New Trier township and that they rep- resent just the type.of men who we must iniduce to take an active interest in the Party Pimries. and in he se lection of able candidtes to fil theparty offices, 1 do not hesitate to endorse Mr. Badge- row's. statement above quoted. 1 also heartily agree, with the. statement of Robert F. Koibe in Wu<'mETTZ Lirit. of March 5, 1936, that "This charge should n6t7.have been made by Genera Clinntn' unless it could be Proveii."1 So fatflot a: word or a line of, proof bas, been offered to sustantiate GeneralClinnin's statement. And yet'the same innuendo is contained in ail of Mr. Ëowler's cam- paignflterature. Cites Kinm Statement Now, referring to the statement made by Harry C. Kinne on behaif of Mr. Fowler, appearing in the Hollister pub-: lications of the week of March 12, under the titie "A Reply to Mr. Badgerowv,"ý and the statements madle by Mr. Sh!r- man M. Goble appearing ini the Hollister publications of the week of 'April 2 under the titie, "In Support of Mr. Fowler," Mr. Kinne in bis reply macle the follow- Clainu luaccuwaci.s This statement contains numerous ini- accuracies. It. is true .that Mr. Fowler supported ex-.sheriff Peter Hoffman in 1930 and that Mr. Ickes was then de- feated in bis attemipt to supersede. Mr. Hoffman, but Peter..Hoffian had ob- tained his' position with the Forest Preserve, according to the tiinekeeper's, report, in-January, 1927, three years be-. fore 1930 and four years before 1930 lie had been involved in the Druggan and I<ake scandai in connection with 'which he was commnitted> to. jail by Judge Wilkerson. If these tings were to furnishi excuses for Mr..:Fowler no longer to support Mr. Hoffman, bis sup- port sbould have ceased. several yeari, before 1930. It is further inaccurate to state that"before ýthe Primary of 1932 Mr. Ickes: souight to bring about elec- tion of a majority of the 83 precinct committeetfefl whô wbtrld support bis candidate Harold W. Snell, a precinct committeeman f rom Winnetka. Mr. Snell was flot Mr. Ickes' candidate. Mr. Ickes~' candidate was Lea Orr, whio lad, been Village Clerk of Wilmette~ and be- cause the writer refused to commýit hrm- self in acivance to support Mr. Orr, anid also in aid of maintaining his indepen- dence bad refused to pledge himseli in advance either for Mr. Hoffman or his former supporter Mr. Fowler, the \vriter trict in the Republican. ýssioner's dis- ounty CentralI in Wi<mIre iME, ueglllnmg inNo vember, relating to the newly created, the *LuUJ1 bringing abc' Dnof a (Continued ,on pIge 91). IRRY Se DITCHBURNE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR STATE'S ATTO.RNEY A .Cap, Who VOTE FOR vem ber DITCHBURNE WILLIAM F. WAUGH, Former First Assistant U. S. Attorney Front the report of Comnittee on Candidates of The, Chicago Bar, Associa- tion for Nomination o Stase's Attorney of Cook County, ft the. Prima,,y El... tion on April l4th, 1936. Datt0d-March 23rd. 1936.