s w w .THESE TWO EXOTUC NEW GOWNS ARE TRULY, INTIMATE GlFTrS This cxquisite ne%, creation cornes ini a pleasing array. of plain colors--flamningo, seaspray, miage blue, tearose, brow n. navy and darker sbades. Ïrimmed to contrast with a velvet ribhoi bow and long stream- ers. Easter egg colors-nothing could be more appropriate as an Easter gift. L-ovely floral patterns on pastel backgrounds of pink, blue or white. The unusual neckline and cape shoulders have shirred ties. Sizes 32 to 40 - e xtra 1long.$.5 Beatifuily P<cked in, Eatr Git Boxes A LITTLE BOUQUET OF POSIES BECOMES THE MODERN THING TrO GIVE n PI k I T t ~êr k' '1 K- -4 APRIL 9, 1936; Fi» t FIuor-Ivauston Store. Gowms, Third FIooo 't. ýi 1