Cruisr Seaworthy Depe6deble Runabouts Noat Smart'- Fast Fshinig fots' A Wide Selecfion, SaliBoofs Staunch, ýNice to handle Pricesý $23.5Ô to $4,100« Our sales tactics are pleasing. Letsa 1mU 4fover any4fime, ave- ningsfao. .Cobb & Son .4lushorîed haler 615 EIm St. Te.*o1180 Lehie Photo A pleasapit featitre of thte Ajiterîcat; Legion Boxing sh1ow ai Howoard school gyna; lait Priday itight itvs the, presentâtion of a check for $45 fromn the -Pro- ceeds of the fights bi' Carl A., Peterson, (right), commander of Wilmette Poi, to JElter Becker, chairpian of the: Wilmnette chepter of the Americai. Red Cross, as a con tribuýtion toteird flood reief fuinds. About four hundred spectators, i- chudinig light fans and neoj>byts, shoWed [ CENTRAL-LAUREL I their approval of the Catholic Youthlia Organization bouts sponsored by.Wil-..I P . T .AI mette Post of the American Legion. Andy Scrivani and Hinar Thom-, Eitertainn,,e pif 7odoav light and middleweigbt champions, re- The Parent-Teac her association of spectively, of the Chicago C. Y. O., the Cuentra-LaureI ,,cboolç, bas select- easily upheld their reputations ,vith ed today. (Tbursday) to entertain al decisive victories over their opponients. the children of the *Central-Lauire Other bouts won by Jake Lampkins. schools at a party to be heid -in the, Tony Mortisi, Stanley Muczek, Tony Stolp gymnasium.- Gora, and Walter Balasa were more With Mr. Repoie's assistanice the, which is stili in active operation. Mr. Shipman was married in 1896 to Clara M. Richardson, wbo sur-~ Vives hlm, as weil as do their tbrce childre'n , Miss Elizabeth. Shipmian, *wbo lives at bomie, George :E. Ship- mani of Muskegon, Miich., and-Mrs. Lester M., Branch, the former Alice Sbipmani of Omaba, Neb. *Mr. Shipman, who was for 13 years amember of * the vestry of the Epis- cplchurch of"the Epipbany' inCh'- c ago,, bad served as vestrymanà and as senior wardeni of the Churcli-of the Hély Comf orter, Kenilwortb, for 25 years. He. was a. life I member of the, Hamilton club of Chicago,.,,. Funeral. services were'held iast Monday afternoon -at the Cburch ef the Hoiy Comforter, witb buriai .at Rosebill cemetery. Ann'ounce Weekç's Perm>iits as RecordedJ in Wilmette Building permits issued by the WVil- mette Building coinmissioner for the past week were as foliows: S. G. Robbins, 2120 Thornwood, avenue, brick veneer residence with, attached garage, $8,500. Architects, Quinn and Christensen; mason, Olof. Swenson; builder, Anderson & Com- pany. Shawnee Country club. alteratiéons, $1,000. Contractor, W. C. Huggnis: plumber, Glenview PIunibing corn-. iphysicai codito, were unusually ag- gressive"ant'd tbeir spirit cif good sports- nwibipwa~very conspicuous. The first four bouts were refereed, by Boxing Commissioner Packy Mc-1 Farland an4 tbe last four Jolhn Behr, Olympie boxing teai coach, wbo di 's- covered nriuch to bis surprise that bie is, a great favorite ainong local sp(rtsne-. Jack Eider, of the C. Y. O. did an ex- cellenit jobi of announcing.. pran nînai rîuej UC J. J.Downey, 221. l8th street. resi-, watch.dence, $9,000. Architect. IL. G. Mc- Three performances are to bc giwell Namara; mason, J. J. Downev: today. The first at, 10:15 o'clock for plumbing, E. R. Norm ani Naine'Of ail the littie cbildren: the second owner not given. at 11 :15 o'clock for the fourth. fifthl George Turner, 1019,Ashiand:ave- and sixtb grades; the third at 2 nue, garage, $500. Ar chitect.I. . o'clock, which the seventhi and eighth Yost; mason, N. B3. Place. grades will attend. Mrs. Alfred E. Viole. who bas beei Ruosts Sa! etv ýspeniding the winter with ber daugh- The safety chairman. Mrs. H-oward! ter, Berenice Vile of 114 Third Miller, is co-operating. ni every way street, bas returned to her home in -I * Wnetka, have been home about .teti days froin Floricla where they spent Rugs six or seven weeks. They were stay. itxg at Pass-a-Grille on the west. ENUE coast. I l. -mi 1- Princess Lana kil.,, and her groîq, of dancers and perform<ers, z£411 preseiýd a prograin of South Sea native customs, in a lete fit entertainnment to bc held at Highcrest school, Wednesday eieing of next week. Herbert Kusmerb, fIlinoais road, is preside'nt of t/hellighcrest P. T. A., un-ider whiose dus pices the bene fit is being givea,, uhile Mrs. Jase ph Reagan, Loc.ust rondis chairian! of t/te commiittee îj» chargef. Our 44th Importers of 14 .WABASHIAVE