Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Apr 1936, p. 26

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TEL PROPER E POSTURE Gel . id of Mto OUd GoNd, ond Silver' It aight buy aLnew bracelet, balg or bonaiet . but mot Whule buri.d i thiebureau. We Will Givee You *a Reliable Appriiisal and, Biiy Ver Dis- carded Watcbes. Out-of-Style Jewelry and Unused Silver for Cash. C. D. PEACOCK JEWELERS SINCE 1837 St *a Monoe @Palmr lieuseCoir. )3eatrice MaY Levinsýo;I, 106-1 Spmuce .Street, Witinetka,, wasliste amzong th e students recei%4tlg r ecog- *iit.îon for high. scholastic achieve- mient- for Iast semester at North- wvesterni. _ POSTWONE MEETIN4G The meeting of St. Francis bouse- hold, Order of Martha, scheduled for Monday, April 13, bas been post- poned, and there will be. no other meeting until further notice. Ludwig Skog, 'Jr., 135 Seventeenth street, is home this week-end f rom the University of Illinois where he is a meniber of Phi' Kappa Ps fraterpity. cover seyerai subjects, including the.eon- nervation of, bird life, attracting birdi du ring the migration seaison, providing food. the value of birds -te .agrIculturiets ln destroying Insects, and the éenmles of biirds.), The following -suggestions for, mx-- miediate action are directed to those Who desire ýto enjoy ýthe presence of biris, this year: (a),. Erect, bird houses now, for'the migration seanon Is on and our feathered friende *Ill be nesting soen. Clean ôu t and repafr eld houmes. (b) Resldentsi haVing homesbordering the Skokle vailey should uËe .txtremc care when they burn old grass along property Unes. If thé tire is -permitted te burin under the bu8hes and shruhs nmuch bird sheiter may, be destroyed, and If' the lires are started after-the birds bavîe bulit their Jiests many of- the ground and qhrub nests are destroyed. Proteet Bird Life One of the -major efforts of the Izaak~ Waltoli 1eaguie is the protection of bird life and for several years the Winnetka Chapter bas had a special Bird commit- tee, with Dr. Davies Lazear as chairman, which bas rendered most valuable serv- ice. This committee bas erected bird feeding platforms and shelters at the Walton "Cabin ini the Woods," alnd many times eacb winter wben the ground is frozen and blanketed with spow and the natural food for birds is scarce. men.. out the land tbat our birds are going to, have a more dificuit struggle for exis- tence. However, there is a brighter side to this picture, for we bave beeiv assurèd that much of this redeveloped Skokie. area %is to be set aiide as definite bird, sanctuary. As this work nears comple-, tioni it wlll be the obligation of the Bird comniittee of the Izaak Walton league to. te~ on the job, and see that the "birds get a square deal in the Skokie." Muelài Ado About Nothing?. Quite pften. men and women wbo seriously ýplead tbe cause, of bird con- servation are -smiled at or their efforts aespoken of lightly: It is always those wbo are flot informed wbo tbink that tbere is mucb. ado: aboutnotbing. and continue .their indifference toward bird 11f e. Fortunately, however, the United States Department of Agriculture, through the Bur eau of Biologcal' Sur- vey, bas corne to the rescue and for nýiaiiy years bas been conducting tborough and' scientific studies of birds and their at- tacks upon insects. Aniong the inany bulletins. published for distribution to the public the following are especially worth wbile. Write to Superintendent of Documients, Government Printing, Office, Washington, D. ' C.. for. copies., Washington, D. C., for copies. Bulletin No. 506-Food ýof. s0n u eil known birds of forest, farni ail garden. Bulletin No. 630-Somie common birds, useful to the farmer. Bird Houses should be cleaned out eachl seasennd nnur kthe. time to do fatalities during cold win ter weather arc largely due to tbe lack of' food Nwbich keeps tbeir bodies warm.i-and not f rom Iack of shelter, snow and cold winds. There are mnany amiong our nortb shore b)ird loyers. who bave reg-retted seeing the cbanges wbich are taking place in tbe Skokie valley. Tbey know that many of the birds wbicb bave found, shelter and food in this înarshy wild grass land are moving to other areas, son if the houses have had a few weeks. out in the sunshine, wvind and ramn hefore thiey are inspected by the inating birds. The bouses ipost popular along tbe North Siiore are those for. tbc wrens, woodpeckers',, blue-birds and, martins. (The last two mentione&req-uire mucb open space.). The bouses, should be substanitially, constructed and those; miade of wood,.especially of cedlar witb; bark attaclued, are preferable to those of metals,, roofing and composition mua- the 1 Jo HiYLAr M0 DAVIS STReET EVANSTON TU HE, RIDGE VIE W I Maple Av. t Main St., EVANSTON 0o Elmer Erickson is visiting bis par- ents, Mr.,and Mrs. Ben Erickson, 215 -Seventeentb street, during bis. Easter vacation from the University of Illi- nois. 13ET TER p ouipp p- -- - - ----

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