FOR tounaJon oelore you ouy 7057 Spring closhes. Dos yor corset reaIly Improve your figure? t ean, you know. The. rlght = ret oea mucli more than holdaa bitorimulus fnb lul. Tt moulds the ,fiure, riestrlbuten the flesh Into the smnart lUme of gaalon. You must bave the I L Iriglit eornet t o woar the iiew Sprlng suits. Let Our expert ftters Howard Hindley, 1035 Lake ove- ilue, Wilmeite, il oll- thelist 0o! stU- dents ai 'Norihwesîern unnivcrsity whlose grades ranked iheminii the îqpcrtitost lent/i of, their classes for the Pasi sem ester. Mos quit o District Cgts Taxes; Foresee A nother Reduction The North Shore Mosquito Abate- ment district at its annual meeting. on March 26 reduced the tax levy for the year 1935 50' per cent, thereby cutting the tax rate in haîf, making it two cents on each $100, and, it is - announced, a similar reduction is, anticipated in the 1936 levy., The cost per capita, according to a report of PresidentJohn T. Booz, *from the year 1932 to 1935 inclusive, that the' district covered. ivas 16 cents a year. *The 'district, the 'report shows bas handled its woîk on a cash basis carefully and economically planned,. It now finds that it is fully three and one half years abead of the. original estimate' of the time to complet e the *permanent work and leave only.the question of maintenance and repairs. [t is believed, the report, states, such ,work wil be 90) per cent comipleted b3y December of this year. The dis- 'trict shouId then be operated on ap- proximately $20,000. a yeai, Presiderit tain headquarters at 546 Chestnut street, next to the Winnetka postof- fice, for one day, that of the prini- aries, April 14. The headiquaîters will be open from 7 until -5 o'clock, and the telephone nuMber, Winnetka 410,'wil be used. These headquarters will. be 'open for the purpose of giving information. Ballots, with the recommendaions of the Woman's Repub.lican Club, of Winnetka' will be available at the headquarters and at the polis. Mrs. H all also reminds the voter that if he is', not 'registered, he may vote by affidavit if he bas been in his pîecinct, for tbirty days, the county for ninety days, and the, state for, one year. This week a great many teas are bei ng given by the precinct'cbairmen of the club for, the purpose of. in- struicting the block workers.' Assist- ing Mrs. Wàldo Gundlach and Mis. *Benjamin F. Harris, co-chairmen for Precinct 6, are: Mrs. Leroy B. Ilam- mond, Mrs. Francis H.' Hardy, Mrs. Richard Walsh, Mis. J. H. M. Clinch, Mis. Albion S. Webbe, Mis. Minier Sargent, Mis. J. Horton Faîll, Mis. Clarence Lineberger, Mis. John H. Dingle, Mis. Dean Hole, Mis. W. J. Jackson, Mis. V. J. Killianl,,and Mis. E. K. Lundy. Assisting Mis. Nathan Davis 111 in Precinct 7 are: Mis. Dorothy 1 ;,,ri1àA : Mrc , WLA ri ALLer4ja, ÂVAA . . *Aansi~i, jr., Mis. N. B. Dawes, and Mis. Edwin Smnith. Assist in Proclnet. Eight Mi\ls-. Venon Welsb. bas asesisting' ber in pîrec.inct eight: Mis, -Everett Thatcher,, Mrs. Lahman V.. Boweî, Mis. L. T. Wallace,% Mis. G.ý I. Baily, Mirs. jack Taylor, Mis. Paul Mac- Queene, Mirs. Herbert White, and Mis. N. C. McKay. William Moflett, Mrs. Albert Gjard-,ý ner, Mrs. Sanborn Hale, Mrs. Carl- J,. Easterberg, Mrs. John D. Srnall, Mrs. Albert King, Mrs. Clarke Kea- tor, and Mrs. Guernsey Nevius. Assisting Mrs. Robert Butz in Pre- cinct 13. are Mrs. Edwin T. Schild- berg, Mis. .Arthur Dean, Mrs. Wil- liam Forrest, Mrs. T.-R.. Benson., Mrs, Ernst" C., vonAmmon, Mrs. Harold Wilder, Mis. Daniel Ells- worth,- Mrs. Sue I. Dodd, Mrs. julius Towle, and 'Mis. Chester D. Mat- thews. Mrs. Eben McNair's assistants, in Precinct 14 are:- Mrs. W. F. Coale, Mrs. P.. S. Smith, Mrs. -J. R. Bruce, Mrs. R.M. Jae ger,'- Mis. D. K. French,,Mrs. J. C. Best, Mrs. . E. Mehîhope, Mrs. H. B. McKenzie, Mis. J. C. Nevins, Mrs. 'M. A. Cook,. Mrs. .I. C. Keller, 'Mrs. J., R. Davis, Mrs. A. E. Bryson,- Mrs. J. R. Darby, Mrs. J. R. Gibson, Mrs. Lee. Walker, Mrs. S. H. Clark, Mrs. F. J. Duncombe, Mrs. M. H. Bamnes, Mi's. N. B. Pallat, Mi,. J. L. Bennett, Mrs. E. B. Hilton, Mrs. E. A. Anderson, Mis. W. F. Saîle, Mis. Edward Erickson, Mrs. H. D.- Frank- el, Mrs. A. Alexander, Mrs. É. R. Cogswell, Mrs-; M. H. Riley, Mrs.ý Tollef Simonson, 'and Miss Katherine French. work With CO -ChirmtNà Mrs: jobhn Ott and Mrs., A. C. Goodricb, co-chairmen of Precinc t 15, are assisted by: Mes. Jamés . Uodtrey iAricm, Mis. Samuel Mc- Caulley, Mis. Kenneth Curtis, Mis. Paul Keller, Mrs. Ira Wilson and Mis. T. L. Hughes. Assisting Mis. Alfred Taylor and Mis. Samuel Rothe rmel, members large from -Glencoe, 'are: Mis C. ýR. Paîks, .Mis. James M. Sheldon, Mis. Arthur Olsen*, Mrs., H. .P. Thuiston, Mis. T., Oliver Morgan, Mis. Edward Mack, and Mis; Olney Brown. Mrs. Walter Marx and Mis.-Percy, Sylvia -Newman- Ri North bMIclalga Avnue C]6oeg. Est. 18U TeL DeL M34 Ft. Lauderdale, FIa., where they stay- Mis. Montague Ferry bas assisting ed for seven weelcs. bei in Precinct il: Mis. Gustav 0G- Osten, Mis. Wallace Rumsey, Mis. 'Edward B. Rasmessen, Jr., 201 Golf' Glenn Coulter, Mis. Emôîy C. An- terrace, is horne for bis Easter vaca- drews, Mis. George McKinney, Mis. tion from the Univerity of Illinois J. C. Stevenson, Mis. joseph Royal, wherebeé'is, a junior. Mirs. Willis Hilpeit, Mis., Max Mur- -wt.. Miss 'Caroline Calloway is home from the University of Illinois to spend several days with her parents, Mi. and Mrs. . . G. Calloway,, 920, Linden avenue., ý' T4in;zial Tt, ' 1