PREPARE TO STEAL THÊ SHOWý EASTER MORNING, When these smart young, folk join in the parade on Easter morning they're 9goî'demand more than their share of attention. Their brand new'Out- fits froni Fièld's Evanston Store are desined. to stand out.-even in sucb a brilliant>event as Easter on the Nortb Shore. B igthe 'Chi*ldren Iii on. Their Holiday--F rîday Trhis pair can be: justly proud - their'suit and dress arc custom mnade of imported dimity. Careful detaili and lace- ruff les make them daift- ty as can be. The dress- es, 2 ta 6, $7.« - the suits. 2 to 4.,$6.S Thèe.Gifts Dellght t1h. The. popular régulation style coat with a detachi- able -linen collar. This anecis an ianported Folk- mte deviat wîth bas buttons and full lining. 2 ta 6. $W&75 Were Desgmm.d to Children, .onlEaster, A scooter for out-of-doors play days. AiU steel framie, 8-inch wbeels and parking stand -finished in black and red. 85c. A printed kapok-filied bunny in light côlored prints. He is 25 inches high-41$. The red wvagon has an ail steel franie and. 8-inch wheels. Ih bas the new heavy steer-. ing gear assembiy. $5 A Nice BIg SaIIeeU for LEster WIII .1 eGlvem to Children VisIîiug Ithe Second Fg.@r on FrIdoy and Saturdoy WiLMBTTE L IFI