Offer Suggestions Suggestions for using the surplus money which. the township lias, ini- cluded. a prorata distributioni to the various taxinig bodies; use for re- lief. of- theý poor in the. towns5hip îiealth :work ,and milk. inspection throuighout New Trier. The question as to. the township's' authority to. spend the. moiiey' for any of the inidicated purposes was discussed :and finally referred to Township Attôrney 'Charles H. Jack- son, for an opinion., Str-ess. Relief Problem In discussing the relief problemn it was 'brought out, that there are be- tween 125 and. 150 families on relief it he township, and that should pénding legisiation do away with the Emergency Relief work and. thus throw the, load on the. township, it would be necessaryto Ievyý a 3 mniii tax for the purpose, unless provision cani be made to have the work taken over by the Cook county bureau of Public Welfare. To further this ob- ject, the following resolution ývas adopted: ~Resovedthat it is the consensus of this meeting that the Cook county Bureau of Publie: Welfare 'should con- tine. after May 1, 1936; to serve the township of New Trier as admï-inistra ti Ve agency for poor relief, in place of hav- ing relief administrationi thrown jupon the township> supervisor, and that. copies of this resolution be sent to our repre- senitatives ln the cGeneral Assen2bly urg- ing that they support this objective in ainy relief legiskatlon whieh nmay be con- the re-convened session of tIie legislature.-' Pendinig the outcome of the fore- going, a -special meeting of the Town board is to be held at the Village hall in Winnetka, Tuesday evening, May 5at 8 o'clock. The levy' of $4,O0O nade at thef aniual Town m eeting a'year ago for 1935, *vas cantce led, and' a levy of like anount for 1936 was voted, which ýalso later ivill be canceled in 'tlie event it is not required. i plain col- 0 Ir S, siripes mnd checks. $325 ond ail wool BlouseS, Tailored la ff.f a, with long sleeves $225 Bermuda Sports Shirt DRESSES *Refreshing Spring Shades Two-piecé Style, $1 .*75 Macdé in thes. colors Coral, Slcy M'ris Blue, Sun Dawn' Whit,C Cepu- cine Brown, Harmonize Your: CIQves With Your Sboes Do If Wifh Kays.r- Gloves $1 M.n's Neckwear s' Men's Munsing Union Suifs .. wilI remai _George, is day from pto Akron, Ohio. Their Richard Hurley, of Aron, àouse guest this week and 5 CMnsHnWhes..... 5 n 0 home for the Easter holi- FOUR DELIVERIES DAILY ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) i ) ) ) )