r-lswe . .. OGeta OW# Perm nanent at ~V*Vn$ Buy .Salon (à By o".Kenilwth54 ~~~~~' oprWa~FI4y evmgs by a».îilusen ChIp. ýLemoe. ou ad VoulMa45c RguIa 60c valu* (QUART) PEACOCK*'S E Sf.. Evantfon ity 4700 Sacimal Prices O ARMSTRONG TIRES 4*40x21 a .e se $5039 * 4*75x1 9 . ee. e* ea $6*20 5.bOxl 9 . ee ee9 ee$6.73 S.23xl8*S * ....$7.50 Oh.r Siabs Proportiono*ely Low TE OU1L W EL L hi" S*eel aeLinde@ Avenue Phn. Wlhtte 3334 cMUvaco flAVWCU&Nu YIT T *Robiertson, whose homne as at 850u Sheridan road, Glencoe. Show Paaachie No.-Offset Procesa In the pressroom visitors wil sec ini operation an installation designed' to prevent smudging of printed' sheets.. Every press has been equipped with. mechanical guns 'that, shoot a fine spray> across the surface 'of freshly-printed sheets. The operation of this system-ýknown ;as the Paasche No-Off-set Process-wil prove to be _________________________ ailoe of the niost interesting features of Open House. The installation in Mofet hoothe- Lloyd Hollister plant- is one of Ralph Clark tU1Ii Play the role of. feu, such complete. installations in. the King of Heartsis j 'Alice fj» the Chicago area, and is the: only one Wonerlnd, oîe o thee îav to in Cook county-outsîde of the.city. Wondeean," ne ofthee.plys o The systein lias siever before been l'e tresented bv théc Betty Brot-i exhibited to the genzeral p#ublic ini aey> Ph£nyerç Sattirday, aftem~oon at thse 1f Jf'onat's Club of Wilmnette. ýThe rnechanical operation. of- the process is extremely interesting. It works automnatically, wiith extrem.e. Rotarilans Arrange precision, and details will be fully T~t'±.... I ~± explaîned by attendants. The Paasche Inter.C.iay MeeinUfg system *as installed by Lloyd Hol- The Rotary clubs of Wilmette. lister Inc.. at considerable expense Wînnetka,. Glencoe, Highland Park. after careful investigation of several and Deerfield wil hold their annuallprocesses. It. includes a comiplete lpter-city meeting Thursday vntir'1 ventilating system that draws off, the April 9, at New Trier Tow esi n. h xcss mist discharged from the gunsi school. leaving the air clean and fresh. Arrangements for the affair. which ThIav.nIO< by Wilmutte Mau will include dinner and entertainanent. Th e Paasche No-Off-set Process is, are being supervised by an exct:f h invention of a Wilmette man, committee including Harry Herron of Jens A. Paasche of 310 Greenleaf the Newu Trier High school facultv:- aveniue. Mr. Paasche is also the in- Wesley L. Brownof Wilmette. also v'entor of the Paasche Air Brush, of New Trier; William Brandt, Wi«-used extensively in the automotive netka: H. L. Woolhiser. Winnetk'av and lindred industries ta apply color Lloyd Hollîster, Wilmette: and, J.R. to finished products, and by artists. Harper. Wilmnette~ In addition to the Paasche Process, Presiderits of the co-operating newv presses wilI be seen in operation. clubs are R. L. F. Biesemeier, Wil- Since last Open House considerable mette - Dr. H. A. Orvis, Winnetka. obsolete equipment has been replaced George W. Tapper, Glencoe; Lewis by newer, faster and more efficient B. Sinclair, Highland Pari,, and Carl machines. These replacements1 in_-ý Bates. Deerfield.r clude oune large cylinder press, two Members of the Chicago Rotarymechanical feeders and two fast: club wvho reside on the north shore. automnatic job presses-the newest wniil also be irnvited to participate in machines of 'their kinid on the market. the event. It is interesting ta note that these 1 . installations, totalling thouisands of ATTEND TUE bDING IA00bi at New Trier ct is a senior 001.