41 apartnentu. an5d UUUiOéýUU uuauagu. Personal seice assuresbeet.terme. -W,,R. MITCHELL. Glencoe 809 central '1661 127A-LTN48-4tp HOMEILOANS. LOANS ON NORmsitHHoRE XHOMES. Borrow Ulp to 60% of vaue. CMnven- lent monthly repayment.,fplan over 5 to 15 yeays. TalA1 detAils by Inquiry atTiMret Federal Baviflg and Ljoan AssoiatiOn Of. Wllmette. ,Mr. Cifton, Becretary. 1137 central Avenue, 1Wllrnette 803 » *ILLTIRA DE UNEMCUMBERED 2 apartmeftt buildlng ln Rogers: Park vlued at- $14,0600.00 intoday's *market fer well locatcd lear residence on North Shore Of equal valuation. For details ailreu ILL.Storch, Palmolive. Build- làrm Chicago. 18T4- .maentueI. MAi9ç. woy. pm; jrine btreez Winnetka 1484. 129LTN48-ltp PABONABLE-ENTIRE PURN. O? 5 room bouse, JncA.-- sunporch met, gas range, and radio (long and short wave). Cail Fr1. or Bat. Wlnnietlca 2165. ______________________129LTN48-ltp, LA]RGE 1jcTHOR WASHER A N D RONER, A-1 CONDITION. *Priced rigi4 for.qulck turnover. Phone Greenleaf_4646. 12$LTN48-ltp ANTIQUE WAL. BED BOX BPRINQS, CONOVER UPRIGHT PIANO BOHN ICE BOX. 200-LB. CAPACITY. WINNETKA 2294. _______________129LTN48-Itp Household Furniture 21Church Road, Wlnnetka 129LTN -It CAS RANGE IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. VERY reaeonm.b4e. 2508 Thornwoo4 Avenue, Wllmette. ________129LTN4-ltp REBUILT WASHING MACHINES Borne as 10w 58 $15. DARBY BLECTRIC SHOP t02* Davis St., EVantiton Univ.'2830 129LTN4O4tpý Conover Dishwasher nearly new. $50 or best offer. Phone WlImetlte 870 91ELEC.1 of the N.orth Shore, Art league whn the April meeting is held Friday, April 17, ini the 'Studio, Conumunity I*ouse, Winnetka, at 8:15 o'clock, It will be a demonstration of Modern Trends in Interior Decoration" by Marguerite Taylor of, Wilmette. Uging'textiles, papers and furnish- ings, Mr#., Taylor will demonstrate how the interior can be built up into a harmonious whole-and at the same time, kep)t. in the modernat- mosphere the. new homes demand.. Another member of the ieague, Demonstration Pierre Jean Kinder, of Fvanston, will àpeak on the."Salesman and Modern Decoration." As aý designer of modern fumniture, Mr.: Kinder knows all sides of the problem, f rom crea- tion to the final use of the product. Tjhe walls of the studio W'111 be hung with a new exhibition.. Visitori ar& SUIT-8SHOiIS--OVERCOATS FUR COATS - PROMPT SERVICE Martin's C1othing Store* 742 Custer, Evansun LUni. 22210 Junk Dealer-Phil HIGHEST MARKET1 paper and magazines, 100 Ibn. Also buy furx. i ôld iron. Wlmette 572.1 Iunk Dealer-G ture ; René Lavenant of. Evanstom; president, of t he bcague, .oiîs; Hazçî Crowe Ewell of Ravrinia, oul portrait; Tomn Wilder of Ravinia, oi. Recesve Year Book Members of the league hve jup received their year book W hi is.7listedflot -only the calendâr Jw po- grains and class schedule, but abé. the narnes of ail memibers.., oficer and cornzhittee chlairmen., Ou'thé,( cover of this. booklet is quoted the following excerpt front the leagueo constitution,: "The object of. tlt League. is to create, an Art Center on the-North Shore and to develo' a.higher. appreciation' of art. Th1d it shall do through frequent art eX4 hibitionis, lectures and classes in thé appreciation, practice an& techniquW. of the arts. To carry out this pute-, poset kshali ôperàtè iwben pôsmîlfe~ with other groupa similarly organizeà to promote the cultural arts." Wilmette Students Win High Scbolstic R Ten Wilmette stiadents achievflg high scholastic record at Northwest- ern university during the first half of the current schooi vear. being rated Rare dld' melodeon (Chase, Syracuse) antee . jjL av.5v- nc"% $150;- beaut. wal. din. rau. suite. 9 PC$., 129LTNI fine co-nd. $195; 3 pe. silver tea service (Ilfetime) $50; rnany grand barge Ina &n Solid .Oak Dining Sel distinctive furniture, paintings, and rug--. 54-INCH TAýBLE# 6 CHAIRS. ]BU» For appt. ecaU Winnetka 2067. odcn.$.WiP 129LTN48-ltc on.$1.Wnutka 1953. i MODERN CL.ABSIC DINEI'TE TA 1lod '06 chairs, -white lesther. upholi MISCELLA.XEOUS ITEMSB C014PLETE RECONDITIONEDAND! 82 Temple Ct.' Winnetki the 1111- P. S. Venekiasen, 721 Ninth street; R. jacobson, 111 Garrison avenue; John Vye, 1135 Elrnwood avenue, en- rolled in the Sehool of Engineering; Howard A. Hindley, 1035 Lakce ave-' nue, enrolled in. the School of Conài. merce; Elizabeth Balhatchet, 72S Tenth street; jack Broad, 436 Tenith street; Walter Merrili, 1116 Green-~ wood avenue; Reinard Nanzig, 33$ WILIUTW 32 <IVITT 7Sl~ mivzàom 7317 WMLUBM32