Vote in the .-Primary for JIENRY A. GARDNER £ndorsed b>' Mhe following citizena 0f New Trier Township K,,t,< ,.~c-c 4fthet ,ajitipafigilia,ça,t- filkanced by a large nutilber of IfflBiIl, IKUS;dIl onribtio~ oliiitatiiY ,made by endorsers of HIENRY A. G.ARDNER. Cook, Everett R. Coleman, W. O. Crawford, W. F. Cook, Leslie L. Caldwel H. W. Cah, MoiIon. D. Christy, A. L., Calkins, MNrs. Geo. Coonie), %Ir4. eo. T.. Conway-, BarretI Chase, Derwood Cherry, E. A Calisti, D. Conway, Louis R. Coolidge, John K. Carpenter, -Mrs. Benj. Cherry, W. L. Ewen, Wm. K. M. Edwards, Thomas Edwards, Richard Edwards, G. H. Ellsworth, D. H. Eckhart, Harold Eddy, Mrs. Elîz. M. Eberle, Emile G. Eddy, A. K. Everitt, Geo. Eckhart, P. B. Flack, Thomas W. Fanekboner, Gertrude Frarwell, Stanley P. Griswold, Jessie Crane Glraif, Everett D). Galloway, Dr. C. E Holst,. W. P. HobrtMr.& Mrs. R. .Holden, S. S HawleY, Melvin 7.%1 Hinnian, Sturtevant Hilgendorf, Geo. H.' Hold'en, ÈRoyal Hawxhurst, Ralph R., Harris, B. H.. TUI Hulswit, W. H. 1nt. ,êT T. L..Jr IWeii over 100 politicai jobs are at the dis- posai of the Republican Township Com- mhitteeman of New Trier. LJnder law passed last summer, he appoints 31 precinet captains. H Fe appoints, the precincet judges and Cierks "of election for bis -party. in a. campaign -year such as this, he se- Iects a large number of the workers paid out of campaign funds. Since.he is also a 'member of the County Central Comnmittee, representing the Re- publican. Party, for a :community witb 40,000 population, be bas mucb additionial influence 'and patronage. Thé Most Potent Local Office Noother local officiai bas anywhere near as much politicai power as bas the Town-. ship Committeemlafi. From the point of view of the politicai bosses, he is tbe most important figure nrmn alot. Since the oiffice is so important to the bosses, it is doubiy important to .you. We have. for- years1 successfuily fougt to keep the machine politicians .of Chi- cago and Cook County out of ourvillages. A Township Committeemanwho0 is con- troiied yte county machhioliticians can open the gates ofour villages to thrn. Oniy a Township. Committeeman. who is not controiled by theni, can keep our gates ciosed tô. them. Dedicated to thé, Defeot> of the New Deal Henry ýA. Gardnerý is the .harmony candi- date who. wil unite the Re-publicans of New Trier for the defeat of the New Deal. He is wholly f ree from C'onflict 'between personal business suçcess and politicà.l duty. He is wholiy f ree f rom control by county_ machine politicians. He is wbolly f ree from factionai influ- ence. He is a man of outstanding ability and experi ence. Witb Henry A. Gardner- as Republioain Township Committeeman for New Trier* the Chicago bosses and machine pâli- ticians wilibe conpletely balked i their renewed, effort to seize control of our vil.- GaaardOPur Gofset on Tuesdoy Be' sure to v ote onTusd1 iToo many v 1otera have feit that as long as thâey1 vote in the regular November electioni they are- fot interested enough to vote in the. priniaries.. That is why the bosses instead -of the peo- pie theni selves control -communities ilke. Chicago. In the primary you nominate your party's candidates, but you eiect your party of- ficiais. The only party official for. whomf the new iaw now permits you to vote is that of Township Committeemanlf. Be sure to go to the polis on April 14 and vote f or Henry N4. Gardiner. Short, Jeffrey Wagflet', Mrs. F. - - ~ ~T tX Olds. Mis. Agiles R~ckwell, T~,eo.'.. ~' W~kox. Lee A. hardy, Frances 11.. Lôeker, AirS. 14. hall, 'Edw. B~ barnaOfl, Warren A. Murphy, Carroil D.. Milleî', Mrs. I~Iary Langfitt, Porter J*. Oleson, John P. Patter.SOfl, Alex. ~. 1>epdletofl, A. H. Richards, Helen Roberts, Eiizabet~l MecrkstrOth, Bertha A. 8teinwedell, Wrn. Swafl, James D. Randali. Clarence B. Smith, H. L. Warfte~1, Wm.S. III Wees~<H~rrY E. Susà.n P. Straub. W. F. Wilder, Har~ld Howe, La.wrenlce ives, E. L. Irwin, Dave D. Johnston, . Edward R. Jacobs, WhiPPle johnsoI', Ml-a. Stewart la.cobtsoni, John Johnsonl, Carl W. Johnson, Ellen> jordan, 1. C. Johnson,. HomelH Jacmbs' , Mrs.Chas. K. Jones, Donald Jones, W. C. jansson, Henniilg LenrJohn R. Lewis, 1). W. Lonlg, MNr. and Mr$.,A Lobdell, Chas W. L.oiuCk, Vernon Mi%. Lockett. John. Lifldbloomi. Harry W.. Lourie, Donald B. LidaMartin litteil, C. G. l,.kngvorthy, B. F. MNaistroviCh, Mark Ntanierrle, John F., M%-eteaif, Harriet B. MNetcalfi John L. mattes, John MNoennig, Frank .NItKenzif3, Win. D. MaueCIlarence T. MNcCarthy, Mrs. D.. >MacFarlald, J. R. MacMorran, Wm. McNaxmara, %Ir. and Mrs. MeClary,. Geo. B. MapLeish. John R. Peatrce, Katheritie W. peyce, Armand H. Phelan, Francis E. Pope, Henri' A. P3icher, Mrs. Oliver S.. pope, Herbert Pa.ickaÉd, G. C. Poole, Geo. A., Jr. Petersen, JullsA Potter, Ralph F. Pirauxý, Jos. A., Jr. Plummer, C. L. Palmer, N. Chapin WPInes. .FE Rector,. M. D. Rýosis Harold J. Richardsoil, 1. H. Redfield, C. T. Rlsk, Mm .Julian da.y Ristow, ,R. 0. ReQua, Mr. &- Mrs. C. flitchie, oh Rtoglani, Mr. an& Mrs. scott, Robert L., Jr. Sedgwick, H. B. Stuart. John Schmltz, Mr. & Mrs. G. Stephens, Ueo. ýsmi-th1 W. E .9turtevaflt, J. C. Stur-tevant, ýAnneM. Spiegelhauer, Geo. Spafford, ILeolaý Starn, Mrs. Geo. C. Wataon, . m. C Wariler iY E.g Wannier, SFranlP. Wild, Varlnd Wilson, Mr.&e Mryn C Warrner, awoodg Weilder, Erskine Wilson,, Marion C. willls, FredéeC W else, R. J., Wyman, Mrs. C. L. Warren. Robt. P. ry C. l,, Jr. ies S rdow, Arthur H. oppenheini, Elsie B.. RgEZ Iii> 3)l--- AFRIL 9, 1936 WILMEBTTB LIFE 1. lu ..Il : Langi,.Uorqulý 1 .. . 'l ---l- 'ApRIL 19361,