f0 the National REPUBLICAN CON VENTION 'rmthe lOth Congressiona-' Distr"ct bu.. *luth DISTRICT YOUNG MENPS CLUB p lth DISTRICT PRECINCT COMMITTEEMENPS ASSOCIATION( *WOMEN'S REPUBLICAN CLUBS of Winnetki4 Glencoe and Kenlworth *WOMEN9S REPUBLICAN CLUB 0F EVANSTON Aad a large numnber of ther @rgaiitofls PRIMARY ELECTION ... TUESDAY, APRIL 14 chinie" was backing you ? Is it flot true that many of your original SUP- porters are now coxivinced you are seeking office to further your selfishi personal ambitions in politics, and have abandoned your carnpaign and pledged their support to Thomas J. Lynch and Governor Hornier? Yýou write you do not conceive it your duty toanswer every rumor cf the opposition, nor engage in an ailey fight. Do yofl do your fighing secret-. lyd yo u withh old pertinent lacts from the electorate, and are you-con- tent, to have "machine" stooges. tell county employees that they W'ill lose, . theirdaily bread, unless they, devotc their time to securin g a job for you, while, you make speech es and writeý letters to the effect that you .are flot seeking the job? By -oue wrtten and spoken words, you have made it pl ain that hontest and conscientious Democrats, having the welfare of the party at heart, and seeking tosupport. Prusilent' Roose- velt, have no other choice than to vote for. Thomas J..Iynch for Committee- man. Yours truly, Frank X. Maguire, Wilrnette, SAYS GARD~NER ELECTION PERATIVE April 6, 1936. and in this particular case we re- spectfully insist that the welfare of the Republicafi party and the.citizens of New Trier deiiands the election o f Henry A. Gardner as Township Comtetlf.Donold B. Lour 1 e Êditor, WîlMETTm LiÉE: In propaganda th at has been broad- castbY one of the, factions, in. the- present c .amrpaign for Republican Townshi Comitemfan însid- ious attemnPt.has been made to be- clouid the real issues by bestnirchiig' the integrity, ability and character of Henry Fowlerbeas of his means of earning a liveiod Let us f airly review. the circumù- stances.. Fwe eea Henry Fwe is a eta paving contractor and,, let it be noted, a capable one. A large.portion of his business extends beyond the ;confines of the State of Illinois, and his firmn bas recentiy fulirld large contracta in Minnesota, Iowa, Indiana, and Michiganl. SWe can only judge his future ac-* t'ions by his past conduct.. The record certainly does not show that he, or his firm, has profited in the past he- cause of his interest in public affairs, .1Impartiality .demands that al can- didates for. public office be appraiged> .by the saine standards. If those op- Posing Henry Fowler de sire to use. 1a mnan's business or profession. as one. standard, let us explore the situation con sideration, as uavy go uariy L the heart of the Gardner-Fowler contest for Republican Townshipý Committeeman, in which Mr. Thomp-' son urges the dlaimns of Mr. Fowler. Mr. Thompson searchingly ana- lyzes "this terrible thing, the 'ma- chine'," notes -that Methodists and Catholics, flot to say ants, bees and beavers, a,1l use it to good advantage, ~and fnds that '"humans should not a lawyer Most frequently corne in contact with our Circuit and Superior court judges ? (2) Would a ,paving contractor or a lawyer be in the better. position t influence a judicial decision? (3) Would a paving contractor or a lawyer be xuost likely. to 'benefit fi-nancially from a:-receivership or other court procedure ? Lawyers have not been so "ýhot" in helping select our judges. They have put the "kiss of death" upon more men capable of beng excellent iudLo'pc than ail the paving contract- miliar tactc 01 wni abL-------------- - -ilial...-la ; the practical politician to lui1 the Clark E. Nolan has committed him- ters into quiescefice by miniizing self from the start as absolutely ini- e importance* of the office, alhe-deen ,dent of any outside machine bile being busy trying to capture it. support and consequent domination. .nder. the. new, law; the New-. Trier (Continued on page 76) ""Hull Knows His W.y A round Washington"'