see th Loyol, noon; er- 1 son, an Wl.. Americau Titi. Last year the public gasped at Bar- nas nprecedented control, bis nmir- aculous backhand, bis grace and agility. FHe demonstrated, realistically * why nropean was so far ahead of the American- standards of play. Those: wbo bave, neyer seen * this champion perform, have missed one of the greatest sporting thrills..of tthe present -day. He. bas been world champion six timeés, and bas beld sev- eral times tbe .championships of al the major couintries. Only Iast week- end àt Philadeiphia hé added the. American championsbip to bis long list of, tities, being the first foreigner ever to bold this title. Bring Famed Englishman With Barna and* Glancz will be. Ar-. thur, Haydon, tbe Ieadinig English player, wbrô will, be tnaking bis first Chicago appearance. Altbough small' in stature, I{aydon is one of the mnost severe and nxost accurate bitters i the game. He uses the sc-called "shovel shot,'" which aids him in im- parting terriflc top spin to bis drives. European experts rate Haydon as the' leading offensive player of the world;' and bis encounter .with Barna should provide an exciting and bigbly color- fui match. The United States Table Tennis association is largely responsible for bringing these outstanding world players to. America. The exhibition at Lovola gym is sanctioned by the U.S.T.T.A. and the Illinois Table Tennis association. Reserved seats fQr botb. the afternoon and evening' sessions are now on sale at V. L. & A., 33 S.. Wabasb, Chicago. Christian Science "Unealty"was the subject Lesson-Sermon ini AIlChurcl Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, A~ The Golden Text was. , of the* hes of Lril S.. Mr. .and Mrs. Lawrence H. Dudley, 414 Warwick road, Kenilworth, had as their houseguest of the last week, Mrs. William J. Fenton of Grand Rapis. Mns. FentonI is.a sister of Mr. Dudley. I SERVICE 0 S.ind ini the coupon for the interesting bookiet, "Modemn Business Adopts the Teletype- writer," which describes how this modem, high-speed in- strument helps to step up your organizati ou's production powe r and, to make efficienxt unit! it a smooth runing, rapid ie You *ill,:find actual working Plans whicht but a few years ago, would have seemed physical impos- sibilities, There is no obligation. Get your copy today!1 Cali our Business Office or send in tthe coupon! ADDÈESS ININNOBEDLL TULNEOME COMPANY*