Brides to Carry Unique Bouquet A bridal ring bouquet of white sweet peas,,gardenàias and Mies of the valley Wascrid be Miss Virginia* Lois Weber, daughter--e-r. and Mrs.: Clar-' ence.. Weber oëf Evanston, when she became the bride'of j joseph Bishop'SWani, thé son of James D. Swan, 932 Lake ave- nue,, Wilmette, lat Saturday, evening.. The bouquet,, arranged: ona ring of white satin, vas exhibited at the Chicago flower. show last year, and is one of the first ýto be carried by a ýnorthý shore bride. Dr. Ernest Premont Tittie Perform- ed the ceremony at 8:30 o'clock at the First Methodîst church of Ev- anston. a small reception at the Georgian hotel foiiowing. Her wedding dress of white bridai satin was made princess style with a long train, long sleeves, and, a smali standing coilar of lace which forined a yoke in the front. A tulle veil was fastened to a smail cap miade of several rolis of white satin. Miss Mary Elien Boozer of Kenil- wortb, the inaid of honor, gowned in * tearose marquisette~, carried an arm bouquet of roses, bine sweet peas, andgardenias. The bridespxaids, Miss Eleanor Winter and Miss1 Martha Purnel of Evanston, and Miss Mar- * tha Weir of Abingdon, Iil., wore hyacinth blue miFrquisette and carried armn bouquets 'Qf pink and white sweet peas and bine delphinium. Al of the attendants' gowns were fash- ioned alike with. short steeves, wide bèrthas and full skirts. Theïr smali of -li-fcehatsý were of matching mnaterials. William Veeck of Hinsdale served * as. best man, and the ushers were * William MacNamee and Robert Read of Evanston, 'and James Swan of Del- avan, Wis.., a brother of the bride- of Wilmette. Tue Aluntnae met for sion at Mandel'. A tea at Shawnee Country club this Saturday at 3 o'clock given by Miss Dorothy Brooks of Wilmette, a mem- ber of her wedding party, wiil be the frtof -the entertaining, for -Miss Marion Ortseifen of Kenilworth,wh has set Saturday, June 27, for her marriage to Thomas J. Kane, Jr., son of Thomas Kane, -also of Kenilwortb. Miss Brooks, with Miss ,Josephine Reddy, of Lake Forest, cousin of Miss Ortseifen; Miss Viyyenne Mor- in 'of Wiimette, Mrs.. %Otis Ritch of. the. Edgewater Beach apartments, the former Loretta Janette, of Kenil- worth, and Miss Clara Lawier of Miami Beach, and Chicago,, will at- tend the bride as maids of honor. The 'bridegroomn's sister, ;M9iss Ca-, milla Kane, as maid of honor, Mrs., F. Heniry.Remien of Chicago,.matron of honor, 'the bride's, cousin, Jean Reddy, as flowver girl, and Billy Re- mien as ring bearer, compiete' the iist of Miss Ortseifeti's. attend4ants. Other parties for which dates have been set include the luncheon and bridge which Miss Reddy wiil give at the Womani's Athletic club in Chii- cago Tuesday, April 14, for Miss Ortseifen and her attendants. and the luncheoil on April 18, at which MIrs. joseph Joyce of Keniiworth wili be hostess. Last month the bride-to- be entertained at luncheon -for those who were to be her own attendants. The weddilng wÎll be a solemn high mass ini St. Francis Xavier church with the Rev. Bernard Brady officiat- ing. Kriete-Haven 'Wedd inc Day Wifl Be May 2, Miss Rav Violet Kriete, of Kenîl- worth will be married Saturda3r. Mav% 2, to Arthur B. Haven. Jr.. of High- land Park at the home of her par- enits-,-.\r. and M.\rs. George H. Kriete Mrs. Hiall arrutfl of table chairmaji. 3charge of Mesick of prizes, and etlça is the .recent vis itor ou& the north shore as Miss Sally Delilah Lee of Danville, whose eingagenent to James G. Cori, soni of Mr. and .1irs. 0. G. Corzs of [Vilmette, u'as anouknced at a luncheonii ast Satur- day at Coris hoipic wherc shc ias beeiz a guest. DanviIIe Girl, Fiancée of James G. CorIIs, W. Jess Lee of Danville, M1., an- nounces the engagem~ent of his daughter, Sally Delilali, to Jantes G. Corns, son of Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. ,Corns, 1121 Chestnut avenue, Wi,- mette. The engagement ivas made known, last Saturday at a luncheon given b. ,Mrs. Conus in honor of Miss Lee, %iho bas been their. houseguest the past weék. Other entertaitfing in honor of Miss Lee and Mr. Corns was a dinner party «Monday niglit at whicli Mr. and Mrs. Ervin D. Hintz- peter of, 224 Sheridan road, Kenil- De periurmed at 8:30u o clocic in the evening at the Church of the Holy Comforter by the Rev. Leland H. Danforth. Following there will be a reception. at the Darling resideýnce for the fantily, and moôst intimate friends. Dress Is Worn by Lauretta Anderson In. place7 of the traditional white wedding dress and veil, Miss Lauretta - Elizabeth An-ý derson, daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. M. Anderson, 1614' Elmwood. avenhue, Wilmette, chose for ber marriage last Sat-_ urd ay evening to Philip Alex- ander -Hamilton, son of Mr, and Mrs. John ýLeonardý Hamnilton, 412 Walnut street, Winnetka, a wcddinig gown of palest pink,.' The dress was fashioned of taffeta, and with. it she woré a tulle 'veil, ars1-o-'Tn adelicate shade of pînk. The veil was' fastened to the >hair with gardenias, and she carried «a, large bouqjuet of smali pink.rosebuds, and forget-me-nots. Spring flowers, palms, and cande- Iabra decorated the rooms in the Or- rington hotel where the ceremony was performed at 8 o'clock by> the Rev. George D. Allison of the, Wil-* mette flaptist church.. A reception folloived the ceremony. The bride's attendants were ail- gowned alike in blue taffeta, and car- ried bouquets of pink roses and sweet peas. They were Miss Anderson's sisters, Marcia jean and Susan., Miss, Mary Smith of Chicago, formedly of Wilmette, and Mrs. Carl Kavens of Chicago, formerly of Biooniington, EiL Mrs. Anderson, the bride's,.mother, wore a, dress of old rose chiffon with a corsage of violets, and Mrs. Hamil- ton uas. in flowered chiffon. Her flowers were white sweet peas 'and white roses. Mr. [(avens served Mr. Hamilt on. as best -man, .and the ýushers, ail from ;WÎinnetka, were Allen Stults, J'ohný Milton, and John Struggle.s. The bride and bridegroom are mo- toring to California on their wedding tnrp. Upon their return about May 4, they wiil make their home in lRave ns- wood in Chicago. iinotner party for Mr. and Mrs. Richards was a miscellaneous shower given on April 4, by Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Davies, 1219 Ashland avenue, Wiim ette, and the Misses Helen and Jane, Holden of Kenilworth.. The shower was in the form of a:treasure hunt.