ported, eIibits nave been listed froii several midwestern sta tes. Cash prizes.- will be awarded for the quiîts selected for their beauty and texture by the experts who will act as judges. Oneof the mostcolor- fui will be purchaseil by the pageant sponsors and presented to Mrs. XiII Rogers. widow of the famou.s Amenl- can coinedian., Entries for theý quilt contest, are to be sent to beadquarters À àat 185 North Wabash avenue. Chi-, cago. Associ.ated with, Mrs. Warner in the executive management of the ex- position are Mrs. C arey Culbertson, vice -president, and Mrs. Walter Del- atio Burr, secretary.. The sponsors a re for the most part officiais of leading .,omnen's organi- zations including Miss Myrtie Car- penter, president, Womiens division Church Federation; Mrs Edwaàrd Hines. president. Gold Star,,Mthers, Mrs. Elizabeth Koch,, president, Womn- en's Unjiversîty .ÇIulb of Chicago; Mfrs Edward J. Lehinan, president, Illinois Fèderation of Women's Clubs; Mrs. George A Mý,cCorkle, president, Schiool Children's Aid: Mrs. Julius Smnietaiika. president, .Polish Wom- ell s Organiizatioin; Mrs. John Van Waketnan, presidenit, Cook Cou nty Federationi of Woman's Clubs: Mrs. Ralph \Vebster, presiden.t, Chicago *Womnan's club; Mrs. Louis, E. Yager, l)residellt. State Federation of Music; Mrs. Walter W. Seymour, vice-presî- deit, National Federation of Wom- et's Clubs: Mrs. Paul Steinbrecher, president, Womeni's City clubi Mrs. Mary. Alexander Wall, past director, National Federation of Women's Clubs: Mrs. Eleanlor Everest Freer, fouilder American opera Associatioix; Mrs. Harry Hart, founder Mary Bartelme homes; Mrs. Otto Kerner, Mrs. Forest 'Ray Moulton, Dr. Julia C. Stràwi,:and Mrs. ILora.do Taft. Affong.the organizations which have *beenassigned booths are the Illinois, State Federation of Wonien's Clubs, State Federation of Churches, Wom- anis City club, Chicago Woman's club, i-111 W ain ti'S. ean, and The Nature Study achool is for garden club and non-garden club members alike, a smail registration fee being charged for the three-day session. The staff at the Morton. Arboretum, a .fascinating spot of many acres offering its beauties to nature loyers, Will conduct the school: 'C. G. Goci- sbalk, E. L. Kammerer, John GeM- ert, Mrs.I Raymond Watts, and Or-. pheus Schantz. The arboretum is* :within commutting distance. This school, a project i n adult educa- tion, takes place during, the observ- ance of Conservation week proclaim- ed by Gov. Henry Horner. Cooperat- ing in the Conservation week n'iove-ý mient are thegovernor, the. state con- servation committee and the state, public works committee. Seek Rummaqe Sale Bargains'. Guild Asks "Save Thursday anid'Eriday, April 16 and 17, and anticipate the bargains to be found when the Woman's guild of the Chur-ch of St. Elisabeth con- ducts its two-day Rum-nage sale," à~ the advice of the committee. In. the past very desirable tbings' have -beeni donated, such as cliascs longues, ice boxes, and other articles for the -home, in exceltent condition. and usable, but no longer fitting some particular scheme of decoration or perhapa being disposed of because of. the owner's change of abode. "Save those things you no longer. desire," the committee also urges, "'and give. theni to the Rummage sale."- Mrs.: G. Lyle Fischer will ar- range for their collection.if called at. lier home, Glencoe 569.. At J.wish Couneîit R. Broo kman, Mrs. T. F. Viethi, Mrs. H. Milis, Mrs. C. Anderson, Miss A. Meyer, Miss E. Meyer, Mrs. W. W. Martin, Mrs. C. C. Alexander, Mrs. J. H. Gibbons, Mrs. J. Traff, Mrs. E. B. Terrili, Mrs. W. G. Moore,, Mrs. John Do yle, Mrs. W. R. Vye. A group of girls will assist'in serv- iMg. Mrs.. Burt A. Croweý 234' Raleigb road, -Kenilworth,. entertained a four- sbme at bridge Thursdayý of last week in honor of Mrs.. Thomas' Coyne, who, is visiting, ber son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. T. R.oswell Coyniep 307 Woodstock ave- nue, Kenilworth. FASHION FLASHES Imported band-bloclced chintz bas been launched here. as a material for delightful suimmer evening gowns.. ItI is suitable for the lady'who demands exclusive cottons . .-.A cover-ali coat of organdie with an unusual collar arrangement, comnpletes the ensemble, nO ..Aoher successful mterial is a stiff mlli nery silk-li ke. grosgraià Fittedseamed bodices; exaggerated high waistlines; fitted hips and "um- brella". skirts are being. stressed (Florence, M33Parlk Aveu. lenea. La a;auma len«n. designer and stylise om. Me. N.ra& Sim.) Tida tte likt- eu, sui t and hat 'toitl& red auil blue 8Càrf 'are another ef t h e Or4iinal creations biy FLORENCE for the North 'SJore's Srnart- ly ýdressed( tvomen.. PinsLirws - Etopeoei.Hcmd EmnbroidetY C OMPLETE TROUSSEAUX at ftvy modest peices eu* No obligation for disP/lay at.yor home - just phone 548'RocosStvet : LLe'iaeQ3152 :: Gicaqo, Ittii inno